001/* Copyright (C) Cross The Road Electronics 2024 */
002package com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can;
004import com.ctre.phoenix.CustomParamConfiguration;
005import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.TalonSRXPIDSetConfiguration;
006import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.LimitSwitchNormal;
007import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.LimitSwitchSource;
008import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.FeedbackDevice;
011 * Configurables available to TalonSRX
012 */
013public class BaseTalonConfiguration extends com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.BaseMotorControllerConfiguration {
015    /**
016     * Primary PID configuration
017     */
018    public BaseTalonPIDSetConfiguration primaryPID;
019    /**
020     * Auxiliary PID configuration
021     */
022    public BaseTalonPIDSetConfiguration auxiliaryPID;
023    /**
024     * Forward Limit Switch Source
025     * 
026     * User can choose between the feedback connector, remote Talon SRX, CANifier, or deactivate the feature
027     */
028    public LimitSwitchSource forwardLimitSwitchSource;
029    /**
030     * Reverse Limit Switch Source
031     * 
032     * User can choose between the feedback connector, remote Talon SRX, CANifier, or deactivate the feature
033     */
034    public LimitSwitchSource reverseLimitSwitchSource;
035    /**
036     * Forward limit switch device ID
037     * 
038     * Limit Switch device id isn't used unless device is a remote
039     */
040    public int forwardLimitSwitchDeviceID; 
041    /**
042     * Reverse limit switch device ID
043     * 
044     * Limit Switch device id isn't used unless device is a remote
045     */
046    public int reverseLimitSwitchDeviceID;
047    /**
048     * Forward limit switch normally open/closed
049     */
050    public LimitSwitchNormal forwardLimitSwitchNormal;
051    /**
052     * Reverse limit switch normally open/closed
053     */
054    public LimitSwitchNormal reverseLimitSwitchNormal;
055    /**
056     * Feedback Device for Sum 0 Term
057     * Note the FeedbackDevice enum holds all possible sensor types.  Consult product documentation to confirm what is available.
058     * Alternatively the product specific enum can be used instead (see below).
059     * <p>
060     * <code>
061     * configs.sum0Term = TalonSRXFeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder.toFeedbackDevice();
062     * configs.sum0Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice();
063     * </code>
064     * </p>
065     */
066    public FeedbackDevice sum0Term;
067    /**
068     * Feedback Device for Sum 1 Term
069     * Note the FeedbackDevice enum holds all possible sensor types.  Consult product documentation to confirm what is available.
070     * Alternatively the product specific enum can be used instead (see below).
071     * <p>
072     * <code>
073     * configs.sum1Term = TalonSRXFeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder.toFeedbackDevice();
074     * configs.sum1Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice();
075     * </code>
076     * </p>
077     */
078    public FeedbackDevice sum1Term;
079    /**
080     * Feedback Device for Diff 0 Term
081     * Note the FeedbackDevice enum holds all possible sensor types.  Consult product documentation to confirm what is available.
082     * Alternatively the product specific enum can be used instead (see below).
083     * <p>
084     * <code>
085     * configs.diff0Term = TalonSRXFeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder.toFeedbackDevice();
086     * configs.diff0Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice();
087     * </code>
088     * </p>
089     */
090    public FeedbackDevice diff0Term;
091    /**
092     * Feedback Device for Diff 1 Term
093     * Note the FeedbackDevice enum holds all possible sensor types.  Consult product documentation to confirm what is available.
094     * Alternatively the product specific enum can be used instead (see below).
095     * <p>
096     * <code>
097     * configs.diff1Term = TalonSRXFeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder.toFeedbackDevice();
098     * configs.diff1Term = TalonFXFeedbackDevice.IntegratedSensor.toFeedbackDevice();
099     * </code>
100     * </p>
101     */
102    public FeedbackDevice diff1Term;
105        public BaseTalonConfiguration(FeedbackDevice defaultFeedbackDevice) {
106        primaryPID = new BaseTalonPIDSetConfiguration(defaultFeedbackDevice); 
107        auxiliaryPID = new BaseTalonPIDSetConfiguration(defaultFeedbackDevice); 
109        forwardLimitSwitchSource = LimitSwitchSource.FeedbackConnector;
110        reverseLimitSwitchSource = LimitSwitchSource.FeedbackConnector;
111        forwardLimitSwitchDeviceID = 0;
112        reverseLimitSwitchDeviceID = 0;
113        forwardLimitSwitchNormal = LimitSwitchNormal.NormallyOpen;
114        reverseLimitSwitchNormal = LimitSwitchNormal.NormallyOpen;
115        sum0Term = defaultFeedbackDevice;
116        sum1Term = defaultFeedbackDevice;
117        diff0Term = defaultFeedbackDevice;
118        diff1Term = defaultFeedbackDevice;
119        }
121    /**
122     * @return String representation of all the configs
123     */
124        public String toString() {
125                return toString("");
126        }
128    /**
129     * @param prependString
130     *              String to prepend to all the configs
131     * @return String representation of all the configs
132     */
133    public String toString(String prependString) {
136        String retstr = primaryPID.toString(prependString + ".primaryPID");
137        retstr += auxiliaryPID.toString(prependString + ".auxiliaryPID");
138        retstr += prependString + ".forwardLimitSwitchSource = " + forwardLimitSwitchSource.toString() + ";\n";
139        retstr += prependString + ".reverseLimitSwitchSource = " + reverseLimitSwitchSource.toString() + ";\n";
140        retstr += prependString + ".forwardLimitSwitchDeviceID = " + String.valueOf(forwardLimitSwitchDeviceID) + ";\n";
141        retstr += prependString + ".reverseLimitSwitchDeviceID = " + String.valueOf(reverseLimitSwitchDeviceID) + ";\n";
142        retstr += prependString + ".forwardLimitSwitchNormal = " + forwardLimitSwitchNormal.toString() + ";\n";
143        retstr += prependString + ".reverseLimitSwitchNormal = " + reverseLimitSwitchNormal.toString() + ";\n";
144        retstr += prependString + ".sum0Term = " + sum0Term.toString() + ";\n";
145        retstr += prependString + ".sum1Term = " + sum1Term.toString() + ";\n";
146        retstr += prependString + ".diff0Term = " + diff0Term.toString() + ";\n";
147        retstr += prependString + ".diff1Term = " + diff1Term.toString() + ";\n";
148         retstr += super.toString(prependString);
150       return retstr;
151    }