CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
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ctre::phoenix::CANifier Class Reference

CTRE CANifier. More...

#include <ctre/phoenix/CANifier.h>

Inheritance diagram for ctre::phoenix::CANifier:


struct  PinValues
 Structure to hold the pin values. More...

Public Types

enum  LEDChannel { LEDChannelA = 0 , LEDChannelB = 1 , LEDChannelC = 2 }
 Enum for the LED Output Channels. More...
enum  PWMChannel { PWMChannel0 = 0 , PWMChannel1 = 1 , PWMChannel2 = 2 , PWMChannel3 = 3 }
 Enum for the PWM Input Channels. More...
enum  GeneralPin {
  QUAD_IDX = 0 , QUAD_B = 1 , QUAD_A = 2 , LIMR = 3 ,
  LIMF = 4 , SDA = 5 , SCL = 6 , SPI_CS = 7 ,
 General IO Pins on the CANifier. More...

Public Member Functions

 CANifier (int deviceNumber)
 ~CANifier ()
ErrorCode SetLEDOutput (double percentOutput, LEDChannel ledChannel)
 Sets the LED Output.
ErrorCode SetGeneralOutput (GeneralPin outputPin, bool outputValue, bool outputEnable)
 Sets the output of a General Pin.
ErrorCode SetGeneralOutputs (int outputBits, int isOutputBits)
 Sets the output of all General Pins.
ErrorCode GetGeneralInputs (PinValues &allPins)
 Gets the state of all General Pins.
bool GetGeneralInput (GeneralPin inputPin)
 Gets the state of the specified pin.
int GetQuadraturePosition ()
 Gets the quadrature encoder's position.
int GetQuadratureVelocity ()
 Gets the quadrature encoder's velocity.
ErrorCode SetQuadraturePosition (int newPosition, int timeoutMs=0)
 Sets the quadrature encoder's position.
ErrorCode ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod (ctre::phoenix::sensors::SensorVelocityMeasPeriod period, int timeoutMs=0)
 Configures the period of each velocity sample.
ErrorCode ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod (CANifierVelocityMeasPeriod period, int timeoutMs=0)
ErrorCode ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow (int windowSize, int timeoutMs=0)
 Sets the number of velocity samples used in the rolling average velocity measurement.
ErrorCode ConfigClearPositionOnLimitF (bool clearPositionOnLimitF, int timeoutMs=0)
 Enables clearing the position of the feedback sensor when the forward limit switch is triggered.
ErrorCode ConfigClearPositionOnLimitR (bool clearPositionOnLimitR, int timeoutMs=0)
 Enables clearing the position of the feedback sensor when the reverse limit switch is triggered.
ErrorCode ConfigClearPositionOnQuadIdx (bool clearPositionOnQuadIdx, int timeoutMs=0)
 Enables clearing the position of the feedback sensor when the quadrature index signal is detected.
double GetBusVoltage ()
 Gets the bus voltage seen by the device.
ErrorCode GetLastError ()
 Call GetLastError() generated by this object.
ErrorCode SetPWMOutput (int pwmChannel, double dutyCycle)
 Sets the PWM Output Currently supports PWM 0, PWM 1, and PWM 2.
ErrorCode EnablePWMOutput (int pwmChannel, bool bEnable)
 Enables PWM Outputs Currently supports PWM 0, PWM 1, and PWM 2.
ErrorCode GetPWMInput (PWMChannel pwmChannel, double pulseWidthAndPeriod[])
 Gets the PWM Input.
ErrorCode ConfigSetCustomParam (int newValue, int paramIndex, int timeoutMs=0)
 Sets the value of a custom parameter.
int ConfigGetCustomParam (int paramIndex, int timeoutMs=0)
 Gets the value of a custom parameter.
ErrorCode ConfigSetParameter (ParamEnum param, double value, uint8_t subValue, int ordinal, int timeoutMs=0)
 Sets a parameter.
double ConfigGetParameter (ParamEnum param, int ordinal, int timeoutMs=0)
 Gets a parameter.
ErrorCode ConfigGetParameter (ParamEnum param, int32_t valueToSend, int32_t &valueReceived, uint8_t &subValue, int32_t ordinal, int32_t timeoutMs)
 Gets a parameter by passing an int by reference.
ErrorCode SetStatusFramePeriod (CANifierStatusFrame statusFrame, uint8_t periodMs, int timeoutMs=0)
 Sets the period of the given status frame.
int GetStatusFramePeriod (CANifierStatusFrame frame, int timeoutMs=0)
 Gets the period of the given status frame.
ErrorCode SetControlFramePeriod (CANifierControlFrame frame, int periodMs)
 Sets the period of the given control frame.
int GetFirmwareVersion ()
 Gets the firmware version of the device.
bool HasResetOccurred ()
 Returns true if the device has reset since last call.
ErrorCode GetFaults (CANifierFaults &toFill)
 Gets the CANifier fault status.
ErrorCode GetStickyFaults (CANifierStickyFaults &toFill)
 Gets the CANifier sticky fault status.
ErrorCode ClearStickyFaults (int timeoutMs=0)
 Clears the Sticky Faults.
ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode ConfigAllSettings (const CANifierConfiguration &allConfigs, int timeoutMs=50)
 Configures all persistent settings.
void GetAllConfigs (CANifierConfiguration &allConfigs, int timeoutMs=50)
 Gets all persistant settings.
ErrorCode ConfigFactoryDefault (int timeoutMs=50)
 Configures all persistent settings to defaults (overloaded so timeoutMs is 50 ms).
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix::CANBusAddressable
 CANBusAddressable (int deviceNumber)
 Constructor for a CANBusAddressable device.
int GetDeviceNumber ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void DestroyAllCANifiers ()
 Destructs all CANifier objects.

