CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
▼Nctre | WPI Compliant CANcoder class |
▼Nphoenix | Namespace phoenix |
▼Nled | |
CAnimation | The base class for all animations that CANdle supports |
CBaseStandardAnimation | The base class for one generic type of animation |
CBaseTwoSizeAnimation | The base class for one generic type of animation |
CCANdle | CTRE CANdle |
CCANdleConfiguration | Configurables available to CANdle |
CCANdleConfigUtil | Util class to help with configuring CANifier |
CCANdleFaults | Faults available to CANdle (Currently has none) |
CCANdleStickyFaults | Faults available to CANdle (Currently has none) |
CColorFlowAnimation | Animation that gradually lights the entire LED strip one LED at a time |
CFireAnimation | Animation that looks similarly to a flame flickering |
CLarsonAnimation | Animation that sends a pocket of light across the LED strip |
CRainbowAnimation | Animation that creates a rainbow throughout all the LEDs |
CRgbFadeAnimation | Animation that fades all the LEDs of a strip simultaneously between Red, Green, and Blue |
CSingleFadeAnimation | Animation that fades into and out of a specified color |
CStrobeAnimation | Animation that strobes the LEDs a specified color |
CTwinkleAnimation | Animation that randomly turns LEDs on and off to a certain color |
CTwinkleOffAnimation | Animation that randomly turns on LEDs, until it reaches the maximum count and turns them all off |
▼Nmotion | |
CBufferedTrajectoryPointStream | Stream of trajectory points for Talon/Victor motion profiling |
CMotionProfileStatus | Motion Profile Status This is simply a data transer object |
CTrajectoryPoint | Motion Profile Trajectory Point This is simply a data transfer object |
▼Nmotorcontrol | Namespace motorcontrol |
►Ncan | Namespace can |
CControlFrameRoutines | Class to handle promotion of controlFrame to controlFrameEnhanced |
CDeviceCatalog | Class to keep track of multiple devices |
CFaults | All the faults available to motor controllers |
CFeedbackDeviceRoutines | Class to handle feedback device routines |
CGroupMotorControllers | Group of motor controllers |
CIFollower | Interface for followers |
CIMotorController | Interface for motor controllers |
CIMotorControllerEnhanced | Interface for enhanced motor controllers |
CLimitSwitchRoutines | Class to handle various functions regarding limit switches |
CRemoteSensorSourceRoutines | Class used to get string representation of a remote sensor source |
CSensorCollection | Collection of sensors available to a motor controller |
CSensorTermRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to SensorTerm |
CStatusFrameRoutines | Class to allow conversion from StatusFrame to EnhancedStatusFrame |
CStickyFaults | All the sticky faults available to motor controllers |
CSupplyCurrentLimitConfiguration | Describes the desired stator current limiting behavior |
CTalonSRXSimCollection | Collection of simulation commands available to a TalonSRX motor controller |
CVelocityMeasPeriodRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod |
CVictorSPXSimCollection | Collection of simulation commands available to a VictorSPX motor controller |
CWPI_AutoFeedEnable | |
▼Nplatform | Platform namespace |
►Ncan | Platform-can namespace |
▼Nsensors | Sensors namespace |
CAbsoluteSensorRangeRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to AbsoluteSensorRange |
CBasePigeon | Pigeon IMU Class |
CBasePigeonConfiguration | Configurables available to Pigeon |
CBasePigeonConfigUtils | Util class to help with Pigeon configurations |
CBasePigeonSimCollection | Collection of simulation functions available to a Pigeon IMU |
CCANCoder | CTRE CANCoder |
CCANCoderConfiguration | Configurables available to CANCoder |
CCANCoderConfigUtils | Util class to help with configuring CANCoder |
CCANCoderFaults | Faults available to CANCoderFaults |
CCANCoderSimCollection | Collection of simulation functions available to a CANCoder |
CCANCoderStickyFaults | Sticky Faults for CANCoder (Currently has none) |
►CPigeonIMU | Pigeon IMU Class |
CPigeonIMU_Faults | Sticky faults available to Pigeon |
CPigeonIMU_StickyFaults | Sticky faults available to Pigeon |
CPigeonIMUConfiguration | Configurables available to Pigeon |
CPigeonIMUConfigUtils | Util class to help with Pigeon configurations |
CSensorInitializationStrategyRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod |
CSensorTimeBaseRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to SensorTimeBase |
CSensorVelocityMeasPeriodRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod |
CWPI_PigeonIMU | |
▼Nsignals | Signals namespace |
CIInvertable | Interface for invertable objects |
CIOutputSignal | Interface for output signals |
CMovingAverage | Class to calculate the rolling average of a signal |
▼Ntasking | Tasking namespace |
►Nschedulers | Schedulers namespace |
►CButtonMonitor | Class to handle button events |
CILoopable | Interface for loopable objects |
CIProcessable | Interface for processable objects |
▼Nunmanaged | Unmanaged namespace |
CUnmanaged | Handles enabling when used in a non-FRC manner |
CCANBusAddressable | Simple address holder |
▼CCANifier | CTRE CANifier |
CPinValues | Structure to hold the pin values |
CCANifierConfiguration | Configurables available to CANifier |
CCANifierConfigUtils | Util class to help with configuring CANifier |
CCANifierFaults | Faults available to CANifier (Currently has none) |
CCANifierStickyFaults | Sticky Faults for CANifier (Currently has none) |
CCANifierVelocityMeasPeriodRoutines | Class to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod |
CCTRLogger | Object to handle error logging |
CCustomParamConfiguration | Configurables for any custom param configs |
CCustomParamConfigUtil | Util class to help custom configs |
CErrorCollection | |
CHsvToRgb | Class to convert Hue, Saturation, Value to Red, Green, Blue |
CLinearInterpolation | Class to calculate linear interpolation |
CRCRadio3Ch | Class to convert RC PWM signals into CAN signals using CANifier |
CStopwatch | Stopwatch to track time in milliseconds |
CUtilities | Class with basic utility methods |
CWPI_CallbackHelper | |
▼CIGadgeteerUartClient | Interface for uart gadgeteer devices |
CGadgeteerUartStatus | The status of the gadgeteer device |