Class TalonSRXConfiguration

public class TalonSRXConfiguration
extends BaseTalonConfiguration
Configurables available to TalonSRX
  • Field Details

    • peakCurrentLimit

      public int peakCurrentLimit
      Peak current in amps Current limit is activated when current exceeds the peak limit for longer than the peak duration. Then software will limit to the continuous limit. This ensures current limiting while allowing for momentary excess current events.
    • peakCurrentDuration

      public int peakCurrentDuration
      Peak Current duration in milliseconds Current limit is activated when current exceeds the peak limit for longer than the peak duration. Then software will limit to the continuous limit. This ensures current limiting while allowing for momentary excess current events.
    • continuousCurrentLimit

      Continuous current in amps Current limit is activated when current exceeds the peak limit for longer than the peak duration. Then software will limit to the continuous limit. This ensures current limiting while allowing for momentary excess current events.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details