Class SwerveModule


public class SwerveModule extends Object
Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by CTR Electronics devices.

This class handles the hardware devices and configures them for swerve module operation using the Phoenix 6 API.

This class constructs hardware devices internally, so the user only specifies the constants (IDs, PID gains, gear ratios, etc). Getters for these hardware devices are available.

  • Field Details

    • kNumConfigAttempts

      protected static final int kNumConfigAttempts
      Number of times to attempt config applies.
      See Also:
    • m_drivetrainId

      protected final int m_drivetrainId
      ID of the native drivetrain instance, used for JNI calls.
    • m_moduleIdx

      protected final int m_moduleIdx
      Index of this module in the native drivetrain, used for JNI calls.
    • m_jni

      protected final SwerveJNI m_jni
      JNI instance to use for non-static JNI calls. This object is not thread-safe.
  • Constructor Details

    • SwerveModule

      public SwerveModule(SwerveModuleConstants constants, String canbusName, int drivetrainId, int index)
      Construct a SwerveModule with the specified constants.
      constants - Constants used to construct the module
      canbusName - The name of the CAN bus this module is on
      drivetrainId - ID of the swerve drivetrain
      index - Index of this swerve module
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public void apply(SwerveModule.ModuleRequest moduleRequest)
      Applies the desired SwerveModuleState to this module.
      moduleRequest - The request to apply to this module
    • apply

      public void apply(ControlRequest driveRequest, ControlRequest steerRequest)
      Controls this module using the specified drive and steer control requests. This is intended only to be used for characterization of the robot; do not use this for normal use.
      driveRequest - The control request to apply to the drive motor
      steerRequest - The control request to apply to the steer motor
    • getPosition

      public final SwerveModulePosition getPosition(boolean refresh)
      Gets the state of this module and passes it back as a SwerveModulePosition object with latency compensated values.

      This function is blocking when it performs a refresh.

      refresh - True if the signals should be refreshed
      SwerveModulePosition containing this module's state
    • getCachedPosition

      Gets the last cached swerve module position. This differs from getPosition(boolean) in that it will not perform any latency compensation or refresh the signals.
      Last cached SwerveModulePosition
    • getCurrentState

      Get the current state of the module.

      This is typically used for telemetry, as the SwerveModulePosition is used for odometry.

      Current state of the module
    • getTargetState

      Get the target state of the module.

      This is typically used for telemetry.

      Target state of the module
    • resetPosition

      public void resetPosition()
      Resets this module's drive motor position to 0 rotations.
    • getDriveMotor

      public final TalonFX getDriveMotor()
      Gets this module's Drive Motor TalonFX reference.

      This should be used only to access signals and change configurations that the swerve drivetrain does not configure itself.

      This module's Drive Motor reference
    • getSteerMotor

      public final TalonFX getSteerMotor()
      Gets this module's Steer Motor TalonFX reference.

      This should be used only to access signals and change configurations that the swerve drivetrain does not configure itself.

      This module's Steer Motor reference
    • getCANcoder

      public final CANcoder getCANcoder()
      Gets this module's CANcoder reference.

      This should be used only to access signals and change configurations that the swerve drivetrain does not configure itself.

      This module's CANcoder reference