Public Attributes

const int PWMChannelCount = 4
 Number of PWM channels available to CANifier.

Detailed Description

CTRE CANifier.

Device for interfacing common devices to the CAN bus.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ GeneralPin

General IO Pins on the CANifier.


Quadrature Idx pin.


Quadrature B pin.


Quadrature A pin.


Reverse limit pin.


Forward limit pin.


SDA pin.


SCL pin.


SPI_CS pin.







◆ LEDChannel

Enum for the LED Output Channels.


LED Channel A.


LED Channel B.


LED Channel C.

◆ PWMChannel

Enum for the PWM Input Channels.


PWM Channel 0.


PWM Channel 1.


PWM Channel 2.


PWM Channel 3.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CANifier()

ctre::phoenix::CANifier::CANifier ( int deviceNumber)


deviceNumberThe CAN Device ID of the CANifier.

◆ ~CANifier()

ctre::phoenix::CANifier::~CANifier ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClearStickyFaults()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ClearStickyFaults ( int timeoutMs = 0)

Clears the Sticky Faults.

timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigAllSettings()

ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigAllSettings ( const CANifierConfiguration & allConfigs,
int timeoutMs = 50 )

Configures all persistent settings.

allConfigsObject with all of the persistant settings
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigClearPositionOnLimitF()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigClearPositionOnLimitF ( bool clearPositionOnLimitF,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Enables clearing the position of the feedback sensor when the forward limit switch is triggered.

clearPositionOnLimitFWhether clearing is enabled, defaults false
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigClearPositionOnLimitR()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigClearPositionOnLimitR ( bool clearPositionOnLimitR,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Enables clearing the position of the feedback sensor when the reverse limit switch is triggered.

clearPositionOnLimitRWhether clearing is enabled, defaults false
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigClearPositionOnQuadIdx()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigClearPositionOnQuadIdx ( bool clearPositionOnQuadIdx,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Enables clearing the position of the feedback sensor when the quadrature index signal is detected.

clearPositionOnQuadIdxWhether clearing is enabled, defaults false
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigFactoryDefault()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigFactoryDefault ( int timeoutMs = 50)

Configures all persistent settings to defaults (overloaded so timeoutMs is 50 ms).

timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigGetCustomParam()

int ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigGetCustomParam ( int paramIndex,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Gets the value of a custom parameter.

