StatusCode Enumeration

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:CTRE.Phoenix6.StatusCode"]


Namespace: CTRE.Phoenix6
Assembly: Phoenix6 (in Phoenix6.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public enum StatusCode


OK0 No Error
TaskIsBusy-100 Diagnostic Server is busy with another command.
CanMessageStale1,000 CAN Message is stale.
BufferFull1,006 Buffer is full, cannot insert more data.
InvalidDeviceSpec-101 InvalidDeviceSpec
PulseWidthSensorNotPresent1,010 PulseWidthSensorNotPresent
EcuIsNotPresent-102 Device is not present. Verify the device is connected and powered, and that the CAN bus is terminated.
CouldNotEnterBl-103 Could not put the device into bootloader mode.
CouldNotConfirmBl-104 Could not confirm the device has entered the bootloader.
CouldNotErase-105 Could not erase flash.
CouldNotSendFlash-106 Could not field upgrade the device.
CouldNotValidate-107 Bootloader could not verify integrity of the flashed application.
CouldNotRunApp-108 Could not run the device firmware application.
CouldNotReqSetId-109 Unable to set ID to this device.
CouldNotConfirmId-110 Could not verify that the changed ID took effect.
GeneralWarning1,100 General Warning Occurred.
FirmVersionCouldNotBeRetrieved1,103 Firm Vers could not be retrieved. Use Phoenix Tuner to check ID and firmware(CRF) version.
FeaturesNotAvailableYet1,104 This feature will be supported in a future update.
ControlModeNotValid1,105 The control mode is not valid for this function.
ControlModeNotSupportedYet1,106 This control mode is not supported yet. A future release will supported this soon.
MotProfFirmThreshold1,109 Motor Controller must have >= 3.2 firmware for motion profile control mode.
FlashWasGood-111 Device field upgrade was successful.
MotProfFirmThreshold21,110 Motor Controller must have >= 3.4 firmware for advanced PID0/PID1 features.
AppTooOld-112 Device firmware application is too old.
CouldNotReqSetDesc-113 Unable to set name to this device.
CompileSzIsWrong-114 CompileSzIsWrong
GadgeteerDeviceNoSetId-115 Cannot set the ID of a gadgeteer device.
InvalidTask-116 This diagnostic action is not supported.
NotImplemented-117 Not Implemented, check latest installer.
NoDevicesOnBus-118 NoDevicesOnBus
MoreThanOneFile-119 MoreThanOneFile
NodeIsInvalid-120 Specified device was not found. Verify the device is connected and powered, and that the CAN bus is terminated.
SimDeviceNotFound1,200 SimDeviceNotFound
SimPhysicsTypeNotSupported1,201 SimPhysicsTypeNotSupported
SimDeviceAlreadyExists1,202 SimDeviceAlreadyExists
InvalidDeviceDescriptor-121 InvalidDeviceDescriptor
CouldNotSendCanFrame-123 CouldNotSendCanFrame
NormalModeMsgNotPresent-124 NormalModeMsgNotPresent
FeatureNotSupported-125 This feature is not supported.
NotUpdating-126 The diagnostic server is not field upgrading any devices.
CorruptedPOST-127 CorruptedPOST
NoConfigs-128 NoConfigs
ConfigFailed-129 ConfigFailed
CouldNotReqFactoryDefault-130 Unable to factory default this device.
CustomNameNotSupported-131 CustomNameNotSupported
ConfigReadWriteMismatch-132 The configs read from the device do not match the configs that were written.
CouldNotReqSetConfigs-133 Could not apply the device configs.
InsufficientSz-134 InsufficientSz
InvalidModel-135 This feature is not supported for this device model.
CouldNotReqDevInfo-140 CouldNotReqDevInfo
NoControls-141 This device does not support new controls.
DeviceIsNull-142 DeviceIsNull
DeviceDidNotRespondToDiagReq-143 DeviceDidNotRespondToDiagReq
OnlySupportedInTunerX-144 This feature requires Tuner X.
CanivCliError-145 Command-line issue with caniv.
InvalidCrfBadHeader-200 InvalidCrfBadHeader
InvalidCrfFileSzInvald-201 InvalidCrfFileSzInvald
InvalidCrfWrongProduct-202 Specified CRF is for the wrong product.
InvalidCrfNoSects-203 InvalidCrfNoSects
InvalidCrfBadSectHeader-204 InvalidCrfBadSectHeader
InvalidCrfBadSectSize-205 InvalidCrfBadSectSize
NoCrfFile-206 Specified CRF file could not be found.
