CTRE.Phoenix6.Signals Namespace

Signals namespace for Phoenix 6 devices



AbsoluteSensorRangeValue The range of the absolute sensor, either [0, 1) or [-0.5, 0.5).
AppliedRotorPolarityValue The applied rotor polarity. This typically is determined by the Inverted config, but can be overridden if using Follower features.
BridgeOutputValue The applied output of the bridge.
ControlModeValue The active control mode of the motor controller
DeviceEnableValue True if the device is enabled.
DifferentialControlModeValue The active control mode of the differential controller
DifferentialSensorSourceValue Choose what sensor source is used for differential control of a mechanism. The default is Disabled. All other options require setting the DifferentialTalonFXSensorID, as the average of this Talon FX's sensor and the remote TalonFX's sensor is used for the differential controller's primary targets. Choose RemoteTalonFX_Diff to use another TalonFX on the same CAN bus. Talon FX will update its differential position and velocity whenever the remote TalonFX publishes its information on CAN bus. The differential controller will use the difference between this TalonFX's sensor and the remote Talon FX's sensor for the differential component of the output. Choose RemotePigeon2_Yaw, RemotePigeon2_Pitch, and RemotePigeon2_Roll to use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting DifferentialRemoteSensorID). Talon FX will update its differential position to match the selected value whenever Pigeon2 publishes its information on CAN bus. Note that the Talon FX differential position will be in rotations and not degrees. Choose RemoteCANcoder to use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting DifferentialRemoteSensorID). Talon FX will update its differential position and velocity to match the CANcoder whenever CANcoder publishes its information on CAN bus.
FeedbackSensorSourceValue Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and limit features. The default is RotorSensor, which uses the internal rotor sensor in the Talon FX. Choose RemoteCANcoder to use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID). Talon FX will update its position and velocity whenever CANcoder publishes its information on CAN bus. Choose FusedCANcoder (requires Phoenix Pro) and Talon FX will fuse another CANcoder's information with the internal rotor, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (note this requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID). FusedCANcoder was developed for applications such as swerve-azimuth. Choose RemotePigeon2_Yaw, RemotePigeon2_Pitch, and RemotePigeon2_Roll to use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID). Talon FX will update its position to match the selected value whenever Pigeon2 publishes its information on CAN bus. Note that the Talon FX position will be in rotations and not degrees.

Note: When the Talon Source is changed to FusedCANcoder, the Talon needs a period of time to fuse before sensor-based (soft-limit, closed loop, etc.) features are used. This period of time is determined by the update frequency of the CANcoder's Position signal.

ForwardLimitSourceValue Determines where to poll the forward limit switch. This defaults to the limit switch pin on the limit switch connector.
ForwardLimitTypeValue Determines if limit is normally-open (default) or normally-closed.
ForwardLimitValue Forward Limit Pin.
FrcLockValue True if device is locked by FRC.
GravityTypeValue Gravity Feedforward Type

This determines the type of the gravity feedforward. Choose Elevator_Static for systems where the gravity feedforward is constant, such as an elevator. The gravity feedforward output will always have the same sign. Choose Arm_Cosine for systems where the gravity feedforward is dependent on the angular position of the mechanism, such as an arm. The gravity feedforward output will vary depending on the mechanism angular position. Note that the sensor offset and ratios must be configured so that the sensor reports a position of 0 when the mechanism is horizonal (parallel to the ground), and the reported sensor position is 1:1 with the mechanism.

InvertedValue Invert state of the device
IsPROLicensedValue Whether the device is pro licensed or not
Led1OffColorValue The Color of LED1 when it's "Off".
Led1OnColorValue The Color of LED1 when it's "On".
Led2OffColorValue The Color of LED2 when it's "Off".
Led2OnColorValue The Color of LED2 when it's "On".
MagnetHealthValue Magnet health as measured by CANcoder.

Magnet health as measured by CANcoder. Red indicates too close or too far, Orange is adequate but with reduced accuracy, green is ideal. Invalid means the accuracy cannot be determined.

MotionMagicIsRunningValue Check if Motion Magic® is running. This is equivalent to checking that the reported control mode is a Motion Magic® based mode.
NeutralModeValue The state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or disabled.
ReverseLimitSourceValue Determines where to poll the reverse limit switch. This defaults to the limit switch pin on the limit switch connector.
ReverseLimitTypeValue Determines if limit is normally-open (default) or normally-closed.
ReverseLimitValue Reverse Limit Pin.
RobotEnableValue True if the robot is enabled.
SensorDirectionValue Direction of the sensor to determine positive facing the LED side of the CANcoder.
System_StateValue System state of the device