CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
No Matches
CANdle_CCI.h File Reference
#include "ctre/phoenix/cci/CCI.h"
#include "ctre/phoenix/ErrorCode.h"
#include <set>
#include <cstddef>

Go to the source code of this file.


CCIEXPORT void * c_CANdle_Create1 (int deviceNumber, const char *canbus)
CCIEXPORT void c_CANdle_DestroyAll ()
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_Destroy (void *handle)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetDescription (void *handle, char *toFill, int toFillByteSz, size_t *numBytesFilled)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetLastError (void *handle)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetLastTimestamp (void *handle, double *timestamp)
CCIEXPORT void c_CANdle_SetLastError (void *handle, int error)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigSetParameter (void *handle, int param, double value, uint8_t subValue, int ordinal, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigGetParameter (void *handle, int param, double *value, int ordinal, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigSetCustomParam (void *handle, int newValue, int paramIndex, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigGetCustomParam (void *handle, int *readValue, int paramIndex, int timoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigFactoryDefault (void *handle, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetFaults (void *handle, int *param)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetStickyFaults (void *handle, int *param)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ClearStickyFaults (void *handle, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetFirmwareVersion (void *handle, int *firmwareVers)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_HasResetOccurred (void *handle, bool *hasReset)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetStatusFramePeriod (void *handle, int frame, uint8_t periodMs, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetStatusFramePeriod (void *handle, int frame, int *periodMs, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetControlFramePeriod (void *handle, int frame, int periodMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_BlockSet (void *handle, int r, int g, int b, int w, int startIdx, int count)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetStandardAnimation (void *handle, int idx, double brightness, double speed, int numLed, int ledOffset, double param4, double param5, bool reverseDirection, int animSlot)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetTwoSizeAnimation (void *handle, int idx, int r, int g, int b, int w, double speed, int numLed, int ledOffset, int direction, int size, int animSlot)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ClearAnimation (void *handle, int animSlot)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ModulateVBatOutput (void *handle, double percentModulation)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetBusVoltage (void *handle, double *voltage)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_Get5VRailVoltage (void *handle, double *voltage)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetCurrent (void *handle, double *current)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetTemperature (void *handle, double *temperature)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetVBatModulation (void *handle, double *modulation)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetMaxSimultaneousAnimationCount (void *handle, int *maxAnimationCount)

Function Documentation

◆ c_CANdle_BlockSet()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_BlockSet ( void * handle,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int w,
int startIdx,
int count )

◆ c_CANdle_ClearAnimation()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ClearAnimation ( void * handle,
int animSlot )

◆ c_CANdle_ClearStickyFaults()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ClearStickyFaults ( void * handle,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_ConfigFactoryDefault()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigFactoryDefault ( void * handle,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_ConfigGetCustomParam()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigGetCustomParam ( void * handle,
int * readValue,
int paramIndex,
int timoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_ConfigGetParameter()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigGetParameter ( void * handle,
int param,
double * value,
int ordinal,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_ConfigSetCustomParam()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigSetCustomParam ( void * handle,
int newValue,
int paramIndex,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_ConfigSetParameter()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ConfigSetParameter ( void * handle,
int param,
double value,
uint8_t subValue,
int ordinal,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_Create1()

CCIEXPORT void * c_CANdle_Create1 ( int deviceNumber,
const char * canbus )

◆ c_CANdle_Destroy()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_Destroy ( void * handle)

◆ c_CANdle_DestroyAll()

CCIEXPORT void c_CANdle_DestroyAll ( )

◆ c_CANdle_Get5VRailVoltage()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_Get5VRailVoltage ( void * handle,
double * voltage )

◆ c_CANdle_GetBusVoltage()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetBusVoltage ( void * handle,
double * voltage )

◆ c_CANdle_GetCurrent()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetCurrent ( void * handle,
double * current )

◆ c_CANdle_GetDescription()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetDescription ( void * handle,
char * toFill,
int toFillByteSz,
size_t * numBytesFilled )

◆ c_CANdle_GetFaults()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetFaults ( void * handle,
int * param )

◆ c_CANdle_GetFirmwareVersion()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetFirmwareVersion ( void * handle,
int * firmwareVers )

◆ c_CANdle_GetLastError()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetLastError ( void * handle)

◆ c_CANdle_GetLastTimestamp()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetLastTimestamp ( void * handle,
double * timestamp )

◆ c_CANdle_GetMaxSimultaneousAnimationCount()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetMaxSimultaneousAnimationCount ( void * handle,
int * maxAnimationCount )

◆ c_CANdle_GetStatusFramePeriod()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetStatusFramePeriod ( void * handle,
int frame,
int * periodMs,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_GetStickyFaults()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetStickyFaults ( void * handle,
int * param )

◆ c_CANdle_GetTemperature()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetTemperature ( void * handle,
double * temperature )

◆ c_CANdle_GetVBatModulation()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_GetVBatModulation ( void * handle,
double * modulation )

◆ c_CANdle_HasResetOccurred()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_HasResetOccurred ( void * handle,
bool * hasReset )

◆ c_CANdle_ModulateVBatOutput()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_ModulateVBatOutput ( void * handle,
double percentModulation )

◆ c_CANdle_SetControlFramePeriod()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetControlFramePeriod ( void * handle,
int frame,
int periodMs )

◆ c_CANdle_SetLastError()

CCIEXPORT void c_CANdle_SetLastError ( void * handle,
int error )

◆ c_CANdle_SetStandardAnimation()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetStandardAnimation ( void * handle,
int idx,
double brightness,
double speed,
int numLed,
int ledOffset,
double param4,
double param5,
bool reverseDirection,
int animSlot )

◆ c_CANdle_SetStatusFramePeriod()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetStatusFramePeriod ( void * handle,
int frame,
uint8_t periodMs,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_CANdle_SetTwoSizeAnimation()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_CANdle_SetTwoSizeAnimation ( void * handle,
int idx,
int r,
int g,
int b,
int w,
double speed,
int numLed,
int ledOffset,
int direction,
int size,
int animSlot )