Enum Class ReverseLimitSourceValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ReverseLimitSourceValue>, java.lang.constant.Constable

Determines where to poll the reverse limit switch. This defaults to the reverse limit switch pin on the limit switch connector.

Choose RemoteTalonFX to use the reverse limit switch attached to another Talon FX on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).

Choose RemoteCANifier to use the reverse limit switch attached to another CANifier on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).

Choose RemoteCANcoder to use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID). The reverse limit will assert when the CANcoder magnet strength changes from BAD (red) to ADEQUATE (orange) or GOOD (green).

  • Enum Constant Details

    • LimitSwitchPin

      Use the reverse limit switch pin on the limit switch connector.
    • RemoteTalonFX

      Use the reverse limit switch attached to another Talon FX on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).
    • RemoteCANifier

      Use the reverse limit switch attached to another CANifier on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).
    • RemoteCANcoder

      Use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID). The reverse limit will assert when the CANcoder magnet strength changes from BAD (red) to ADEQUATE (orange) or GOOD (green).
    • RemoteCANrange

      Use another CANrange on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID). The reverse limit will assert when the CANrange proximity detect is tripped.
    • RemoteCANdiS1

      Use another CANdi on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID). The forward limit will assert when the CANdi Signal 1 Input (S1IN) pin matches the configured closed state.
    • RemoteCANdiS2

      Use another CANdi on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID). The forward limit will assert when the CANdi Signal 2 Input (S2IN) pin matches the configured closed state.
    • Disabled

      public static final ReverseLimitSourceValue Disabled
      Disable the reverse limit switch.
  • Field Details

    • value

      public final int value
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static ReverseLimitSourceValue[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static ReverseLimitSourceValue valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • valueOf

      public static ReverseLimitSourceValue valueOf(int value)
      Gets ReverseLimitSourceValue from specified value
      value - Value of ReverseLimitSourceValue
      ReverseLimitSourceValue of specified value