CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NctreWPI Compliant CANcoder class
 NphoenixNamespace phoenix
 CAnimationThe base class for all animations that CANdle supports
 CBaseStandardAnimationThe base class for one generic type of animation
 CBaseTwoSizeAnimationThe base class for one generic type of animation
 CCANdleConfigurationConfigurables available to CANdle
 CCANdleConfigUtilUtil class to help with configuring CANifier
 CCANdleFaultsFaults available to CANdle (Currently has none)
 CCANdleStickyFaultsFaults available to CANdle (Currently has none)
 CColorFlowAnimationAnimation that gradually lights the entire LED strip one LED at a time
 CFireAnimationAnimation that looks similarly to a flame flickering
 CLarsonAnimationAnimation that sends a pocket of light across the LED strip
 CRainbowAnimationAnimation that creates a rainbow throughout all the LEDs
 CRgbFadeAnimationAnimation that fades all the LEDs of a strip simultaneously between Red, Green, and Blue
 CSingleFadeAnimationAnimation that fades into and out of a specified color
 CStrobeAnimationAnimation that strobes the LEDs a specified color
 CTwinkleAnimationAnimation that randomly turns LEDs on and off to a certain color
 CTwinkleOffAnimationAnimation that randomly turns on LEDs, until it reaches the maximum count and turns them all off
 CBufferedTrajectoryPointStreamStream of trajectory points for Talon/Victor motion profiling
 CMotionProfileStatusMotion Profile Status This is simply a data transer object
 CTrajectoryPointMotion Profile Trajectory Point This is simply a data transfer object
 NmotorcontrolNamespace motorcontrol
 NcanNamespace can
 CControlFrameRoutinesClass to handle promotion of controlFrame to controlFrameEnhanced
 CDeviceCatalogClass to keep track of multiple devices
 CFaultsAll the faults available to motor controllers
 CFeedbackDeviceRoutinesClass to handle feedback device routines
 CGroupMotorControllersGroup of motor controllers
 CIFollowerInterface for followers
 CIMotorControllerInterface for motor controllers
 CIMotorControllerEnhancedInterface for enhanced motor controllers
 CLimitSwitchRoutinesClass to handle various functions regarding limit switches
 CRemoteSensorSourceRoutinesClass used to get string representation of a remote sensor source
 CSensorCollectionCollection of sensors available to a motor controller
 CSensorTermRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to SensorTerm
 CStatusFrameRoutinesClass to allow conversion from StatusFrame to EnhancedStatusFrame
 CStickyFaultsAll the sticky faults available to motor controllers
 CSupplyCurrentLimitConfigurationDescribes the desired stator current limiting behavior
 CTalonSRXSimCollectionCollection of simulation commands available to a TalonSRX motor controller
 CVelocityMeasPeriodRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod
 CVictorSPXSimCollectionCollection of simulation commands available to a VictorSPX motor controller
 NplatformPlatform namespace
 NcanPlatform-can namespace
 NsensorsSensors namespace
 CAbsoluteSensorRangeRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to AbsoluteSensorRange
 CBasePigeonPigeon IMU Class
 CBasePigeonConfigurationConfigurables available to Pigeon
 CBasePigeonConfigUtilsUtil class to help with Pigeon configurations
 CBasePigeonSimCollectionCollection of simulation functions available to a Pigeon IMU
 CCANCoderConfigurationConfigurables available to CANCoder
 CCANCoderConfigUtilsUtil class to help with configuring CANCoder
 CCANCoderFaultsFaults available to CANCoderFaults
 CCANCoderSimCollectionCollection of simulation functions available to a CANCoder
 CCANCoderStickyFaultsSticky Faults for CANCoder (Currently has none)
 CPigeonIMUPigeon IMU Class
 CPigeonIMU_FaultsSticky faults available to Pigeon
 CPigeonIMU_StickyFaultsSticky faults available to Pigeon
 CPigeonIMUConfigurationConfigurables available to Pigeon
 CPigeonIMUConfigUtilsUtil class to help with Pigeon configurations
 CSensorInitializationStrategyRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod
 CSensorTimeBaseRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to SensorTimeBase
 CSensorVelocityMeasPeriodRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod
 NsignalsSignals namespace
 CIInvertableInterface for invertable objects
 CIOutputSignalInterface for output signals
 CMovingAverageClass to calculate the rolling average of a signal
 NtaskingTasking namespace
 NschedulersSchedulers namespace
 CButtonMonitorClass to handle button events
 CILoopableInterface for loopable objects
 CIProcessableInterface for processable objects
 NunmanagedUnmanaged namespace
 CUnmanagedHandles enabling when used in a non-FRC manner
 CCANBusAddressableSimple address holder
 CCANifierCTRE CANifier
 CPinValuesStructure to hold the pin values
 CCANifierConfigurationConfigurables available to CANifier
 CCANifierConfigUtilsUtil class to help with configuring CANifier
 CCANifierFaultsFaults available to CANifier (Currently has none)
 CCANifierStickyFaultsSticky Faults for CANifier (Currently has none)
 CCANifierVelocityMeasPeriodRoutinesClass to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod
 CCTRLoggerObject to handle error logging
 CCustomParamConfigurationConfigurables for any custom param configs
 CCustomParamConfigUtilUtil class to help custom configs
 CHsvToRgbClass to convert Hue, Saturation, Value to Red, Green, Blue
 CLinearInterpolationClass to calculate linear interpolation
 CRCRadio3ChClass to convert RC PWM signals into CAN signals using CANifier
 CStopwatchStopwatch to track time in milliseconds
 CUtilitiesClass with basic utility methods
 CIGadgeteerUartClientInterface for uart gadgeteer devices
 CGadgeteerUartStatusThe status of the gadgeteer device