Package com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
package com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
ClassDescriptionSimplified swerve drive simulation class.Swerve Drive class utilizing CTR Electronics' Phoenix 6 API.Contains everything the control requests need to calculate the module state.Plain-Old-Data class holding the state of the swerve drivetrain.Common constants for a swerve drivetrain.Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by CTR Electronics devices.All possible control requests for the module drive motor.Contains everything the swerve module needs to apply a request.All possible control requests for the module steer motor.All constants for a swerve module.Supported closed-loop output types.Supported feedback sensors for the steer motors.Constants that are common across the swerve modules, used for creating instances of module-specific
.Container for all the Swerve Requests.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Accepts a generic field-centric ChassisSpeeds to apply to the drivetrain.Accepts a generic robot-centric ChassisSpeeds to apply to the drivetrain.Drives the swerve drivetrain in a field-centric manner.Drives the swerve drivetrain in a field-centric manner, maintaining a specified heading angle to ensure the robot is facing the desired directionIn field-centric control, the direction of "forward" is sometimes different depending on perspective.Does nothing to the swerve module state.Swerve requests implemented in native code.Sets the swerve drive modules to point to a specified direction.Drives the swerve drivetrain in a robot-centric manner.Sets the swerve drive module states to point inward on the robot in an "X" fashion, creating a natural brake which will oppose any motion.SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the rotational characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the steer module characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the translational characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.