CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
namespace motorcontrol More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | can |
namespace can | |
namespace | lowlevel |
namespace lowlevel | |
Classes | |
class | ControlFrameRoutines |
Class to handle promotion of controlFrame to controlFrameEnhanced. More... | |
class | DeviceCatalog |
Class to keep track of multiple devices. More... | |
struct | Faults |
All the faults available to motor controllers. More... | |
class | FeedbackDeviceRoutines |
Class to handle feedback device routines. More... | |
class | GroupMotorControllers |
Group of motor controllers. More... | |
class | IFollower |
Interface for followers. More... | |
class | IMotorController |
Interface for motor controllers. More... | |
class | IMotorControllerEnhanced |
Interface for enhanced motor controllers. More... | |
class | LimitSwitchRoutines |
Class to handle various functions regarding limit switches. More... | |
class | RemoteSensorSourceRoutines |
Class used to get string representation of a remote sensor source. More... | |
class | SensorCollection |
Collection of sensors available to a motor controller. More... | |
class | SensorTermRoutines |
Class to handle routines specific to SensorTerm. More... | |
class | StatusFrameRoutines |
Class to allow conversion from StatusFrame to EnhancedStatusFrame. More... | |
struct | StickyFaults |
All the sticky faults available to motor controllers. More... | |
struct | SupplyCurrentLimitConfiguration |
Describes the desired stator current limiting behavior. More... | |
class | TalonSRXSimCollection |
Collection of simulation commands available to a TalonSRX motor controller. More... | |
class | VelocityMeasPeriodRoutines |
Class to handle routines specific to VelocityMeasPeriod. More... | |
class | VictorSPXSimCollection |
Collection of simulation commands available to a VictorSPX motor controller. More... | |
class | WPI_AutoFeedEnable |
namespace motorcontrol
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Choose the control mode for a motor controller.
Consult product specific documentation to determine what is available/supported.
How to interpret a demand value.
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Choose the feedback device for a motor controller.
Consult product specific documentation to determine what is available/supported.
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Choose the invert type of the motor controller.
None is the equivalent of SetInverted(false), where positive request yields positive voltage on M+. InvertMotorOutput is the equivelant of SetInverted(true), where positive request yields positive voltage on M-. FollowMaster/OpposeMaster will match/oppose a master Talon/Victor. This requires device to be configured as a follower.
Limit switch source enum.
Enumerator | |
LimitSwitchSource_FeedbackConnector | Limit switch directly connected to motor controller. |
LimitSwitchSource_RemoteTalon | Use Limit switch connected to Talon on CAN. |
LimitSwitchSource_RemoteTalonSRX | Use Limit switch connected to TalonSRX on CAN. |
LimitSwitchSource_RemoteCANifier | User Limit switch connected to CANifier. |
LimitSwitchSource_Deactivated | Don't use a limit switch. |
Choose the neutral mode for a motor controller.
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Choose the remote feedback device for a motor controller.
Remote Limit switch source enum.
Enumerator | |
RemoteLimitSwitchSource_FactoryDefaultOff | Don't use limit switch, this is the factory default value. |
RemoteLimitSwitchSource_RemoteTalon | Use Limit switch connected to Talon on CAN. |
RemoteLimitSwitchSource_RemoteTalonSRX | Use Limit switch connected to TalonSRX on CAN. |
RemoteLimitSwitchSource_RemoteCANifier | User Limit switch connected to CANifier. |
RemoteLimitSwitchSource_Deactivated | Don't use a limit switch. |
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Choose the remote sensor source for a motor controller.
