- Velocity filter is not configurable. Velocity filter does not have a config to choose between latency and filtered output. CTRE has found configurable velocity filters to be less relevant, as the Kalman filtering produces reasonably smooth velocities while minimizing latency. Default setting is currently lowest latency. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Devices may disappear in Tuner under a specific circumstance. This issue may present itself if all the following are true: A device is being field-upgraded, there is a CANcoder vH on the bus, that CANcoder vH has ship firmware If all the requirements are met, then devices may disappear from Tuner once the field-upgrade is finished. The process to resolve this is to do the following: Power cycle CANcoder vHs with ship firmware, Flash CANcoder vH with latest firmware, Repeat until every CANcoder vH is updated. This only affects Tuner, this does not affect API. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Silicon vendor has announced a recent silicon errata that may prevent the CANivore from powering up. The workaround is to ensure CANivore powers up completely on robot power up by checking LEDs or verifying device connectivity through the Driver Station. Silicon errata suggests this affects a very small number of CANivores. CTRE is working with silicon vendor for a complete solution. Discovered by Supplier
- Diagnostic Servers built before July 19, 2023 do not support field-upgrading Pigeon 2 vers. S’s. 2023 Diagnostic Servers built before July 19th may report a InvalidCrfFileSzInvald or that the function requires API version 23.2.0 or greater. To fix this, update to the latest v5/v6 API. This only affects field-upgrade, other functionality is unaffected. Discovered by Internal Testing
- CANdi is missing simulation support. CANdi does not appear in Tuner when simulating, or the ability to set simulated inputs. This will be added in a future release. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Pigeon 2 may report magnetometer fault. Pigeon 2 may occasionally report a magnetometer fault in the self test. This will not affect performance of the Pigeon 2. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Pigeon 2 may report accelerometer fault. Pigeon 2 may occasionally report an accelerometer fault in the self test if it moves during startup. This will not affect performance of the Pigeon 2 as long these faults do not occur all the time. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Pigeon 2 may report accelerometer fault. Pigeon 2 may occasionally report an accelerometer fault in the self test if it moves during startup. This will not affect performance of the Pigeon 2 as long these faults do not occur all the time. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Pigeon 2 may report magnetometer fault. Pigeon 2 may occasionally report a magnetometer fault in the self test. This will not affect performance of the Pigeon 2. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Remote Sensor Data Invalid sticky fault occurs on first configure of remote feedback source. The first time a Talon FX is configured to use a remote feedback source, the Remote Sensor Data Invalid sticky fault trips. To workaround this, clear the sticky faults after initial configure of remote feedback source. Discovered by Internal Testing
- TalonFX velocity is noisy when using SyncCANcoder or FusedCANcoder with a large RotorToSensorRatio. This is not a regression, and it is typically observed with a RotorToSensorRatio of 30.0 or greater. This may impact the kD output in position closed-loop control and the accuracy of SysId characterization. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Talon FXS: Velocity Filter Time Constant is not currently supported. The velocity filter time constant configuration is not supported on Talon FXS. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Licensing fails with a CTRE_DI_FeatureNotSupported if caniv is too old. If Kickoff version of Tuner v1 was used to interact with CANivore, Tuner v1 places a too-old version of caniv CLI. This prevents CANivore licensing to occur after license-activation. When this issue occurs the bottom of Tuner X will show “Caniv Version:”. Workaround is to use latest Tuner v1 (connected to roboRIO) and poll for CANivores (which will auto install correct version of caniv). Or alternatively roboRIO can be reimaged with latest image, which will update the caniv CLI. We recommend CANivore users avoid using the Kickoff version of Tuner v1 (version Discovered by Customer Email
- Swerve Generator: Options popup is missing on macOS. This will be re-added in a future release. The option popup when a swerve generator project is in-progress is missing. This will be re-added in a future release. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Log Converter: Converting previous years hoot logs on macOS will result in a permission denied error. Converting previous years hoot logs on macOS will result in a permission denied error. Users can workaround this error by converting the log on a different machine, or using the command line tool at https://docs.ctr-electronics.com/cli-tools. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Self test does not work for Phoenix 6 devices on Tuner v1. Performing a self-test snapshot on a Phoenix Pro device results in the message “Self-Test on Phoenix PRO devices require using Tuner X.”. Use Tuner X for self-testing Phoenix Pro devices. Discovered by Internal Testing
- Tuner v1 cannot deploy temp diagnostic server to a roboRIO 2 that had its team number set by the WPILib roboRIO Team Number Setter. This is caused by a bug in the WPILib roboRIO Team Number Setter. Workaround is to use the latest Tuner X or re-set the team number using the roboRIO Imaging Tool. Discovered by Team 8728
- The Phoenix 6 CANcoder Sensor Range is displayed as a number. The Phoenix 6 CANcoder Sensor Range is erroneously displayed as a number instead of text. Refer to the API documentation for the possible enumerated values. Discovered by Internal Testing