FeedbackSensorSourceValue Enumeration
Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and
limit features. The default is RotorSensor, which uses the internal rotor
sensor in the Talon FX. Choose RemoteCANcoder to use another CANcoder on
the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID). Talon
FX will update its position and velocity whenever CANcoder publishes its
information on CAN bus. Choose FusedCANcoder (requires Phoenix Pro) and
Talon FX will fuse another CANcoder's information with the internal rotor,
which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and
bandwidth (note this requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANcoder was developed for applications such as swerve-azimuth. Choose
RemotePigeon2_Yaw, RemotePigeon2_Pitch, and RemotePigeon2_Roll to use
another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting
FeedbackRemoteSensorID). Talon FX will update its position to match the
selected value whenever Pigeon2 publishes its information on CAN bus. Note
that the Talon FX position will be in rotations and not degrees.
Note: When the Talon Source is changed to FusedCANcoder, the Talon needs a
period of time to fuse before sensor-based (soft-limit, closed loop, etc.)
features are used. This period of time is determined by the update frequency
of the CANcoder's Position signal.
Namespace: CTRE.Phoenix6.SignalsAssembly: Phoenix6 (in Phoenix6.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public enum FeedbackSensorSourceValue
type FeedbackSensorSourceValue
RotorSensor | 0 | |
RemoteCANcoder | 1 | |
RemotePigeon2_Yaw | 2 | |
RemotePigeon2_Pitch | 3 | |
RemotePigeon2_Roll | 4 | |
FusedCANcoder | 5 | |
SyncCANcoder | 6 | |