Enumerator | |
RemoteSensorSource_Off | Don't use a sensor. |
RemoteSensorSource_TalonSRX_SelectedSensor | Use a sensor connected to a TalonSRX and configured on the TalonSRX. |
RemoteSensorSource_Pigeon_Yaw | Use a CAN Pigeon's Yaw value. |
RemoteSensorSource_Pigeon_Pitch | Use a CAN Pigeon's Pitch value. |
RemoteSensorSource_Pigeon_Roll | Use a CAN Pigeon's Roll value. |
RemoteSensorSource_CANifier_Quadrature | Use a quadrature sensor connected to a CANifier. |
RemoteSensorSource_CANifier_PWMInput0 | Use a PWM sensor connected to CANifier's PWM0. |
RemoteSensorSource_CANifier_PWMInput1 | Use a PWM sensor connected to CANifier's PWM1. |
RemoteSensorSource_CANifier_PWMInput2 | Use a PWM sensor connected to CANifier's PWM2. |
RemoteSensorSource_CANifier_PWMInput3 | Use a PWM sensor connected to CANifier's PWM3. |
RemoteSensorSource_GadgeteerPigeon_Yaw | Use the yaw value of a pigeon connected to a talon over ribbon cable. |
RemoteSensorSource_GadgeteerPigeon_Pitch | Use the pitch value of a pigeon connected to a talon over ribbon cable. |
RemoteSensorSource_GadgeteerPigeon_Roll | Use the roll value of a pigeon connected to a talon over ribbon cable. |
RemoteSensorSource_CANCoder | Use CANCoder. |
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The different status frames available to motor controllers.
Enumerator | |
Status_1_General_ | General Status. |
Status_2_Feedback0_ | Main controller feedback. |
Status_4_AinTempVbat_ | Analog sensor, motor controller temperature, and voltage at input leads. |
Status_6_Misc_ | Miscellaneous signals. |
Status_7_CommStatus_ | Communication status to controller. |
Status_9_MotProfBuffer_ | Motion profile buffer status. |
Status_10_MotionMagic_ | Old name for Status 10. Use
Status_10_Targets_ | Correct name for Status 10. Functionally equivalent to
Status_12_Feedback1_ | Secondary controller feedback. |
Status_13_Base_PIDF0_ | Base PID. |
Status_14_Turn_PIDF1_ | Auxiliary PID. |
Status_15_FirmwareApiStatus_ | Firmware & API status information. |
Status_15_FirmareApiStatus_ | Firmware & API status information [[deprecated("Use Status_15_FirmwareApiStatus_ instead.")]]. |
Status_17_Targets1_ | MotionProfile Targets for Auxiliary PID1. |
The different status frames available to enhanced motor controllers.
Enumerator | |
Status_1_General | General Status. |
Status_2_Feedback0 | Feedback for selected sensor on primary PID[0]. |
Status_4_AinTempVbat | Analog sensor, motor controller temperature, and voltage at input leads. |
Status_6_Misc | Miscellaneous signals. |
Status_7_CommStatus | Communication status. |
Status_9_MotProfBuffer | Motion profile buffer status. |
Status_10_MotionMagic | Old name for Status 10. Use
Status_10_Targets | Correct name for Status 10. Functionally equivalent to
Status_12_Feedback1 | Feedback for selected sensor on aux PID[1]. |
Status_13_Base_PIDF0 | Primary PID. |
Status_14_Turn_PIDF1 | Auxiliary PID. |
Status_15_FirmwareApiStatus | Firmware & API status information. |
Status_15_FirmareApiStatus | Firmware & API status information [[deprecated("Use Status_15_FirmwareApiStatus instead.")]]. |
Status_17_Targets1 | MotionProfile Targets for Auxiliary PID1. |
Status_3_Quadrature | Quadrature sensor. |
Status_8_PulseWidth | Pulse width sensor. |
Status_11_UartGadgeteer | Gadgeteer status. |
Status_Brushless_Current | Brushless Current Status. Includes Stator and Supply Current for Talon FX. |
Status_21_FeedbackIntegrated | FX Integrated sensor. |
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Choose the control mode for a Talon SRX.
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Choose the feedback device for a Talon SRX.
Velocity Measurement Periods.
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Choose the control mode for a Victor SPX.