CouldNotFindDynamicId-300 CouldNotFindDynamicId
DidNotGetDhcp-301 DidNotGetDhcp
DidNotGetFullDhcp-302 DidNotGetFullDhcp
InvalidLicenseResp-350 InvalidLicenseResp
InvalidCanivCache-351 InvalidCanivCache
CannotOpenSerialPort-500 CannotOpenSerialPort
CannotWriteSerialPort-501 CannotWriteSerialPort
CannotReadSerialPort-502 CannotReadSerialPort
CannotSerialToDevice-503 CannotSerialToDevice
NoSerialControlFrameResp-504 NoSerialControlFrameResp
CannotOpenUdpPort-600 CannotOpenUdpPort
CannotWriteUdpPort-601 CannotWriteUdpPort
CannotReadUdpPort-602 CannotReadUdpPort
CannotUdpToDevice-603 CannotUdpToDevice
NoUdpControlFrameResp-604 NoUdpControlFrameResp
TimeoutIso15Response-605 TimeoutIso15Response
InvalidJson-700 InvalidJson
AppIsTerminating-800 The user application is shutting down.
WarningNotInitialized10,000 WarningNotInitialized
HwTimestampOutOfSync10,001 The timestamp reported by CANivore is at least 10ms older than the timestamp reported by the system, indicating it's fallen out of sync. This does not impact the data of this message, only the timing.
TxFailed-1,001 Could not transmit CAN Frame.
InvalidParamValue-1,002 Incorrect argument passed into function/VI.
RxTimeout-1,003 CAN frame not received/too-stale.
TxTimeout-1,004 CAN Transmit timed out.
UnexpectedArbId-1,005 ArbID is incorrect.
CanOverflowed-1,006 CanOverflowed
SensorNotPresent-1,007 Sensor Not Present.
FirmwareTooOld-1,008 Firmware Too Old. Use Phoenix Tuner to field upgrade your CTRE CAN device firmware(CRF). Then restart your robot application to clear this error.
CouldNotChangePeriod-1,009 Control Frame Period could not be changed. Most likely it is not being transmitted.
BufferFailure-1,010 BufferFailure
FirmwareNonFRC-1,011 Firmware is legacy non-FRC version. Use Phoenix Tuner to field upgrade your CTRE CAN device firmware(CRF). Firmware greater than 20.0 required.
GeneralError-1,100 General Error Occurred.
SigNotUpdated-1,200 No new response to update signal.
NotAllPIDValuesUpdated-1,201 NotAllPIDValuesUpdated
WheelRadiusTooSmall-1,500 Wheel Radius is too small, cannot get distance traveled.
TicksPerRevZero-1,501 Ticks per revolution is 0, cannot get heading.
DistanceBetweenWheelsTooSmall-1,502 Distance between wheels is too small, cannot get heading.
GainsAreNotSet-1,503 GainsAreNotSet
WrongRemoteLimitSwitchSource-1,504 Use RemoteLimitSwitchSource instead of LimitSwitchSource.
DoubleVoltageCompensatingWPI-1,505 Motor Controller Voltage Compensation should not be used with setVoltage(). This causes compensation to happen twice. Disable Voltage Compensation by calling enableVoltageCompensation(false) in order to use setVoltage().
CANdleAnimSlotOutOfBounds-1,506 CANdleAnimSlotOutOfBounds
IncompatibleMode-1,600 IncompatibleMode
InvalidHandle-1,601 Handle passed into function is incorrect.
FeatureRequiresHigherFirm-1,700 Features requires newer firmware version.
ConfigFactoryDefaultRequiresHigherFirm-1,702 Config factory default features require firmware >=3.10.
ConfigMotionSCurveRequiresHigherFirm-1,703 Config Motion S Curve Strength features require firmware >=4.16.
TalonFXFirmwarePreVBatDetect-1,704 Talon FX(Falcon 500) Firmware Too Old. Use Phoenix Tuner to field upgrade your CTRE CAN device firmware(CRF) to >=20.3. Then restart your robot application to clear this error.
CANdleAnimationsRequireHigherFirm-1,705 CANdleAnimationsRequireHigherFirm
LibraryCouldNotBeLoaded-1,800 LibraryCouldNotBeLoaded
MissingRoutineInLibrary-1,801 MissingRoutineInLibrary
ResourceNotAvailable-1,802 ResourceNotAvailable
MusicFileNotFound-1,900 Could not find music file specified, try specifying an absolute path.
