CoreTalonFXSetControl(Follower) Method

Follow the motor output of another Talon.

If Talon is in torque control, the torque is copied - which will increase the total torque applied. If Talon is in percent supply output control, the duty cycle is matched. Motor direction either matches master's configured direction or opposes it based on OpposeMasterDirection.

Follower Parameters

  • MasterID – Device ID of the master to follow.
  • OpposeMasterDirection – Set to false for motor invert to match the master's configured Invert - which is typical when master and follower are mechanically linked and spin in the same direction. Set to true for motor invert to oppose the master's configured Invert - this is typical where the the master and follower mechanically spin in opposite directions.


Namespace: CTRE.Phoenix6.Hardware.Core
Assembly: Phoenix6 (in Phoenix6.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public StatusCode SetControl(
	Follower request


request  Follower
Control object to request of the device

Return Value

Code response of the request

See Also