This is for arbitrary use.

Sometimes it is necessary to save calibration/duty cycle/output information in the device. Particularly if the device is part of a subsystem that can be replaced.

paramIndexIndex of custom parameter. [0-1]
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Value of the custom param.

◆ ConfigGetParameter() [1/2]

double ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigGetParameter ( ParamEnum param,
int ordinal,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Gets a parameter.

Generally this is not used. This can be utilized in

  • Using new features without updating API installation.
  • Errata workarounds to circumvent API implementation.
  • Allows for rapid testing / unit testing of firmware.
paramParameter enumeration.
ordinalOrdinal of parameter.
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Value of parameter.

◆ ConfigGetParameter() [2/2]

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigGetParameter ( ParamEnum param,
int32_t valueToSend,
int32_t & valueReceived,
uint8_t & subValue,
int32_t ordinal,
int32_t timeoutMs )

Gets a parameter by passing an int by reference.

paramParameter enumeration
valueToSendValue to send to parameter
valueReceivedReference to integer to receive
subValueSubValue of parameter
ordinalOrdinal of parameter
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigSetCustomParam()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigSetCustomParam ( int newValue,
int paramIndex,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Sets the value of a custom parameter.

This is for arbitrary use.

Sometimes it is necessary to save calibration/duty cycle/output information in the device. Particularly if the device is part of a subsystem that can be replaced.

newValueValue for custom parameter.
paramIndexIndex of custom parameter. [0-1]
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigSetParameter()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigSetParameter ( ParamEnum param,
double value,
uint8_t subValue,
int ordinal,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Sets a parameter.

Generally this is not used. This can be utilized in

  • Using new features without updating API installation.
  • Errata workarounds to circumvent API implementation.
  • Allows for rapid testing / unit testing of firmware.
paramParameter enumeration.
valueValue of parameter.
subValueSubvalue for parameter. Maximum value of 255.
ordinalOrdinal of parameter.
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod() [1/2]

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod ( CANifierVelocityMeasPeriod period,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

◆ ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod() [2/2]

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod ( ctre::phoenix::sensors::SensorVelocityMeasPeriod period,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Configures the period of each velocity sample.

Every 1ms a position value is sampled, and the delta between that sample and the position sampled kPeriod ms ago is inserted into a filter. kPeriod is configured with this function.

periodDesired period for the velocity measurement.
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow ( int windowSize,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Sets the number of velocity samples used in the rolling average velocity measurement.

windowSizeNumber of samples in the rolling average of velocity measurement. Valid values are 1,2,4,8,16,32. If another value is specified, it will truncate to nearest support value.
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ DestroyAllCANifiers()

static void ctre::phoenix::CANifier::DestroyAllCANifiers ( )

Destructs all CANifier objects.

◆ EnablePWMOutput()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::EnablePWMOutput ( int pwmChannel,
bool bEnable )

Enables PWM Outputs Currently supports PWM 0, PWM 1, and PWM 2.

pwmChannelIndex of the PWM channel to enable.
bEnable"True" enables output on the pwm channel.

◆ GetAllConfigs()

void ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetAllConfigs ( CANifierConfiguration & allConfigs,
int timeoutMs = 50 )

Gets all persistant settings.

allConfigsObject with all of the persistant settings
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.

◆ GetBusVoltage()

double ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetBusVoltage ( )

Gets the bus voltage seen by the device.

The bus voltage value (in volts).

◆ GetFaults()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetFaults ( CANifierFaults & toFill)

Gets the CANifier fault status.

toFillContainer for fault statuses.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ GetFirmwareVersion()

int ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetFirmwareVersion ( )

Gets the firmware version of the device.