MusicFileWrongSize-1,901 Music file size is incorrect, could not parse correctly. Ensure you're using Tuner to generate file.
MusicFileTooNew-1,902 Music file version is too new, update Phoenix to utilize this file.
MusicFileInvalid-1,903 Music file is invalid. Ensure you're using Tuner to generate file.
InvalidOrchestraAction-1,904 An invalid orchestra action occurred. Ensure a music file is loaded.
MusicFileTooOld-1,905 This music file version is too old. Regenerate file using Tuner.
MusicInterrupted-1,906 Music interrupted due to one of the instruments being commanded a different control mode. Press Play to resume music.
MusicNotSupported-1,907 This device doesn't support MusicTone control mode.
kInvalidInterface-2,000 kInvalidInterface
kInvalidGuid-2,001 kInvalidGuid
kInvalidClass-2,002 kInvalidClass
kInvalidProtocol-2,003 kInvalidProtocol
kInvalidPath-2,004 kInvalidPath
kGeneralWinUsbError-2,005 kGeneralWinUsbError
kFailedSetup-2,006 kFailedSetup
kListenFailed-2,007 kListenFailed
kSendFailed-2,008 kSendFailed
kReceiveFailed-2,009 kReceiveFailed
kInvalidRespFormat-2,010 kInvalidRespFormat
kWinUsbInitFailed-2,011 kWinUsbInitFailed
kWinUsbQueryFailed-2,012 kWinUsbQueryFailed
kWinUsbGeneralError-2,013 kWinUsbGeneralError
kAccessDenied-2,014 kAccessDenied
kFirmwareInvalidResponse-2,015 kFirmwareInvalidResponse
StatusCodeNotInitialized-10,000 This StatusCode has not been initialized. Make sure the StatusCode is getting assigned to the return of a method.
InvalidNetwork-10,001 InvalidNetwork
MultiSignalNotSupported-10,002 The CAN bus does not support multi-signal synchronization.
CouldNotCast-10,003 Could not cast from base value to this particular signal's type
NotFound-10,004 Could not find this value when searching for it
NotSupported-10,005 This is not supported
MissingContext-10,006 Could not determine context from this device hash
ModelMismatch-10,007 Model name in license file does not match model name of selected device.
SerialMismatch-10,008 Serial Number in license file does not match model name of selected device.
NoFile-10,009 Could not find specified file.
LicenseDownloadFailed-10,010 License did not successfully download to Device.
SelfTestIsEmpty-10,011 Self Test report does not have any values, is the firmware up to date?
SignalLookupFailed-10,012 Failed to lookup signal properties. This can happen if the fimware is too new and supports signals that older APIs do not support.
InvalidModeToGetSignal-10,013 The current mode of the device is invalid for getting this signal.
UnlicensedDevice-10,014 Device is not licensed. Cannot get any data from it.
InvalidSize-10,015 Size is invalid.
InvalidLicenseResponse-10,016 InvalidLicenseResponse
InvalidContext-10,017 InvalidContext
InternalError-10,018 InternalError
kDeviceResponseIncorrect-10,019 kDeviceResponseIncorrect
kErrorPollingForDevices-10,020 kErrorPollingForDevices
CouldNotRetrieveProFirmware-10,021 Device firmware could not be retrieved. Check that the device is running Pro firmware, that the device ID is correct, that the specified CAN bus is correct, and that the device is powered.
CouldNotDecodeDeviceFirmware-10,022 Device firmware could not be decoded. Check that the device is running Pro firmware, that the device ID is correct, that the specified CAN bus is correct, and that the device is powered.
InvalidIDToFollow-10,023 The values specified for master are in valid. Make sure the Device ID of master are correct.
UsingProFeatureOnUnlicensedDevice-10,024 Using a Pro only feature on an unlicensed device. The device may not behave as expected if it continues to operate while unlicensed.
FirmwareTooNew-10,025 Firmware Too New. Use Phoenix Tuner to field upgrade your CTRE CAN device firmware(CRF) to a compatible version. Then restart your robot application to clear this error.
CouldNotSerialize-10,026 The data frame could not be serialized for transmit.
MechanismFaulted-10,027 The mechanism is disabled due to a fault in one of the devices.
FirmwareVersNotCompatible-10,028 Firmware version is not compatible with this version of Phoenix. Make sure your firmware and API major versions match.
DirectoryMissing-10,029 Could not find specified directory.
ApiTooOld-10,030 This API version is too old for the firmware on the device. Either upgrade the API to a newer version or downgrade the device firmware to an older version for correct behavior.

See Also