002 * Copyright (C) Cross The Road Electronics.  All rights reserved.
003 * License information can be found in CTRE_LICENSE.txt
004 * For support and suggestions contact support@ctr-electronics.com or file
005 * an issue tracker at https://github.com/CrossTheRoadElec/Phoenix-Releases
006 */
007package com.ctre.phoenixpro.configs;
009import com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode;
010import com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI;
011import com.ctre.phoenix6.spns.*;
012import com.ctre.phoenixpro.signals.*;
015 *  Configs that directly affect motor-output.
016 * <p>
017 *  Includes Motor Invert and various limit features.
018 *
019 * @deprecated Classes in the phoenixpro package will be removed in 2024.
020 *             Users should instead use classes from the phoenix6 package.
021 */
022@Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
023public class MotorOutputConfigs implements ParentConfiguration
025    /**
026     * Invert state of the device
027     *
028     */
029    public InvertedValue Inverted = InvertedValue.CounterClockwise_Positive;
030    /**
031     * The state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or
032     * disabled.
033     *
034     */
035    public NeutralModeValue NeutralMode = NeutralModeValue.Coast;
036    /**
037     * Configures the output deadband percentage.
038     *
039     *  <ul>
040     *  <li> <b>Minimum Value:</b> 0.0
041     *  <li> <b>Maximum Value:</b> 0.25
042     *  <li> <b>Default Value:</b> 0
043     *  <li> <b>Units:</b> fractional
044     *  </ul>
045     */
046    public double DutyCycleNeutralDeadband = 0;
047    /**
048     * Maximum (forward) output during duty cycle based control modes.
049     *
050     *  <ul>
051     *  <li> <b>Minimum Value:</b> -1.0
052     *  <li> <b>Maximum Value:</b> 1.0
053     *  <li> <b>Default Value:</b> 1
054     *  <li> <b>Units:</b> fractional
055     *  </ul>
056     */
057    public double PeakForwardDutyCycle = 1;
058    /**
059     * Minimum (reverse) output during duty cycle based control modes.
060     *
061     *  <ul>
062     *  <li> <b>Minimum Value:</b> -1.0
063     *  <li> <b>Maximum Value:</b> 1.0
064     *  <li> <b>Default Value:</b> -1
065     *  <li> <b>Units:</b> fractional
066     *  </ul>
067     */
068    public double PeakReverseDutyCycle = -1;
070    @Override
071    public String toString()
072    {
073        String ss = "Config Group: MotorOutput\n";
074        ss += "Name: \"Inverted\" Value: \"" + Inverted + "\"" + "\n";
075        ss += "Name: \"NeutralMode\" Value: \"" + NeutralMode + "\"" + "\n";
076        ss += "Name: \"DutyCycleNeutralDeadband\" Value: \"" + DutyCycleNeutralDeadband + "fractional\"" + "\n";
077        ss += "Name: \"PeakForwardDutyCycle\" Value: \"" + PeakForwardDutyCycle + "fractional\"" + "\n";
078        ss += "Name: \"PeakReverseDutyCycle\" Value: \"" + PeakReverseDutyCycle + "fractional\"" + "\n";
079        return ss;
080    }
082    /**
083     *
084     */
085    public StatusCode deserialize(String string)
086    {
087        Inverted = InvertedValue.valueOf(ConfigJNI.Deserializeint(SpnValue.Config_Inverted.value, string));
088        NeutralMode = NeutralModeValue.valueOf(ConfigJNI.Deserializeint(SpnValue.Config_NeutralMode.value, string));
089        DutyCycleNeutralDeadband = ConfigJNI.Deserializedouble(SpnValue.Config_DutyCycleNeutralDB.value, string);
090        PeakForwardDutyCycle = ConfigJNI.Deserializedouble(SpnValue.Config_PeakForwardDC.value, string);
091        PeakReverseDutyCycle = ConfigJNI.Deserializedouble(SpnValue.Config_PeakReverseDC.value, string);
092        return  StatusCode.OK;
093    }
095    /**
096     *
097     */
098    public String serialize()
099    {
100        String ss = "";
101        ss += ConfigJNI.Serializeint(1422, Inverted.value);
102        ss += ConfigJNI.Serializeint(1425, NeutralMode.value);
103        ss += ConfigJNI.Serializedouble(1426, DutyCycleNeutralDeadband);
104        ss += ConfigJNI.Serializedouble(1431, PeakForwardDutyCycle);
105        ss += ConfigJNI.Serializedouble(1432, PeakReverseDutyCycle);
106        return ss;
107    }