Firmware version of device.

◆ GetGeneralInput()

bool ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetGeneralInput ( GeneralPin inputPin)

Gets the state of the specified pin.

inputPinThe index of the pin.
The state of the pin.

◆ GetGeneralInputs()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetGeneralInputs ( PinValues & allPins)

Gets the state of all General Pins.

allPinsA structure to fill with the current state of all pins.

◆ GetLastError()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetLastError ( )

Call GetLastError() generated by this object.

Not all functions return an error code but can potentially report errors.

This function can be used to retrieve those error codes.

The last ErrorCode generated.

◆ GetPWMInput()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetPWMInput ( PWMChannel pwmChannel,
double pulseWidthAndPeriod[] )

Gets the PWM Input.

pwmChannelPWM channel to get.
pulseWidthAndPeriodDouble array to hold Duty Cycle [0] and Period [1].

◆ GetQuadraturePosition()

int ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetQuadraturePosition ( )

Gets the quadrature encoder's position.

Position of encoder

◆ GetQuadratureVelocity()

int ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetQuadratureVelocity ( )

Gets the quadrature encoder's velocity.

Velocity of encoder

◆ GetStatusFramePeriod()

int ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetStatusFramePeriod ( CANifierStatusFrame frame,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Gets the period of the given status frame.

frameFrame to get the period of.
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Period of the given status frame.

◆ GetStickyFaults()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::GetStickyFaults ( CANifierStickyFaults & toFill)

Gets the CANifier sticky fault status.

toFillContainer for sticky fault statuses.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ HasResetOccurred()

bool ctre::phoenix::CANifier::HasResetOccurred ( )

Returns true if the device has reset since last call.

Has a Device Reset Occurred?

◆ SetControlFramePeriod()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetControlFramePeriod ( CANifierControlFrame frame,
int periodMs )

Sets the period of the given control frame.

frameFrame whose period is to be changed.
periodMsPeriod in ms for the given frame.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ SetGeneralOutput()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetGeneralOutput ( GeneralPin outputPin,
bool outputValue,
bool outputEnable )

Sets the output of a General Pin.

outputPinThe pin to use as output.
outputValueThe desired output state.
outputEnableWhether this pin is an output. "True" enables output.

◆ SetGeneralOutputs()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetGeneralOutputs ( int outputBits,
int isOutputBits )

Sets the output of all General Pins.

outputBitsA bit mask of all the output states. LSB->MSB is in the order of the GeneralPin enum.
isOutputBitsA boolean bit mask that sets the pins to be outputs or inputs. A bit of 1 enables output.

◆ SetLEDOutput()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetLEDOutput ( double percentOutput,
LEDChannel ledChannel )

Sets the LED Output.

percentOutputOutput duty cycle expressed as percentage.
ledChannelChannel to set the output of.

◆ SetPWMOutput()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetPWMOutput ( int pwmChannel,
double dutyCycle )

Sets the PWM Output Currently supports PWM 0, PWM 1, and PWM 2.

pwmChannelIndex of the PWM channel to output.
dutyCycleDuty Cycle (0 to 1) to output. Default period of the signal is 4.2 ms.

◆ SetQuadraturePosition()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetQuadraturePosition ( int newPosition,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Sets the quadrature encoder's position.

newPositionPosition to set
Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

◆ SetStatusFramePeriod()

ErrorCode ctre::phoenix::CANifier::SetStatusFramePeriod ( CANifierStatusFrame statusFrame,
uint8_t periodMs,
int timeoutMs = 0 )

Sets the period of the given status frame.

statusFrameFrame whose period is to be changed.
periodMsPeriod in ms for the given frame.
timeoutMsTimeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.
Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

Member Data Documentation

◆ PWMChannelCount

const int ctre::phoenix::CANifier::PWMChannelCount = 4

Number of PWM channels available to CANifier.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: