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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The positive discontinuity point of the absolute sensor in rotations.
AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
The positive discontinuity point of the absolute sensor in rotations.
AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
The positive discontinuity point of the absolute sensor in rotations.
AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
The positive discontinuity point of the absolute sensor in rotations.
AbsoluteSensorOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The offset applied to any absolute sensor connected to the Talon data port.
AbsoluteSensorOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
The offset applied to the PWM sensor.
AbsoluteSensorOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
The offset applied to the PWM sensor.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Acceleration for profiling.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Acceleration for profiling.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Acceleration for profiling.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
This is the absolute Acceleration to use generating the profile.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
This is the absolute Acceleration to use generating the profile.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
This is the absolute Acceleration to use generating the profile.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Acceleration to drive toward in rotations per second squared.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Acceleration to drive toward in rotations per second squared.
Acceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Acceleration to drive toward in rotations per second squared.
addFriction(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
Applies the effects of friction to dampen the motor voltage.
addFriction(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
Applies the effects of friction to dampen the motor voltage.
addInstrument(ParentDevice) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Adds an instrument to the orchestra.
addInstrument(ParentDevice, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Adds an instrument to the orchestra on the given track.
addPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Adds to the simulated position of the CANcoder.
addPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Adds to the simulated position of the CANcoder.
addQuadraturePosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Adds to the simulated quadrature position of the TalonFXS.
addQuadraturePosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Adds to the simulated quadrature position of the TalonFXS.
addRotorPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Adds to the simulated rotor position of the TalonFX.
addRotorPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Adds to the simulated rotor position of the TalonFXS.
addRotorPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Adds to the simulated rotor position of the TalonFX.
addRotorPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Adds to the simulated rotor position of the TalonFXS.
addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Adds a vision measurement to the Kalman Filter.
addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Adds a vision measurement to the Kalman Filter.
addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d, double, Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Adds a vision measurement to the Kalman Filter.
addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d, double, Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Adds a vision measurement to the Kalman Filter.
addYaw(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Adds to the simulated yaw of the Pigeon2.
addYaw(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Adds to the simulated yaw of the Pigeon2.
AdvancedHallSupport - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
Requires Phoenix Pro; Improves commutation and velocity measurement for motors with hall sensors.
AdvancedHallSupportValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Requires Phoenix Pro; Improves commutation and velocity measurement for motors with hall sensors.
Aligned - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorPhaseValue
The sensor direction is normally aligned with the motor.
AllowMusicDurDisable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
If true, the TalonFX will allow Orchestra and MusicTone requests during disabled state.
AllTimestamps - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
A collection of timestamps for a received signal.
AllTimestamps() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.AllTimestamps
angle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModulePosition
angle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleState
ApiTooOld - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This API version is too old for the firmware on the device.
AppIsTerminating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The user application is shutting down.
AppliedRotorPolarityValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
apply(AudioConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(AudioConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(AudioConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(AudioConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CANcoderConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CANcoderConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CANdiConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CANdiConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CANrangeConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CANrangeConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CommutationConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CommutationConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CurrentLimitsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CurrentLimitsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CurrentLimitsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CurrentLimitsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialConstantsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialConstantsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialConstantsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialConstantsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialSensorsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialSensorsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialSensorsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DifferentialSensorsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DigitalInputsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(DigitalInputsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ExternalFeedbackConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ExternalFeedbackConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(FeedbackConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(FeedbackConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(FovParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(FovParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(GyroTrimConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(GyroTrimConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MagnetSensorConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MagnetSensorConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotionMagicConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotionMagicConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotionMagicConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotionMagicConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotorOutputConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotorOutputConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotorOutputConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MotorOutputConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MountPoseConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(MountPoseConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(OpenLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(OpenLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(OpenLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(OpenLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Pigeon2Configuration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Pigeon2Configuration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ProximityParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ProximityParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(PWM1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(PWM1Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(PWM2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(PWM2Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(QuadratureConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(QuadratureConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot0Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot0Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot1Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot1Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot2Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(Slot2Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SlotConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SlotConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SlotConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SlotConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(TalonFXConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(TalonFXConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(TalonFXSConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(TalonFXSConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ToFParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ToFParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(TorqueCurrentConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(TorqueCurrentConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(VoltageConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(VoltageConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(VoltageConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(VoltageConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Applies the contents of the specified config to the device.
apply(ControlRequest, ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Controls this module using the specified drive and steer control requests.
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest
Applies this swerve request to the given modules.
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.Idle
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
apply(LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest
Applies this swerve request to the given modules.
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.Idle
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
apply(SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
apply(SwerveModule.ModuleRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Applies the desired SwerveModuleState to this module.
apply(SwerveModuleState, LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Applies the desired SwerveModuleState to this module.
apply(SwerveModuleState, LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType, LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Applies the desired SwerveModuleState to this module.
applyCharacterization(Rotation2d, TorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Controls this module to the specified steer target, and applies the specific drive request.
applyCharacterization(Rotation2d, VoltageOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Controls this module to the specified steer target, and applies the specific drive request.
ApplyChassisSpeeds() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
ApplyChassisSpeeds() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
applyConfigs() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Apply the mechanism configs to the devices.
applyConfigs() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Apply the mechanism configs to the devices.
applyConfigs(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Apply the mechanism configs to the devices.
applyConfigs(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Apply the mechanism configs to the devices.
ApplyFieldSpeeds() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.Idle
applyNative(int) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.NativeSwerveRequest
Applies a native swerve request to the native drivetrain with the provided ID.
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
applyNative(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
ApplyRobotSpeeds() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
AppTooOld - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device firmware application is too old.
Arm_Cosine - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.GravityTypeValue
The system's gravity feedback is dependent on the angular position of the mechanism, such as an arm.
asSupplier() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Returns a lambda that calls StatusSignal.refresh(boolean) and StatusSignal.getValue() on this object.
atSetpoint() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns true if the error is within the tolerance of the setpoint.
atSetpoint() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns true if the error is within the tolerance of the setpoint.
Audio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect audible components of the device.
Audio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect audible components of the device.
AudioConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect audible components of the device.
AudioConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
AudioFrequency - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Sound frequency to play.
AutoFeedEnable - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils
averageLoopTime - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread


Bad - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
Measurement is compromised.
BaseStatusSignal - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Class that provides operations to retrieve information about a status signal.
baseValue - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
BeepOnBoot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
If true, the TalonFX will beep during boot-up.
BeepOnConfig - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
If true, the TalonFX will beep during configuration API calls if device is disabled.
Blue - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Blue - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Blue - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Blue - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
BlueAlliance - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue
"Forward" (positive X) is always from the perspective of the blue alliance (i.e.
BootBeep - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_0 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_3 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_4 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_5 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_6 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Bootup_7 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Brake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.NeutralModeValue
BridgeOutputValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The applied output of the bridge.
BridgeReq_ActiveBrake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_Brake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_Coast - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_FaultBrake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_FaultCoast - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_FOCEasy - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_FOCTorque - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_MusicTone - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_Trapez - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
BridgeReq_VariableBrake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
Brushed_AB - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a third party brushed DC motor with leads A and B.
Brushed_AC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a third party brushed DC motor with leads A and C.
Brushed_BC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a third party brushed DC motor with leads B and C.
Brushed_DC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Third party brushed DC motor with two leads.
BrushedMotorWiring - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
If a brushed motor is selected with Motor Arrangement, this config determines which of three leads to use.
BrushedMotorWiringValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
If a brushed motor is selected with Motor Arrangement, this config determines which of three leads to use.
BufferFailure - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
BufferFull - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Buffer is full, cannot insert more data.
BusKeeper - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
The input will pull in the direction of the last measured state.
BusKeeper - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
The input will pull in the direction of the last measured state.
busOffCount - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
BusOffCount - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
Bus off count
busUtilization - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
BusUtilization - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
CAN bus utilization, from 0.0 to 1.0


calculate(double, double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns the next output of the PID controller.
calculate(double, double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the next output of the PID controller.
CallbackHelper - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils
CallbackHelper() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.CallbackHelper
CANBus - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Class for getting information about an available CAN bus.
CANBus() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Creates a new CAN bus using the default for the system: "rio" on roboRIO "can0" on Linux "*" on Windows
CANBus(String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Creates a new CAN bus with the given name.
CANBus(String, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Creates a new CAN bus with the given name, and loads an associated hoot file for replay (equivalent to HootReplay.loadFile(java.lang.String)).
CANBus.CANBusStatus - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Contains status information about a CAN bus.
CANBusJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
CANBusJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
CANbusName - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
Name of the CAN bus the swerve drive is on.
CANBusName - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
Name of the CAN bus the swerve drive is on.
CANBusStatus() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
CANcoder - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
WPILib-integrated version of CoreCANcoder
CANcoder(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANcoder
Constructs a new CANcoder object.
CANcoder(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANcoder
Constructs a new CANcoder object.
CANcoder(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANcoder
Constructs a new CANcoder object.
CANcoderConfiguration - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity.
CANcoderConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
CANcoderConfigurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity.
CANcoderConfigurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
CANcoderId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
CAN ID of the CANcoder used for azimuth.
CANcoderInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the CANcoder of the swerve module.
CANcoderInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the CANcoder of the swerve module.
CANcoderOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Offset of the CANcoder in rotations.
CANcoderSimState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Class to control the state of a simulated CANcoder.
CANcoderSimState(CoreCANcoder) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given CANcoder.
CANcoderSimState(CoreCANcoder, ChassisReference) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given CANcoder.
CANCoderType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
CANdi - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
WPILib-integrated version of CoreCANdi
CANdi(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANdi
Constructs a new CANdi object.
CANdi(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANdi
Constructs a new CANdi object.
CANdi(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANdi
Constructs a new CANdi object.
CANdiConfiguration - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class for CANdi, a CAN digital input device that detects when a digital signal is asserted or deasserted.
CANdiConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
CANdiConfigurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class for CANdi, a CAN digital input device that detects when a digital signal is asserted or deasserted.
CANdiConfigurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
CANdiSimState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Class to control the state of a simulated CANdi.
CANdiSimState(CoreCANdi) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given CANdi.
CANdiSimState(CoreCANdi, ChassisReference, ChassisReference, ChassisReference) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given CANdi.
CANdleAnimationsRequireHigherFirm - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CANdleAnimSlotOutOfBounds - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CanivCliError - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Command-line issue with caniv.
CANivore - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
Timestamp as reported by the CANivore.
CanMessageStale - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CAN message is stale, data is valid but old.
CannotLicenseWhileEnabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device cannot be licensed while it is control enabled.
CannotOpenSerialPort - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotOpenUdpPort - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotReadSerialPort - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotReadUdpPort - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotSerialToDevice - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotStepWhileUnpaused - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The simulation timing cannot be advanced by a time step while unpaused.
CannotUdpToDevice - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotWriteSerialPort - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CannotWriteUdpPort - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CanOverflowed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CANrange - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
WPILib-integrated version of CoreCANrange
CANrange(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANrange
Constructs a new CANrange object.
CANrange(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANrange
Constructs a new CANrange object.
CANrange(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANrange
Constructs a new CANrange object.
CANrangeConfiguration - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class for CANrange, a CAN based Time of Flight (ToF) sensor that measures the distance to the front of the device.
CANrangeConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
CANrangeConfigurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class for CANrange, a CAN based Time of Flight (ToF) sensor that measures the distance to the front of the device.
CANrangeConfigurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
CANrangeSimState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Class to control the state of a simulated CANrange.
CANrangeSimState(CoreCANrange) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANrangeSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given CANrange.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
The center of rotation to rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
CenterOfRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The center of rotation the robot should rotate around.
ChassisReference - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Represents the orientation of a device relative to the robot chassis.
checkIsOnCanFD() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
clearInstruments() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Clears all instruments in the orchestra.
clearStickyFault_5V() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
clearStickyFault_5V() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
clearStickyFault_5V(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
clearStickyFault_5V(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
clearStickyFault_BadMagnet() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing
clearStickyFault_BadMagnet() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing
clearStickyFault_BadMagnet(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing
clearStickyFault_BadMagnet(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal
clearStickyFault_BootIntoMotion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Motion Detected during bootup.
clearStickyFault_BootIntoMotion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Motion Detected during bootup.
clearStickyFault_BootIntoMotion(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Motion Detected during bootup.
clearStickyFault_BootIntoMotion(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Motion Detected during bootup.
clearStickyFault_BootupAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer
clearStickyFault_BootupAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer
clearStickyFault_BootupAccelerometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer
clearStickyFault_BootupAccelerometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer
clearStickyFault_BootupGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope
clearStickyFault_BootupGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope
clearStickyFault_BootupGyroscope(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope
clearStickyFault_BootupGyroscope(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope
clearStickyFault_BootupMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer
clearStickyFault_BootupMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer
clearStickyFault_BootupMagnetometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer
clearStickyFault_BootupMagnetometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
clearStickyFault_BridgeShort() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
clearStickyFault_BridgeShort() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
clearStickyFault_BridgeShort() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
clearStickyFault_BridgeShort(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
clearStickyFault_BridgeShort(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
clearStickyFault_BridgeShort(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
clearStickyFault_DataAcquiredLate() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected
clearStickyFault_DataAcquiredLate() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected
clearStickyFault_DataAcquiredLate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected
clearStickyFault_DataAcquiredLate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DeviceTemp(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
clearStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
clearStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
clearStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
clearStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
clearStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
clearStickyFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid.
clearStickyFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid.
clearStickyFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid.
clearStickyFault_HallSensorMissing(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid.
clearStickyFault_HallSensorMissing(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid.
clearStickyFault_HallSensorMissing(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Hall sensor signals are invalid.
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_Hardware(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred
clearStickyFault_LoopTimeSlow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
clearStickyFault_LoopTimeSlow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
clearStickyFault_LoopTimeSlow(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
clearStickyFault_LoopTimeSlow(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
clearStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Clear sticky fault: Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_OverSupplyV(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_ProcTemp(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
clearStickyFault_SaturatedAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Accelerometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Accelerometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedAccelerometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Accelerometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedAccelerometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Accelerometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Gyroscope values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Gyroscope values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedGyroscope(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Gyroscope values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedGyroscope(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Gyroscope values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Magnetometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Magnetometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedMagnetometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Magnetometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_SaturatedMagnetometer(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Magnetometer values are saturated
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_Undervoltage(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearStickyFaults(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Clear the sticky faults in the device.
clearUserRequirement() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Indicate to the mechanism that the user has performed the required action to resume mechanism control.
clearUserRequirement() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Indicate to the mechanism that the user has performed the required action to resume mechanism control.
Clockwise_Positive - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.InvertedValue
Positive motor output results in clockwise motion.
Clockwise_Positive - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue
Clockwise motion reports positive rotation.
Clockwise_Positive - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.ChassisReference
The device should read a clockwise rotation as positive motion.
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.AllTimestamps
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.EmptyControl
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
clone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
Creates a deep copy of this state object.
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANcoder
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANdi
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANrange
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Closes this Orchestra instance.
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.AutoFeedEnable
close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.ReplayAutoEnable
ClosedLoopGeneral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect general behavior during closed-looping.
ClosedLoopGeneral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect general behavior during closed-looping.
ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect general behavior during closed-looping.
ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
ClosedLoopRamps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect the closed-loop control of this motor controller.
ClosedLoopRamps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect the closed-loop control of this motor controller.
ClosedLoopRampsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the closed-loop control of this motor controller.
ClosedLoopRampsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
ClosedToGround - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitValue
ClosedToGround - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitValue
closeFile() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Ends the hoot log replay.
CloseWhenFloating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
The S1 input will be treated as closed when it is floating.
CloseWhenFloating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
The S2 input will be treated as closed when it is floating.
CloseWhenHigh - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
The S1 input will be treated as closed when it is High.
CloseWhenHigh - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
The S2 input will be treated as closed when it is High.
CloseWhenLow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
The S1 input will be treated as closed when it is Low.
CloseWhenLow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
The S2 input will be treated as closed when it is Low.
CloseWhenNotFloating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
The S1 input will be treated as closed when it is not floating.
CloseWhenNotFloating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
The S2 input will be treated as closed when it is not floating.
CloseWhenNotHigh - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
The S1 input will be treated as closed when it is not High.
CloseWhenNotHigh - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
The S2 input will be treated as closed when it is not High.
CloseWhenNotLow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
The S1 input will be treated as closed when it is not Low.
CloseWhenNotLow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
The S2 input will be treated as closed when it is not Low.
Coast - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.NeutralModeValue
CoastOut - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request coast neutral output of actuator.
CoastOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
CoastOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
CoastOut() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
Request coast neutral output of actuator.
Collecting - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Talon is collecting information on the sensor.
com.ctre.phoenix6 - package com.ctre.phoenix6
com.ctre.phoenix6.configs - package com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni - package com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni
com.ctre.phoenix6.controls - package com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.compound - package com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.compound
com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni - package com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni
com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware - package com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core - package com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni - package com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni
com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits - package com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
com.ctre.phoenix6.jni - package com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms - package com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve - package com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility - package com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility
com.ctre.phoenix6.signals - package com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
com.ctre.phoenix6.sim - package com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
com.ctre.phoenix6.spns - package com.ctre.phoenix6.spns
com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve - package com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni - package com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility - package com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility
com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged - package com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged
com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni - package com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni
com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils - package com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils
CommonTalon - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains everything common between Talon motor controllers.
CommonTalonWithExternalMotor - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains everything common between Talon motor controllers that support external motors.
CommonTalonWithFOC - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains everything common between Talon motor controllers that support FOC (requires Phoenix Pro).
Commutation - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use the external sensor used for motor commutation.
Commutation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that determine motor selection and commutation.
CommutationConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that determine motor selection and commutation.
CommutationConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
CompileSzIsWrong - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
ConfigFactoryDefaultRequiresHigherFirm - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Config factory default features require firmware >=3.10.
ConfigFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
ConfigJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni
ConfigJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
ConfigMotionSCurveRequiresHigherFirm - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Config Motion S Curve Strength features require firmware >=4.16.
configNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Configures the neutral mode to use for all modules' drive motors.
configNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Configures the neutral mode to use for the module's drive motor.
configNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Configures the neutral mode to use for all modules' drive motors.
ConfigReadWriteMismatch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The configs read from the device do not match the configs that were written.
ConnectedMotorValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
ContextAPI - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI.Context
ContextDiagServer - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI.Context
ContinuousWrap - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
Wrap position error within [-0.5,+0.5) mechanism rotations.
ControlConfigJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni
ControlConfigJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlConfigJNI
ControlDisabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
ControlEnabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
ControlEnabled_11 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
ControlJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni
ControlJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
ControlModeNotSupportedYet - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This control mode is not supported yet.
ControlModeNotValid - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The control mode is not valid for this function.
ControlModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The active control mode of the motor controller.
controlParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
ControlParams() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
ControlRequest - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Abstract Control Request class that other control requests extend for use.
ControlRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.ControlRequest
Constructs a new Control Request with the given name.
ControlTimesyncFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
When a control request UseTimesync is enabled, this determines the time-sychronized frequency at which control requests are applied.
CoreCANcoder - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity.
CoreCANcoder(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Constructs a new CANcoder object.
CoreCANcoder(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Constructs a new CANcoder object.
CoreCANcoder(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Constructs a new CANcoder object.
CoreCANdi - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
Class for CANdi, a CAN digital input device that detects when a digital signal is asserted or deasserted.
CoreCANdi(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Constructs a new CANdi object.
CoreCANdi(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Constructs a new CANdi object.
CoreCANdi(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Constructs a new CANdi object.
CoreCANrange - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
Class for CANrange, a CAN based Time of Flight (ToF) sensor that measures the distance to the front of the device.
CoreCANrange(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Constructs a new CANrange object.
CoreCANrange(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Constructs a new CANrange object.
CoreCANrange(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Constructs a new CANrange object.
CorePigeon2 - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation.
CorePigeon2(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Constructs a new Pigeon 2 sensor object.
CorePigeon2(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Constructs a new Pigeon 2 sensor object.
CorePigeon2(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Constructs a new Pigeon 2 sensor object.
CoreTalonFX - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller.
CoreTalonFX(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
CoreTalonFX(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
CoreTalonFX(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
CoreTalonFXS - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core
Class description for the Talon FXS motor controller.
CoreTalonFXS(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Constructs a new Talon FXS motor controller object.
CoreTalonFXS(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Constructs a new Talon FXS motor controller object.
CoreTalonFXS(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Constructs a new Talon FXS motor controller object.
CorruptedPOST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CouldNotCast - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not cast from base value to this particular signal's type
CouldNotChangePeriod - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Control Frame Period could not be changed.
CouldNotConfirmBl - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not confirm the device has entered the bootloader.
CouldNotConfirmId - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not verify that the changed ID took effect.
CouldNotDecodeDeviceFirmware - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device firmware could not be decoded.
CouldNotEnterBl - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not put the device into bootloader mode.
CouldNotErase - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not erase flash.
CouldNotFindDynamicId - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CouldNotReqDevInfo - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CouldNotReqFactoryDefault - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Unable to factory default this device.
CouldNotReqSetConfigs - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not apply the device configs.
CouldNotReqSetDesc - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Unable to set name to this device.
CouldNotReqSetId - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Unable to set ID to this device.
CouldNotRetrieveV6Firmware - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device firmware could not be retrieved.
CouldNotRunApp - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not run the device firmware application.
CouldNotSendCanFrame - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CouldNotSendFlash - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not field upgrade the device.
CouldNotSerialize - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The data frame could not be serialized for transmit.
CouldNotValidate - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Bootloader could not verify integrity of the flashed application.
CounterClockwise_Positive - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.InvertedValue
Positive motor output results in counter-clockwise motion.
CounterClockwise_Positive - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue
Counter-clockwise motion reports positive rotation.
CounterClockwise_Positive - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.ChassisReference
The device should read a counter-clockwise rotation as positive motion.
CouplingGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Coupled gear ratio between the CANcoder and the drive motor.
CouplingGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Coupled gear ratio between the CANcoder and the drive motor.
CouplingGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Coupled gear ratio between the azimuth encoder and the drive motor.
CouplingGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Coupled gear ratio between the azimuth encoder and the drive motor.
create(int, String) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor
createModuleConstants(int, int, int, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Creates the constants for a swerve module with the given properties.
createModuleConstants(int, int, int, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Creates the constants for a swerve module with the given properties.
createModuleConstants(int, int, int, Angle, Distance, Distance, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Creates the constants for a swerve module with the given properties.
CtreJniWrapper - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
CtreJniWrapper() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CtreJniWrapper
currentChassisSpeed - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
currentChassisSpeed - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The current chassis speeds of the robot
currentChassisSpeedOmega - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
currentChassisSpeedVx - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
currentChassisSpeedVy - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
CurrentLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that directly affect current limiting features.
CurrentLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that directly affect current limiting features.
CurrentLimitsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that directly affect current limiting features.
CurrentLimitsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
currentPose - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
currentPose - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The current pose of the robot
currentPoseTheta - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
currentPoseX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
currentPoseY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
currentTime - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
CustomNameNotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CustomParam0 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
Custom parameter 0.
CustomParam1 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
Custom parameter 1.
CustomParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
Custom Params.
CustomParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Custom Params.
CustomParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Custom Params.
CustomParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Custom Params.
CustomParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Custom Params.
CustomParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Custom Params.
CustomParamsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Custom Params.
CustomParamsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
Cyan - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Cyan - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Cyan - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Cyan - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue


data - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Deadband in Amperes.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The allowable deadband of the request.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The allowable deadband of the request.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The allowable deadband of the request.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The allowable deadband of the request, in m/s.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The allowable deadband of the request, in m/s.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The allowable deadband of the request, in m/s.
Deadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The allowable deadband of the request, in m/s.
DefaultTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ParentConfigurator
The default maximum amount of time to wait for a config.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
DesaturateWheelSpeeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
Take a string and deserialize it to this configuration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Take a string and deserialize it to this configuration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Take a string and deserialize it to this configuration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ParentConfiguration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Take a string and deserialize it to this configuration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Take a string and deserialize it to this configuration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Take a string and deserialize it to this configuration
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
deserialize(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Deserializeboolean(int, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
Deserializedouble(int, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
Deserializeint(int, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
Device - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
This timestamp source requires Phoenix Pro.
DeviceDidNotRespondToDiagReq - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
DeviceEnableValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the device is enabled.
deviceHash - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
DeviceHasReset - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
A device or remote sensor has reset.
DeviceHasReset - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
A device or remote sensor has reset.
DeviceHasReset - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
A device or remote sensor has reset.
DeviceHasReset - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
A device or remote sensor has reset.
deviceIdentifier - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
deviceIdentifier - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
DeviceIdentifier - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
DeviceIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
DeviceIdentifier(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
DeviceIsNull - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
DeviceType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Enumeration of all supported device types.
DidNotGetDhcp - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
DidNotGetFullDhcp - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
DifferentialConstants - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs related to constants used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialConstants - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs related to constants used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialConstantsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs related to constants used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialConstantsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
DifferentialControlModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The active control mode of the differential controller.
DifferentialDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
DifferentialDutyCycle(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
DifferentialDutyCycle(double, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
DifferentialFollower - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon.
DifferentialFollower(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon.
DifferentialMechanism - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Manages control of a two-axis differential mechanism.
DifferentialMechanism(TalonFX, TalonFX, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Creates a new differential mechanism using the given two TalonFX devices.
DifferentialMechanism(TalonFX, TalonFX, boolean, CANcoder) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Creates a new differential mechanism using the given two TalonFX devices and a CANcoder.
DifferentialMechanism(TalonFX, TalonFX, boolean, Pigeon2, DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Creates a new differential mechanism using the given two TalonFX devices and a Pigeon2.
DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Sensor sources for a differential Pigeon 2.
DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Possible reasons for the mechanism to disable.
DifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Possible reasons for the mechanism to require user action to resume control.
DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle(Angle, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage(Angle, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Differential position to drive towards in rotations Units: rotations
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Differential position to drive toward in rotations.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Differential position to drive toward in rotations.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Differential position to drive toward in rotations.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Differential position to drive toward in rotations.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Differential position to drive toward in rotations.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Differential position to drive toward in rotations.
DifferentialPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Differential position to drive towards in rotations Units: rotations
DifferentialPositionDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialPositionDutyCycle(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialPositionDutyCycle(Angle, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialPositionVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint
DifferentialPositionVoltage(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint
DifferentialPositionVoltage(Angle, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint
DifferentialRemoteSensorID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
Device ID of which remote sensor to use on the differential axis.
DifferentialSensors - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs related to sensors used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialSensors - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs related to sensors used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialSensorsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs related to sensors used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialSensorsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
DifferentialSensorSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
Choose what sensor source is used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialSensorSourceValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Choose what sensor source is used for differential control of a mechanism.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the differential controller by selecting the slot.
DifferentialStrictFollower - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
DifferentialStrictFollower(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
DifferentialTalonFXSensorID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
Device ID of which remote Talon FX to use.
DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle(AngularVelocity, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialVelocityVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialVelocityVoltage(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialVelocityVoltage(AngularVelocity, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
DifferentialVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
DifferentialVoltage(double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
DifferentialVoltage(Voltage, Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The output mode of the differential PID controller.
DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the closed-loop is running on position or velocity.
DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the closed-loop is running on position or velocity.
DigitalInputs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Configs related to CANdi digital I/O settings
DigitalInputsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs related to CANdi digital I/O settings
DigitalInputsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
DirectoryMissing - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not find specified directory.
disable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Common interface for disabling a motor controller.
disable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Common interface for disabling a motor controller.
disableContinuousInput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Disables continuous input.
disableContinuousInput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Disables continuous input.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.MechanismState
The mechanism is temporarily disabled due to an issue.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AdvancedHallSupportValue
Talon will utilize hall sensors without advanced features.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DeviceEnableValue
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Disable differential control.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Disable the forward limit switch.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotionMagicIsRunningValue
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Motor is not selected.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Disable the reverse limit switch.
Disabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.RobotEnableValue
DisabledOutput - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
DisabledOutput - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
DisableNoMotionCalibration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Disables using the no-motion calibration feature.
DisableTemperatureCompensation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Disables using the temperature compensation feature.
Disconnected - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Temperature sensor appears to be disconnected.
DiscordantMotoring - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
The same as Motoring, except the rotor is being backdriven as the motor output is not enough to defeat load forces.
distance - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModulePosition
DistanceBetweenWheelsTooSmall - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Distance between wheels is too small, cannot get heading.
DoubleVoltageCompensatingWPI - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Motor Controller Voltage Compensation should not be used with setVoltage().
DriveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Voltage necessary for the drive motor to overcome friction
DriveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Simulated drive voltage required to overcome friction.
DriveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated drive voltage required to overcome friction.
DriveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Voltage necessary for the drive motor to overcome friction
DriveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Simulated drive voltage required to overcome friction.
DriveFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated drive voltage required to overcome friction.
DriveGearing - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Reference to steer gearing for updating CANcoder
DriveGearing - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Reference to steer gearing for updating encoder
DriveInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Simulated drive inertia in kilogram meters squared.
DriveInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated drive inertia in kilogram meters squared.
DriveInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Simulated drive inertia.
DriveInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated drive inertia.
DriveMotor - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Reference to motor simulation for drive motor
DriveMotor - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Reference to motor simulation for drive motor
DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors.
DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors.
DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors.
DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors.
DriveMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The drive motor closed-loop gains.
DriveMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The drive motor closed-loop gains.
DriveMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The drive motor closed-loop gains.
DriveMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The drive motor closed-loop gains.
DriveMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Gear ratio between the drive motor and the wheel.
DriveMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Gear ratio between the drive motor and the wheel.
DriveMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Gear ratio between the drive motor and the wheel.
DriveMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Gear ratio between the drive motor and the wheel.
DriveMotorId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
CAN ID of the drive motor.
DriveMotorId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
CAN ID of the drive motor.
DriveMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the drive motor of the swerve module.
DriveMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the drive motor of the swerve module.
DriveMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the drive motor of the swerve module.
DriveMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the drive motor of the swerve module.
DriveMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Whether the drive motor is inverted
DriveMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
True if the driving motor is reversed.
DriveMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Whether the drive motor is inverted
DriveMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
True if the drive motor is inverted.
DriveMotorType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Choose the motor used for the drive motor.
DriveMotorType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Choose the motor used for the drive motor.
driveRequest - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
DriveRequest - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
DriveRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
driveState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
DriveState() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
drivetrainId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
ID of the native drivetrain instance, used for JNI calls
DutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
DutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
DutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
If non-zero, this determines how much time to ramp from 0% output to 100% during the closed-loop DutyCycle control modes.
DutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
DutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
DutyCycleNeutralDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Configures the output deadband duty cycle during duty cycle and voltage based control modes.
DutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
If non-zero, this determines how much time to ramp from 0% output to 100% during the open-loop DutyCycleOut control mode.
DutyCycleOut - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request a specified motor duty cycle.
DutyCycleOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
DutyCycleOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
DutyCycleOut(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Request a specified motor duty cycle.
DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle(Angle, AngularVelocity, AngularAcceleration, Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC(Angle, AngularVelocity, AngularAcceleration, Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicVoltage(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
DynamicMotionMagicVoltage(Angle, AngularVelocity, AngularAcceleration, Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.


EcuIsNotPresent - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device is not present.
ecutimeStampSeconds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
Elevator_Static - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.GravityTypeValue
The system's gravity feedforward is constant, such as an elevator.
EmptyControl - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Generic Empty Control class used to do nothing.
EmptyControl() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.EmptyControl
Constructs an empty control request.
enableAutoLogging(boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Enables or disables auto logging.
EnableCompass - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Turns on or off the magnetometer fusing for 9-axis.
enableContinuousInput(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Enables continuous input.
enableContinuousInput(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Enables continuous input.
Enabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AdvancedHallSupportValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon uses advanced features to improve commutation and velocity measurement when using hall sensors.
Enabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DeviceEnableValue
Enabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotionMagicIsRunningValue
Enabled - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.RobotEnableValue
enableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Set to true to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EnableFOC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
When using Voltage-based control, set to true (default) to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%.
EncoderId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
CAN ID of the absolute encoder used for azimuth.
EncoderInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the azimuth encoder of the swerve module.
EncoderInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the azimuth encoder of the swerve module.
EncoderInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Whether the azimuth encoder is inverted
EncoderInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
True if the azimuth encoder is inverted from the azimuth.
EncoderOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Offset of the azimuth encoder.
EncoderType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
The type of encoder to use for the azimuth
error - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
ErrorReportingJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
ErrorReportingJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.ErrorReportingJNI
ExternalFeedback - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect the external feedback sensor of this motor controller.
ExternalFeedbackConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the external feedback sensor of this motor controller.
ExternalFeedbackConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
ExternalFeedbackSensorSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and limit features.
ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and limit features.
ExternalMotorTempStatusValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Status of the temperature sensor of the external motor.
ExtSensorOrientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
The orientation of an external sensor attached to the TalonFXS relative to the robot chassis.


FailedDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
Number of failed data acquisitions
FailedDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
FailedDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
Number of failed data acquisitions
FailedDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
Number of failed data acquisitions
Falcon500_Integrated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is attached to an integrated Falcon motor.
Fault - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
FeatureNotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This feature is not supported.
FeatureRequiresHigherFirm - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Features requires newer firmware version.
FeaturesNotAvailableYet - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This feature will be supported in a future update.
feed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Feed the motor safety object.
feed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Feed the motor safety object.
Feedback - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect the feedback of this motor controller.
FeedbackConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the feedback of this motor controller.
FeedbackConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
FeedbackRemoteSensorID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Device ID of which remote device to use.
FeedbackRemoteSensorID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Device ID of which remote device to use.
FeedbackRotorOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
The offset applied to the absolute integrated rotor sensor.
FeedbackSensorSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and limit features.
FeedbackSensorSourceValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and limit features.
FeedbackSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Choose how the feedback sensors should be configured.
FeedbackSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Choose how the feedback sensors should be configured.
FeedbackSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Choose how the feedback sensors should be configured.
FeedbackSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Choose how the feedback sensors should be configured.
feedEnable(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
Feed the robot enable.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Feedforward to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Feedforward to apply in torque current in Amperes.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Feedforward to apply in volts Units: Volts
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Feedforward to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Feedforward to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Feedforward to apply in torque current in Amperes.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Feedforward to apply in volts Units: Volts
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Feedforward to apply in torque current in Amperes.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Feedforward to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Feedforward to apply in torque current in Amperes.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Feedforward to apply in volts Units: Volts
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Feedforward to apply in volts Units: Volts
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Feedforward to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Feedforward to apply in torque current in Amperes.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Feedforward to apply in volts Units: Volts
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Feedforward to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Feedforward to apply in torque current in Amperes.
FeedForward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Feedforward to apply in volts Units: Volts
FieldCentric() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
FieldCentric() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
FieldCentricFacingAngle() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
FieldCentricFacingAngle() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
FirmVersionCouldNotBeRetrieved - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Firm Vers could not be retrieved.
FirmwareNonFRC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Firmware is legacy non-FRC version.
FirmwareTooNew - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Firmware Too New.
FirmwareTooOld - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Firmware Too Old.
FirmwareVersNotCompatible - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Firmware version is not compatible with this version of Phoenix.
FlashWasGood - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device field upgrade was successful.
FloatDetect - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
The input will attempt to detect when it is floating.
FloatDetect - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
The input will attempt to detect when it is floating.
Floating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
Input is not driven high or low, it is disconnected from load.
Floating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
Input is not driven high or low, it is disconnected from load.
Follower - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Follow the motor output of another Talon.
Follower - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
Follower - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
Follower(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Follow the motor output of another Talon.
ForwardLimitAutosetPositionEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
If enabled, the position is automatically set to a specific value, specified by ForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue, when the forward limit switch is asserted.
ForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
The value to automatically set the position to when the forward limit switch is asserted.
ForwardLimitEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
If enabled, motor output is set to neutral when the forward limit switch is asserted and positive output is requested.
ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Device ID of the remote device if using remote limit switch features for the forward limit switch.
ForwardLimitSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Determines where to poll the forward limit switch.
ForwardLimitSourceValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Determines where to poll the forward limit switch.
ForwardLimitType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Determines if the forward limit switch is normally-open (default) or normally-closed.
ForwardLimitTypeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Determines if the forward limit switch is normally-open (default) or normally-closed.
ForwardLimitValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Forward Limit Pin.
ForwardPerspective - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
The perspective to use when determining which direction is forward.
ForwardPerspective - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The perspective to use when determining which direction is forward.
ForwardPerspective - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The perspective to use when determining which direction is forward.
ForwardPerspective - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The perspective to use when determining which direction is forward for the target heading.
ForwardReference - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The perspective to use when determining which direction is forward.
ForwardReference - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The perspective to use when determining which direction is forward.
ForwardSoftLimitEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
If enabled, the motor output is set to neutral if position exceeds ForwardSoftLimitThreshold and forward output is requested.
ForwardSoftLimitThreshold - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Position threshold for forward soft limit features.
FOVCenterX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Specifies the target center of the Field of View in the X direction.
FOVCenterY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Specifies the target center of the Field of View in the Y direction.
FovParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Configs that affect the ToF Field of View
FovParamsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the ToF Field of View
FovParamsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
FOVRangeX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Specifies the target range of the Field of View in the X direction.
FOVRangeY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Specifies the target range of the Field of View in the Y direction.
fpgaToCurrentTime(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Utils
Converts an FPGA timestamp to the timebase reported by Utils.getCurrentTimeSeconds().
Frc_Locked - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FrcLockValue
Frc_Unlocked - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FrcLockValue
FrcLockValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether device is locked by FRC.
FrequentConfigCalls - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Do not apply or refresh configs periodically, as configs are blocking.
from(Slot0Configs) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
from(Slot1Configs) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
from(Slot2Configs) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
from(SlotConfigs) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
from(SlotConfigs) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
from(SlotConfigs) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
FusedCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro
FusedCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse another CANcoder's information with the commutation sensor, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse another CANcoder's information with the internal rotor, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro; Use FeedbackSensorSourceValue.FusedCANcoder for the steer motor.
FusedCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 1 (S1IN) on CANdi, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 1 (S1IN) on CANdi, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro; Use FeedbackSensorSourceValue.FusedCANdiPWM1 for the steer motor.
FusedCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 2 (S2IN) on CANdi, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 2 (S2IN) on CANdi, which provides the best possible position and velocity for accuracy and bandwidth (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
FusedCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro; Use FeedbackSensorSourceValue.FusedCANdiPWM2 for the steer motor.
FusedCANdiQuadrature - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse a qaudrature encoder remotely attached to the two Sensor Inputs on CANdi.
FusedCANdiQuadrature - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will fuse a qaudrature encoder remotely attached to the two Sensor Inputs on CANdi.
FutureProofConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
True if we should factory default newer unsupported configs, false to leave newer unsupported configs alone.
FutureProofConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
True if we should factory default newer unsupported configs, false to leave newer unsupported configs alone.
FutureProofConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
True if we should factory default newer unsupported configs, false to leave newer unsupported configs alone.
FutureProofConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
True if we should factory default newer unsupported configs, false to leave newer unsupported configs alone.
FutureProofConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
True if we should factory default newer unsupported configs, false to leave newer unsupported configs alone.
FutureProofConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
True if we should factory default newer unsupported configs, false to leave newer unsupported configs alone.


GadgeteerDeviceNoSetId - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Cannot set the ID of a gadgeteer device.
GainsAreNotSet - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
GEN_MODULE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
GEN_PORT_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
GeneralError - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
General Error Occurred.
GeneralWarning - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
General Warning Occurred.
get() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Common interface for getting the current set speed of a motor controller.
get() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Common interface for getting the current set speed of a motor controller.
getAbsolutePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Absolute Position of the device.
getAbsolutePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Absolute Position of the device.
getAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPointMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter converted to a unit type.
getAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPointMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter converted to a unit type.
getAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPointMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter converted to a unit type.
getAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPointMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter converted to a unit type.
getAbsoluteSensorOffsetMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter converted to a unit type.
getAbsoluteSensorOffsetMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter converted to a unit type.
getAbsoluteSensorOffsetMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Helper method to get this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter converted to a unit type.
getAcceleration() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per second².
getAcceleration() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per second².
getAcceleration() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per second².
getAcceleration(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per second².
getAcceleration(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per second².
getAcceleration(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per second².
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Acceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getAccelerationX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The acceleration measured by Pigeon2 in the X direction.
getAccelerationX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The acceleration measured by Pigeon2 in the X direction.
getAccelerationY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The acceleration measured by Pigeon2 in the Y direction.
getAccelerationY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The acceleration measured by Pigeon2 in the Y direction.
getAccelerationZ() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The acceleration measured by Pigeon2 in the Z direction.
getAccelerationZ(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The acceleration measured by Pigeon2 in the Z direction.
getAccumGyroX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The accumulated gyro about the X axis without any sensor fusing.
getAccumGyroX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The accumulated gyro about the X axis without any sensor fusing.
getAccumGyroY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The accumulated gyro about the Y axis without any sensor fusing.
getAccumGyroY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The accumulated gyro about the Y axis without any sensor fusing.
getAccumGyroZ() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The accumulated gyro about the Z axis without any sensor fusing.
getAccumGyroZ(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The accumulated gyro about the Z axis without any sensor fusing.
getAllTimestamps() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Get all timestamps relevant for this signal.
getAmbientSignal() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The amount of ambient infrared light that the sensor is detecting.
getAmbientSignal(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The amount of ambient infrared light that the sensor is detecting.
getAncillaryDeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Temperature of device from second sensor.
getAncillaryDeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of device from second sensor.
getAncillaryDeviceTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Temperature of device from second sensor.
getAncillaryDeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Temperature of device from second sensor.
getAncillaryDeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of device from second sensor.
getAncillaryDeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Temperature of device from second sensor.
getAngle() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This API is deprecated for removal in the 2026 season. Users should use CorePigeon2.getYaw() instead. Note that Yaw is CCW+, whereas this API is CW+.
getAngularVelocityXDevice() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the device's X axis.
getAngularVelocityXDevice(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the device's X axis.
getAngularVelocityXWorld() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the X axis with respect to the world frame.
getAngularVelocityXWorld(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the X axis with respect to the world frame.
getAngularVelocityYDevice() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the device's Y axis.
getAngularVelocityYDevice(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the device's Y axis.
getAngularVelocityYWorld() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the Y axis with respect to the world frame.
getAngularVelocityYWorld(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the Y axis with respect to the world frame.
getAngularVelocityZDevice() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the device's Z axis.
getAngularVelocityZDevice(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the device's Z axis.
getAngularVelocityZWorld() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the Z axis with respect to the world frame.
getAngularVelocityZWorld(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The angular velocity (ω) of the Pigeon 2 about the Z axis with respect to the world frame.
getApiCompliancy() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
Gets this API's compliancy version
getAppliedControl() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Get the latest applied control.
getAppliedRotorPolarity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
getAppliedRotorPolarity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
getAppliedRotorPolarity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
getAppliedRotorPolarity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
getAppliedRotorPolarity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
getAppliedRotorPolarity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
getAppliedUpdateFrequency() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Gets the rate at which the device will publish this signal.
getAppliedUpdateFrequencyMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Gets the rate at which the device will publish this signal as a unit type.
getAudioFrequencyMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Helper method to get this Control Request's AudioFrequency parameter converted to a unit type.
getBestTimestamp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.AllTimestamps
Get the most accurate timestamp available.
getBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a boolean user signal.
getBooleanArray(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a boolean user signal.
getBridgeOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied output of the bridge.
getBridgeOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied output of the bridge.
getBridgeOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied output of the bridge.
getBridgeOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied output of the bridge.
getBridgeOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied output of the bridge.
getBridgeOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied output of the bridge.
getCachedPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Gets the last cached swerve module position.
getCachedPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets the last cached swerve module position.
getCANcoder() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Gets this module's CANcoder reference.
getCANivoreTimestamp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.AllTimestamps
Get the timestamp as reported by the Timestamp.TimestampSource.CANivore source.
getClosedLoopDerivativeOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop derivative component
getClosedLoopDerivativeOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop derivative component
getClosedLoopDerivativeOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop derivative component
getClosedLoopDerivativeOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop derivative component
getClosedLoopDerivativeOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop derivative component
getClosedLoopDerivativeOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop derivative component
getClosedLoopError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The difference between target reference and current measurement
getClosedLoopError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The difference between target reference and current measurement
getClosedLoopError() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The difference between target reference and current measurement
getClosedLoopError(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The difference between target reference and current measurement
getClosedLoopError(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The difference between target reference and current measurement
getClosedLoopError(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The difference between target reference and current measurement
getClosedLoopFeedForward() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Feedforward passed by the user
getClosedLoopFeedForward() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Feedforward passed by the user
getClosedLoopFeedForward() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Feedforward passed by the user
getClosedLoopFeedForward(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Feedforward passed by the user
getClosedLoopFeedForward(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Feedforward passed by the user
getClosedLoopFeedForward(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Feedforward passed by the user
getClosedLoopIntegratedOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop integrated component
getClosedLoopIntegratedOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop integrated component
getClosedLoopIntegratedOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop integrated component
getClosedLoopIntegratedOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop integrated component
getClosedLoopIntegratedOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop integrated component
getClosedLoopIntegratedOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop integrated component
getClosedLoopOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop total output
getClosedLoopOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop total output
getClosedLoopOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop total output
getClosedLoopOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop total output
getClosedLoopOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop total output
getClosedLoopOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop total output
getClosedLoopProportionalOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop proportional component
getClosedLoopProportionalOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop proportional component
getClosedLoopProportionalOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop proportional component
getClosedLoopProportionalOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Closed loop proportional component
getClosedLoopProportionalOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Closed loop proportional component
getClosedLoopProportionalOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Closed loop proportional component
getClosedLoopReference() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Value that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReference() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Value that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReference() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Value that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReference(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Value that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReference(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Value that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReference(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Value that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReferenceSlope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReferenceSlope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReferenceSlope() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReferenceSlope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReferenceSlope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopReferenceSlope(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting
getClosedLoopSlot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
getClosedLoopSlot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
getClosedLoopSlot() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
getClosedLoopSlot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
getClosedLoopSlot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
getClosedLoopSlot(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
GetConfigs(String, int, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
getConfigsPrivate(StringBuilder, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ParentConfigurator
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Gets the configurator to use with this device's configs
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Gets the configurator to use with this device's configs
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Gets the configurator to use with this device's configs
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Gets the configurator to use with this device's configs
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Gets the configurator to use with this device's configs
getConfigurator() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Gets the configurator to use with this device's configs
getConnectedMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
getConnectedMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
getConnectedMotor() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
getConnectedMotor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
getConnectedMotor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
getConnectedMotor(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The type of motor attached to the Talon.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.ControlRequest
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.EmptyControl
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Gets information about this control request.
getControlInfo() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Gets information about this control request.
getControlMode() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The active control mode of the motor controller.
getControlMode() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The active control mode of the motor controller.
getControlMode() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The active control mode of the motor controller.
getControlMode(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The active control mode of the motor controller.
getControlMode(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The active control mode of the motor controller.
getControlMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The active control mode of the motor controller.
getControlTimesyncFreqHzMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ControlTimesyncFreqHz parameter converted to a unit type.
getCurrentState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Get the current state of the module.
getCurrentState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Get the current state of the module.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Gets the current timestamp of the music file.
getCurrentTimeSeconds() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.UtilsJNI
getCurrentTimeSeconds() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Utils
Get the current timestamp in seconds.
getD() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Get the Differential coefficient.
getD() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Get the Differential coefficient.
getDaqThread() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Gets a reference to the data acquisition thread.
getDataCopy() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Get a basic data-only container with this information, to be used for things such as data logging.
getDeadbandMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Deadband parameter converted to a unit type.
getDescription() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
getDescription() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
getDescription() - Method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Gets the description of this StatusCode
getDescription() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.MotorSafetyImplem
getDeviceEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
getDeviceEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
getDeviceEnable() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
getDeviceEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
getDeviceEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
getDeviceEnable(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
getDeviceHash() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
getDeviceHash() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Gets a number unique for this device's hardware type and ID.
getDeviceHash(int, String, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI
getDeviceId() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
getDeviceID() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
getDeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Temperature of device.
getDeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of device.
getDeviceTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Temperature of device.
getDeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Temperature of device.
getDeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of device.
getDeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Temperature of device.
getDeviceTimestamp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.AllTimestamps
Get the timestamp as reported by the Timestamp.TimestampSource.Device source.
getDifferentialAveragePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Average component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialAveragePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Average component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialAveragePosition() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Average component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialAveragePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Average component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialAveragePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Average component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialAveragePosition(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Average component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialAverageVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Average component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialAverageVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Average component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialAverageVelocity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Average component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialAverageVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Average component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialAverageVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Average component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialAverageVelocity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Average component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop derivative component
getDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop derivative component
getDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop derivative component
getDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop derivative component
getDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop derivative component
getDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop derivative component
getDifferentialClosedLoopError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The difference between target differential reference and current measurement
getDifferentialClosedLoopError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The difference between target differential reference and current measurement
getDifferentialClosedLoopError() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The difference between target differential reference and current measurement
getDifferentialClosedLoopError(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The difference between target differential reference and current measurement
getDifferentialClosedLoopError(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The difference between target differential reference and current measurement
getDifferentialClosedLoopError(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The difference between target differential reference and current measurement
getDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential Feedforward passed by the user
getDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential Feedforward passed by the user
getDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential Feedforward passed by the user
getDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential Feedforward passed by the user
getDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential Feedforward passed by the user
getDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential Feedforward passed by the user
getDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop integrated component
getDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop integrated component
getDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop integrated component
getDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop integrated component
getDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop integrated component
getDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop integrated component
getDifferentialClosedLoopOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop total output
getDifferentialClosedLoopOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop total output
getDifferentialClosedLoopOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop total output
getDifferentialClosedLoopOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop total output
getDifferentialClosedLoopOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop total output
getDifferentialClosedLoopOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop total output
getDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop proportional component
getDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop proportional component
getDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop proportional component
getDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential closed loop proportional component
getDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential closed loop proportional component
getDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Differential closed loop proportional component
getDifferentialClosedLoopReference() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Value that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReference() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Value that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReference() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Value that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReference(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Value that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReference(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Value that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReference(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Value that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting
getDifferentialClosedLoopSlot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
getDifferentialClosedLoopSlot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
getDifferentialClosedLoopSlot() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
getDifferentialClosedLoopSlot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
getDifferentialClosedLoopSlot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
getDifferentialClosedLoopSlot(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
getDifferentialControlMode() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The active control mode of the differential controller.
getDifferentialControlMode() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The active control mode of the differential controller.
getDifferentialControlMode() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The active control mode of the differential controller.
getDifferentialControlMode(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The active control mode of the differential controller.
getDifferentialControlMode(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The active control mode of the differential controller.
getDifferentialControlMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The active control mode of the differential controller.
getDifferentialDifferencePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Difference component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialDifferencePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Difference component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialDifferencePosition() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Difference component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialDifferencePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Difference component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialDifferencePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Difference component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialDifferencePosition(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Difference component of the differential position of device.
getDifferentialDifferenceVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialDifferenceVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialDifferenceVelocity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialDifferenceVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialDifferenceVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialDifferenceVelocity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
getDifferentialFollower() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Get the Talon FX that is differential follower.
getDifferentialFollower() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Get the Talon FX that is differential follower.
getDifferentialLeader() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Get the Talon FX that is differential leader.
getDifferentialLeader() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Get the Talon FX that is differential leader.
getDifferentialOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The calculated motor output for differential followers.
getDifferentialOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The calculated motor output for differential followers.
getDifferentialOutput() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The calculated motor output for differential followers.
getDifferentialOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The calculated motor output for differential followers.
getDifferentialOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The calculated motor output for differential followers.
getDifferentialOutput(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The calculated motor output for differential followers.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDifferentialPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getDisabledReason() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
getDisabledReason() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
getDistance() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Distance to the nearest object in the configured field of view of the CANrange.
getDistance(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Distance to the nearest object in the configured field of view of the CANrange.
getDistanceStdDev() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Standard Deviation of the distance measurement.
getDistanceStdDev(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Standard Deviation of the distance measurement.
getDouble(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a double user signal.
getDoubleArray(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a double array user signal.
getDriveClosedLoopOutputType() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets the closed-loop output type to use for the drive motor.
getDriveMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Gets this module's Drive Motor TalonFX reference.
getDriveMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets this module's Drive Motor reference.
getDutyCycle() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied motor duty cycle.
getDutyCycle() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied motor duty cycle.
getDutyCycle() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied motor duty cycle.
getDutyCycle(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied motor duty cycle.
getDutyCycle(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied motor duty cycle.
getDutyCycle(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied motor duty cycle.
getDutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriodMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's DutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter converted to a unit type.
getDutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriodMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's DutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter converted to a unit type.
getEnableState() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
getEncoder() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets this module's azimuth encoder reference.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Retrieve the timeout value for the corresponding motor safety object.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Retrieve the timeout value for the corresponding motor safety object.
getExternalMotorTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Temperature of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Temperature of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTempStatus() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Status of the temperature sensor of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTempStatus() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Status of the temperature sensor of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTempStatus(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Status of the temperature sensor of the external motor.
getExternalMotorTempStatus(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Status of the temperature sensor of the external motor.
getFault_5V() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
getFault_5V(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
getFault_BadMagnet() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BadMagnet(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False
getFault_BootIntoMotion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion Detected during bootup.
getFault_BootIntoMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion Detected during bootup.
getFault_BootupAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootupAccelerometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootupGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootupGyroscope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootupMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BootupMagnetometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getFault_BridgeBrownout(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getFault_BridgeBrownout(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getFault_BridgeBrownout(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getFault_BridgeShort() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getFault_BridgeShort() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getFault_BridgeShort(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getFault_BridgeShort(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getFault_DataAcquiredLate() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_DataAcquiredLate(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getFault_DeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_DeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_DeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardHardLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ForwardSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getFault_HallSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getFault_HallSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False
getFault_LoopTimeSlow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
getFault_LoopTimeSlow(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
getFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingDifferentialFX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingDifferentialFX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingDifferentialFX(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getFault_OverSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getFault_OverSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getFault_OverSupplyV(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_ProcTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getFault_ProcTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_ProcTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_ProcTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor has reset.
getFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor has reset.
getFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor has reset.
getFault_RemoteSensorReset(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor has reset.
getFault_RemoteSensorReset(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor has reset.
getFault_RemoteSensorReset(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor has reset.
getFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseHardLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_ReverseSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getFault_SaturatedAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Accelerometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_SaturatedAccelerometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Accelerometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_SaturatedGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Gyroscope values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_SaturatedGyroscope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Gyroscope values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_SaturatedMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Magnetometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_SaturatedMagnetometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Magnetometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Stator current limit occured.
getFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Stator current limit occured.
getFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Stator current limit occured.
getFault_StatorCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Stator current limit occured.
getFault_StatorCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Stator current limit occured.
getFault_StatorCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Stator current limit occured.
getFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply current limit occured.
getFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply current limit occured.
getFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply current limit occured.
getFault_SupplyCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply current limit occured.
getFault_SupplyCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply current limit occured.
getFault_SupplyCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply current limit occured.
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getFault_UnstableSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getFault_UnstableSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getFault_UnstableSupplyV(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFaultField(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
getFeedbackRotorOffsetMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's FeedbackRotorOffset parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFeedForwardMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's FeedForward parameter converted to a unit type.
getFiveVRailVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The measured voltage of the 5V rail available on the JST and dataport connectors.
getFiveVRailVoltage() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The measured voltage of the 5V rail available on the JST and dataport connectors.
getFiveVRailVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The measured voltage of the 5V rail available on the JST and dataport connectors.
getFiveVRailVoltage(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The measured voltage of the 5V rail available on the JST and dataport connectors.
getFloat(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a float user signal.
getFloatArray(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a float array user signal.
getForwardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward Limit Pin.
getForwardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward Limit Pin.
getForwardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward Limit Pin.
getForwardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward Limit Pin.
getForwardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward Limit Pin.
getForwardLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward Limit Pin.
getForwardLimitAutosetPositionValueMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue parameter converted to a unit type.
getForwardSoftLimitThresholdMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ForwardSoftLimitThreshold parameter converted to a unit type.
getFOVCenterXMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's FOVCenterX parameter converted to a unit type.
getFOVCenterYMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's FOVCenterY parameter converted to a unit type.
getFOVRangeXMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's FOVRangeX parameter converted to a unit type.
getFOVRangeYMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's FOVRangeY parameter converted to a unit type.
getGravityVectorX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The X component of the gravity vector.
getGravityVectorX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The X component of the gravity vector.
getGravityVectorY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Y component of the gravity vector.
getGravityVectorY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Y component of the gravity vector.
getGravityVectorZ() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Z component of the gravity vector.
getGravityVectorZ(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Z component of the gravity vector.
getI() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Get the Integral coefficient.
getI() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Get the Integral coefficient.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.AutoFeedEnable
getInstance() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.ReplayAutoEnable
getInteger(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets an integer user signal.
getIntegerArray(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a boolean array user signal.
getInverted() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, read the invert setting as part of a full TalonFXConfiguration object or using a MotorOutputConfigs object. Applied invert, which may not match the invert config for followers, can also be fetched using CoreTalonFX.getAppliedRotorPolarity().
getInverted() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, read the invert setting as part of a full TalonFXSConfiguration object or using a MotorOutputConfigs object. Applied invert, which may not match the invert config for followers, can also be fetched using CoreTalonFXS.getAppliedRotorPolarity().
getIsDetected() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Whether the CANrange detects an object using the configured proximity parameters.
getIsDetected(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Whether the CANrange detects an object using the configured proximity parameters.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIsProLicensed(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
getIZone() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Get the IZone range.
getJerkMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Jerk parameter converted to a unit type.
getJerkMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Jerk parameter converted to a unit type.
getJerkMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Jerk parameter converted to a unit type.
getKinematics() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets a reference to the kinematics used for the drivetrain.
getLastAppliedOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
getLastAppliedOutput() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the last applied output from this PID controller.
getLastStatusCode() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the last status code generated by a simulation function.
getLastStatusCode() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the last status code generated by a simulation function.
getLatency() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp
Get the latency of this timestamp compared to now
getLatencyCompensatedValue(StatusSignal<MEAS>, StatusSignal<MEAS_PER_SEC>) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Performs latency compensation on signal using the signalSlope and signal's latency to determine the magnitude of compensation.
getLatencyCompensatedValue(StatusSignal<MEAS>, StatusSignal<MEAS_PER_SEC>, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Performs latency compensation on signal using the signalSlope and signal's latency to determine the magnitude of compensation.
getLatencyCompensatedValueAsDouble(BaseStatusSignal, BaseStatusSignal) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Performs latency compensation on signal using the signalSlope and signal's latency to determine the magnitude of compensation.
getLatencyCompensatedValueAsDouble(BaseStatusSignal, BaseStatusSignal, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Performs latency compensation on signal using the signalSlope and signal's latency to determine the magnitude of compensation.
getMagnetHealth() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Magnet health as measured by CANcoder.
getMagnetHealth(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Magnet health as measured by CANcoder.
getMagneticFieldX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The biased magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the X direction.
getMagneticFieldX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The biased magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the X direction.
getMagneticFieldY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The biased magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Y direction.
getMagneticFieldY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The biased magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Y direction.
getMagneticFieldZ() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The biased magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Z direction.
getMagneticFieldZ(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The biased magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Z direction.
getMagnetOffsetMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MagnetOffset parameter converted to a unit type.
getMeasurementHealth() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Health of the distance measurement.
getMeasurementHealth(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Health of the distance measurement.
getMeasurementTime() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Timestamp of the most recent measurements.
getMeasurementTime(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Timestamp of the most recent measurements.
getMechanismState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Gets the state of the mechanism.
getMechanismState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Gets the state of the mechanism.
getModel() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
getModule(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Get a reference to the module at the specified index.
getModule(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Get a reference to the module at the specified index.
getModuleLocations() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets the locations of the swerve modules.
getModules() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Get a reference to the full array of modules.
getMotionMagicAccelerationMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MotionMagicAcceleration parameter converted to a unit type.
getMotionMagicCruiseVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MotionMagicCruiseVelocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getMotionMagicExpo_kAMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MotionMagicExpo_kA parameter converted to a unit type.
getMotionMagicExpo_kVMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MotionMagicExpo_kV parameter converted to a unit type.
getMotionMagicIsRunning() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
getMotionMagicIsRunning() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
getMotionMagicIsRunning() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
getMotionMagicIsRunning(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
getMotionMagicIsRunning(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
getMotionMagicIsRunning(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
getMotionMagicJerkMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MotionMagicJerk parameter converted to a unit type.
getMotorKT() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
getMotorKT() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
getMotorKT() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
getMotorKT(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
getMotorKT(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
getMotorKT(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
getMotorKV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
getMotorKV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
getMotorKV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
getMotorKV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
getMotorKV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
getMotorKV(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
getMotorOutputStatus() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
getMotorOutputStatus() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
getMotorOutputStatus() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
getMotorOutputStatus(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
getMotorOutputStatus(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
getMotorOutputStatus(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
getMotorStallCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
getMotorStallCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
getMotorStallCurrent() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
getMotorStallCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
getMotorStallCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
getMotorStallCurrent(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
getMotorVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied (output) motor voltage.
getMotorVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied (output) motor voltage.
getMotorVoltage() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied (output) motor voltage.
getMotorVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the simulated output voltage of the motor.
getMotorVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the simulated output voltage of the motor.
getMotorVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The applied (output) motor voltage.
getMotorVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The applied (output) motor voltage.
getMotorVoltage(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The applied (output) motor voltage.
getMotorVoltageMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the simulated output voltage of the motor as a unit type.
getMotorVoltageMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the simulated output voltage of the motor as a unit type.
getMountPosePitchMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MountPosePitch parameter converted to a unit type.
getMountPoseRollMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MountPoseRoll parameter converted to a unit type.
getMountPoseYawMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's MountPoseYaw parameter converted to a unit type.
getName() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Gets the name of this signal.
getName() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Get the name used to construct this CAN bus.
getName() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.ControlRequest
Gets the name of this control request.
getName() - Method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Gets the name of this StatusCode
getNetwork() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
getNetwork() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
getNoMotionCount() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The number of times a no-motion event occurred, wraps at 15.
getNoMotionCount(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The number of times a no-motion event occurred, wraps at 15.
getNoMotionEnabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Whether the no-motion calibration feature is enabled.
getNoMotionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Whether the no-motion calibration feature is enabled.
getOdometryFrequency() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets the target odometry update frequency in Hz.
getOdometryFrequencyMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets the target odometry update frequency.
getOdometryThread() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets a reference to the odometry thread.
getOperatorForwardDirection() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Returns the SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue.BlueAlliance perpective direction that is treated as the forward direction for SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue.OperatorPerspective.
getOutputCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured output current.
getOutputCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured output current.
getOutputMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Output parameter converted to a unit type.
getOutputMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Helper method to get this Control Request's Output parameter converted to a unit type.
getOvercurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
True when the CANdi is in overcurrent protection mode.
getOvercurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
True when the CANdi is in overcurrent protection mode.
getP() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Get the Proportional coefficient.
getP() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Get the Proportional coefficient.
getPeakDifferentialTorqueCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's PeakDifferentialTorqueCurrent parameter converted to a unit type.
getPeakDifferentialVoltageMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's PeakDifferentialVoltage parameter converted to a unit type.
getPeakForwardTorqueCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's PeakForwardTorqueCurrent parameter converted to a unit type.
getPeakForwardVoltageMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's PeakForwardVoltage parameter converted to a unit type.
getPeakReverseTorqueCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's PeakReverseTorqueCurrent parameter converted to a unit type.
getPeakReverseVoltageMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's PeakReverseVoltage parameter converted to a unit type.
getPhoenixVersion() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
getPigeon2() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Gets this drivetrain's Pigeon 2 reference.
getPigeon2() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets this drivetrain's Pigeon 2 reference.
getPitch() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Current reported pitch of the Pigeon2.
getPitch(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Current reported pitch of the Pigeon2.
getPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Position of the device.
getPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
getPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
getPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Position of the device.
getPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
getPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
getPosition(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
getPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Gets the state of this module and passes it back as a SwerveModulePosition object with latency compensated values.
getPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets the state of this module and passes it back as a SwerveModulePosition object with latency compensated values.
getPositionError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns the difference between the setpoint and the measurement.
getPositionError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the difference between the setpoint and the measurement.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Position parameter converted to a unit type.
getPositionSinceBoot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The relative position reported by the CANcoder since boot.
getPositionSinceBoot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The relative position reported by the CANcoder since boot.
getPositionTolerance() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns the position tolerance of this controller.
getPositionTolerance() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the position tolerance of this controller.
getProcessorTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Temperature of the processor.
getProcessorTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of the processor.
getProcessorTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Temperature of the processor.
getProcessorTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Temperature of the processor.
getProcessorTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Temperature of the processor.
getProcessorTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Temperature of the processor.
getProximityHysteresisMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ProximityHysteresis parameter converted to a unit type.
getProximityThresholdMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ProximityThreshold parameter converted to a unit type.
getPWM1Position() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured position of the PWM sensor at the S1 input of CANdi.
getPWM1Position(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured position of the PWM sensor at the S1 input of CANdi.
getPWM1RiseToRise() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured rise to rise time of the PWM signal at the S1 input of CANdi.
getPWM1RiseToRise(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured rise to rise time of the PWM signal at the S1 input of CANdi.
getPWM1Velocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured velocity of the PWM sensor at the S1 input of CANdi.
getPWM1Velocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured velocity of the PWM sensor at the S1 input of CANdi.
getPWM2Position() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured position of the PWM sensor at the S2 input of CANdi.
getPWM2Position(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured position of the PWM sensor at the S2 input of CANdi.
getPWM2RiseToRise() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured rise to rise time of the PWM signal at the S2 input of CANdi.
getPWM2RiseToRise(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured rise to rise time of the PWM signal at the S2 input of CANdi.
getPWM2Velocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured velocity of the PWM sensor at the S2 input of CANdi.
getPWM2Velocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured velocity of the PWM sensor at the S2 input of CANdi.
getQuadraturePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Position from a quadrature encoder sensor connected to both the S1IN and S2IN inputs.
getQuadraturePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Position from a quadrature encoder sensor connected to both the S1IN and S2IN inputs.
getQuadratureVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Velocity from a quadrature encoder sensor connected to both the S1IN and S2IN inputs.
getQuadratureVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Velocity from a quadrature encoder sensor connected to both the S1IN and S2IN inputs.
getQuatW() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The W component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatW(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The W component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The X component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The X component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Y component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Y component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatZ() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Z component of the reported Quaternion.
getQuatZ(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The Z component of the reported Quaternion.
getRate() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This API is deprecated for removal in the 2026 season. Users should use CorePigeon2.getAngularVelocityZWorld() instead. Note that AngularVelocityZWorld is CCW+, whereas this API is CW+.
getRaw(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a raw-bytes user signal.
getRawMagneticFieldX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The raw magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the X direction.
getRawMagneticFieldX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The raw magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the X direction.
getRawMagneticFieldY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The raw magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Y direction.
getRawMagneticFieldY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The raw magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Y direction.
getRawMagneticFieldZ() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The raw magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Z direction.
getRawMagneticFieldZ(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The raw magnitude of the magnetic field measured by the Pigeon 2 in the Z direction.
getRawPulseWidthPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw position retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthPosition() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw position retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw position retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthPosition(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw position retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthVelocity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawPulseWidthVelocity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected pulse-width encoder.
getRawQuadraturePosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw position retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadraturePosition() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw position retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadraturePosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw position retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadraturePosition(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw position retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadratureVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadratureVelocity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadratureVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawQuadratureVelocity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
The raw velocity retrieved from the connected quadrature encoder.
getRawValue(HALValue) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.CallbackHelper
getRealFOVCenterX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual center of the FOV in the X direction.
getRealFOVCenterX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual center of the FOV in the X direction.
getRealFOVCenterY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual center of the FOV in the Y direction.
getRealFOVCenterY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual center of the FOV in the Y direction.
getRealFOVRangeX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual range of the FOV in the X direction.
getRealFOVRangeX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual range of the FOV in the X direction.
getRealFOVRangeY() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual range of the FOV in the Y direction.
getRealFOVRangeY(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
The actual range of the FOV in the Y direction.
getRequiresUserReason() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
getRequiresUserReason() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
getResetOccurredChecker() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
getReverseLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse Limit Pin.
getReverseLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse Limit Pin.
getReverseLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse Limit Pin.
getReverseLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse Limit Pin.
getReverseLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse Limit Pin.
getReverseLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse Limit Pin.
getReverseLimitAutosetPositionValueMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue parameter converted to a unit type.
getReverseSoftLimitThresholdMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's ReverseSoftLimitThreshold parameter converted to a unit type.
getRoll() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Current reported roll of the Pigeon2.
getRoll(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Current reported roll of the Pigeon2.
getRotation2d() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Returns the heading of the robot as a Rotation2d.
getRotation3d() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Returns the orientation of the robot as a Rotation3d created from the quaternion signals.
getRotation3d() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Gets the current orientation of the robot as a Rotation3d from the Pigeon 2 quaternion values.
getRotation3d() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets the current orientation of the robot as a Rotation3d from the Pigeon 2 quaternion values.
getRotorPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Position of the motor rotor.
getRotorPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Position of the motor rotor.
getRotorPosition() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Position of the motor rotor.
getRotorPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Position of the motor rotor.
getRotorPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Position of the motor rotor.
getRotorPosition(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Position of the motor rotor.
getRotorVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Velocity of the motor rotor.
getRotorVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Velocity of the motor rotor.
getRotorVelocity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Velocity of the motor rotor.
getRotorVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Velocity of the motor rotor.
getRotorVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Velocity of the motor rotor.
getRotorVelocity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Velocity of the motor rotor.
getS1Closed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
True if the Signal 1 input (S1IN) matches the configured S1 Closed State.
getS1Closed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
True if the Signal 1 input (S1IN) matches the configured S1 Closed State.
getS1State() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
State of the Signal 1 input (S1IN).
getS1State(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
State of the Signal 1 input (S1IN).
getS2Closed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
True if the Signal 2 input (S2IN) matches the configured S2 Closed State.
getS2Closed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
True if the Signal 2 input (S2IN) matches the configured S2 Closed State.
getS2State() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
State of the Signal 2 input (S2IN).
getS2State(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
State of the Signal 2 input (S2IN).
getSetpoint() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns the current setpoint of the PIDController.
getSetpoint() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the current setpoint of the PIDController.
getSignalStrength() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Approximate signal strength of the measurement.
getSignalStrength(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Approximate signal strength of the measurement.
getSimState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Get the simulation state for this device.
getSimState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Get the simulation state for this device.
getSimState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Get the simulation state for this device.
getSimState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Get the simulation state for this device.
getSimState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Get the simulation state for this device.
getSimState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Get the simulation state for this device.
getSource() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp
Get the source of this timestamp
getState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Gets the current state of the swerve drivetrain.
getState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets the current state of the swerve drivetrain.
getStateCopy() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets a copy of the current state of the swerve drivetrain.
getStatorCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Current corresponding to the stator windings.
getStatorCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Current corresponding to the stator windings.
getStatorCurrent() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Current corresponding to the stator windings.
getStatorCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Current corresponding to the stator windings.
getStatorCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Current corresponding to the stator windings.
getStatorCurrent(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Current corresponding to the stator windings.
getStatorCurrentLimitMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's StatorCurrentLimit parameter converted to a unit type.
getStatus() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Get the error code from when we last received this signal.
getStatus() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Gets the status of the CAN bus, including the bus utilization and the error counters.
getStatus(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
The CANBus static methods are deprecated for removal in 2026. Construct a new CANBus instance and call CANBus.getStatus() instead.
getSteerClosedLoopOutputType() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets the closed-loop output type to use for the steer motor.
getSteerMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Gets this module's Steer Motor TalonFX reference.
getSteerMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Gets this module's Steer Motor reference.
getStickyFault_5V() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
getStickyFault_5V(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
CANdi has detected a 5V fault.
getStickyFault_BadMagnet() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BadMagnet(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The magnet distance is not correct or magnet is missing Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootDuringEnable(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device boot while detecting the enable signal Default Value: False
getStickyFault_BootIntoMotion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion Detected during bootup.
getStickyFault_BootIntoMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion Detected during bootup.
getStickyFault_BootupAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootupAccelerometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Accelerometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootupGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootupGyroscope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Gyroscope Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootupMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BootupMagnetometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Bootup checks failed: Magnetometer Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getStickyFault_BridgeBrownout() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getStickyFault_BridgeBrownout(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
getStickyFault_BridgeShort() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getStickyFault_BridgeShort() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getStickyFault_BridgeShort(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getStickyFault_BridgeShort(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Bridge was disabled most likely due to a short in the motor leads.
getStickyFault_DataAcquiredLate() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_DataAcquiredLate(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack data acquisition was slower than expected Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_DeviceTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getStickyFault_DeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_DeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_DeviceTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getStickyFault_DriveDisabledHallSensor(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid during motor drive, so motor was disabled.
getStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Forward soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
getStickyFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getStickyFault_HallSensorMissing() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getStickyFault_HallSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getStickyFault_HallSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Hall sensor signals are invalid.
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Hardware(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Hardware fault occurred Default Value: False
getStickyFault_LoopTimeSlow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
getStickyFault_LoopTimeSlow(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Motion stack loop time was slower than expected.
getStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorMissing(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal appears to not be connected.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getStickyFault_MotorTempSensorTooHot(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasExternalMotor
Motor temperature signal indicates motor is too hot.
getStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getStickyFault_OverSupplyV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getStickyFault_OverSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getStickyFault_OverSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getStickyFault_OverSupplyV(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
getStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_ProcTemp() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getStickyFault_ProcTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_ProcTemp(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_ProcTemp(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Processor temperature exceeded limit Default Value: False
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor position has overflowed.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor has reset.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor has reset.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor has reset.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
The remote sensor has reset.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
The remote sensor has reset.
getStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
The remote sensor has reset.
getStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
getStickyFault_SaturatedAccelerometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Accelerometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_SaturatedAccelerometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Accelerometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_SaturatedGyroscope() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Gyroscope values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_SaturatedGyroscope(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Gyroscope values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_SaturatedMagnetometer() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Magnetometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_SaturatedMagnetometer(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Magnetometer values are saturated Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
getStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Stator current limit occured.
getStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Stator current limit occured.
getStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Stator current limit occured.
getStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Stator current limit occured.
getStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Stator current limit occured.
getStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Stator current limit occured.
getStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply current limit occured.
getStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply current limit occured.
getStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply current limit occured.
getStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply current limit occured.
getStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply current limit occured.
getStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply current limit occured.
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False Default Rates: CAN: 4.0 Hz
getStickyFault_Undervoltage(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels Default Value: False
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
getStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Supply Voltage is unstable.
getStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getStickyFaultField(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
getString(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets a string user signal.
getSupplyCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Measured supply side current.
getSupplyCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Measured supply side current.
getSupplyCurrent() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Measured supply side current.
getSupplyCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the simulated supply current of the TalonFX.
getSupplyCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the simulated supply current of the TalonFXS.
getSupplyCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Measured supply side current.
getSupplyCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Measured supply side current.
getSupplyCurrent(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Measured supply side current.
getSupplyCurrentLimitMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's SupplyCurrentLimit parameter converted to a unit type.
getSupplyCurrentLowerLimitMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's SupplyCurrentLowerLimit parameter converted to a unit type.
getSupplyCurrentLowerTimeMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's SupplyCurrentLowerTime parameter converted to a unit type.
getSupplyCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the simulated supply current of the TalonFX as a unit type.
getSupplyCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the simulated supply current of the TalonFXS as a unit type.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Measured supply voltage to the CANcoder.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured supply voltage to the CANdi.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Measured supply voltage to the CANrange.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Measured supply voltage to the Pigeon2.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Measured supply voltage to the device.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Measured supply voltage to the device.
getSupplyVoltage() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Measured supply voltage to the device.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Measured supply voltage to the CANcoder.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Measured supply voltage to the CANdi.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Measured supply voltage to the CANrange.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Measured supply voltage to the Pigeon2.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Measured supply voltage to the device.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Measured supply voltage to the device.
getSupplyVoltage(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Measured supply voltage to the device.
getSupplyVoltageTimeConstantMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's SupplyVoltageTimeConstant parameter converted to a unit type.
getSystemTimeSeconds() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.UtilsJNI
getSystemTimeSeconds() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Utils
Get the system timestamp in seconds.
getSystemTimestamp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.AllTimestamps
Get the timestamp as reported by the Timestamp.TimestampSource.System source.
getTargetOutputMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetOutput parameter converted to a unit type.
getTargetPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getTargetPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getTargetPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getTargetPositionMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter converted to a unit type.
getTargetState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Get the target state of the module.
getTargetState() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Get the target state of the module.
getTargetVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetVelocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getTargetVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's TargetVelocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getTemperature() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Temperature of the Pigeon 2.
getTemperature(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Temperature of the Pigeon 2.
getTemperatureCompensationDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Whether the temperature-compensation feature is disabled.
getTemperatureCompensationDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Whether the temperature-compensation feature is disabled.
getTime() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp
Get the time in seconds as reported from this timestamp
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Get the most accurate timestamp available for this signal.
getTorqueClosedLoopRampPeriodMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's TorqueClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter converted to a unit type.
getTorqueCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
getTorqueCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
getTorqueCurrent() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
getTorqueCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the simulated output torque current of the motor.
getTorqueCurrent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the simulated output torque current of the motor.
getTorqueCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
getTorqueCurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
getTorqueCurrent(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
getTorqueCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Gets the simulated output torque current of the motor as a unit type.
getTorqueCurrentMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Gets the simulated output torque current of the motor as a unit type.
getTorqueNeutralDeadbandMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's TorqueNeutralDeadband parameter converted to a unit type.
getTorqueOpenLoopRampPeriodMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's TorqueOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter converted to a unit type.
getTypeClass() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
getUnfilteredVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The unfiltered velocity reported by CANcoder.
getUnfilteredVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
The unfiltered velocity reported by CANcoder.
getUnits() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Gets the units for this signal.
getUpdateFrequencyMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's UpdateFrequency parameter converted to a unit type.
getUpTime() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
How long the Pigeon 2's been up in seconds, caps at 255 seconds.
getUpTime(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
How long the Pigeon 2's been up in seconds, caps at 255 seconds.
getValue() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Gets the cached value from this status signal.
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Gets the value of this signal as a double.
getVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Velocity of the device.
getVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
getVelocity() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
getVelocity() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
getVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Velocity of the device.
getVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
getVelocity(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
getVelocity(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
getVelocityError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns the velocity error.
getVelocityError() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the velocity error.
getVelocityFilterTimeConstantMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's VelocityFilterTimeConstant parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityFilterTimeConstantMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's VelocityFilterTimeConstant parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Helper method to get this Control Request's Velocity parameter converted to a unit type.
getVelocityTolerance() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns the velocity tolerance of this controller.
getVelocityTolerance() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns the velocity tolerance of this controller.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersion(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Full Version of firmware in device.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBugfix(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Bugfix Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Build Version number.
getVersionBuild(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Build Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Major Version number.
getVersionMajor(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Major Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
App Minor Version number.
getVersionMinor(boolean) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
App Minor Version number.
getVoltageClosedLoopRampPeriodMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's VoltageClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter converted to a unit type.
getVoltageOpenLoopRampPeriodMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Helper method to get this configuration's VoltageOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter converted to a unit type.
getWheelForceFeedforwardXMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Helper method to get the WheelForceFeedforwardX parameter as a unit type.
getWheelForceFeedforwardYMeasure() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Helper method to get the WheelForceFeedforwardY parameter as a unit type.
getYaw() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Current reported yaw of the Pigeon2.
getYaw(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Current reported yaw of the Pigeon2.
Good - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
Measurement is good.
GravityType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Type.
GravityType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Type.
GravityType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Type.
GravityType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Type.
GravityTypeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Type.
Green - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Green - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Green - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Green - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
GyroScalarX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
The gyro scalar component for the X axis.
GyroScalarY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
The gyro scalar component for the Y axis.
GyroScalarZ - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
The gyro scalar component for the Z axis.
GyroTrim - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Configs to trim the Pigeon2's gyroscope.
GyroTrimConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs to trim the Pigeon2's gyroscope.
GyroTrimConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs


HardwareJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni
HardwareJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI
HardwareJNI.Context - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni
HardwareLimitSwitch - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that change how the motor controller behaves under different limit switch states.
HardwareLimitSwitch - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that change how the motor controller behaves under different limit switch states.
HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that change how the motor controller behaves under different limit switch states.
HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
HasExternalMotor - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains all status signals for motor controllers that support external motors.
hasResetOccurred() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
HasTalonControls - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains all control functions available for devices that support Talon controls.
HasTalonSignals - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains all status signals available for devices that support Talon signals.
hasUpdated() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Check whether the signal has been updated since the last check.
HeadingController - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The PID controller used to maintain the desired heading.
HeadingController - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The PID controller used to maintain the desired heading.
HeadingController - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The PID controller used to maintain the desired heading.
High - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
Input is driven high (above 3V).
High - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
Input is driven high (above 3V).
HootLogTooNew - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The given hoot log requires a newer version of Phoenix API.
HootLogTooOld - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The given hoot log requires an older version of Phoenix API.
HootReplay - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Static class for controlling Phoenix 6 hoot log replay.
HootReplay() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
HootReplay.SignalData<T> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Stores information about a user signal from replay.
HootReplayJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
HootReplayJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
HwTimestampOutOfSync - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The timestamp reported by CANivore is at least 10ms older than the timestamp reported by the system, indicating it's fallen out of sync.
hwtimeStampSeconds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI


id - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
Idle() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.Idle
Idle() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.Idle
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IgnoreHardwareLimits - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Set to true to ignore hardware limit switches and the LimitForwardMotion and LimitReverseMotion parameters, instead allowing motion.
IncompatibleMode - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANcoder
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANdi
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.CANrange
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
initSendable(SendableBuilder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
InsufficientSz - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InternalError - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCanivCache - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidContext - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCrfBadHeader - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCrfBadSectHeader - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCrfBadSectSize - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCrfFileSzInvald - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCrfNoSects - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidCrfWrongProduct - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Specified CRF is for the wrong product.
InvalidDeviceDescriptor - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidDeviceModel - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The provided model was not a valid device type.
InvalidDeviceSpec - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidFile - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not open or read the given file.
InvalidHandle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Handle passed into function is incorrect.
InvalidIDToFollow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The values specified for master are in valid.
InvalidJson - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidLicenseResp - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidLicenseResponse - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidModel - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This feature is not supported for this device model.
InvalidModeToGetSignal - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The current mode of the device is invalid for getting this signal.
InvalidNetwork - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
InvalidOrchestraAction - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
An invalid orchestra action occurred.
InvalidParamValue - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
An invalid argument was passed into the function/VI, such as a null pointer.
InvalidSize - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Size is invalid.
InvalidTask - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This diagnostic action is not supported.
Inverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Invert state of the device as seen from the front of the motor.
InvertedValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Invert state of the device as seen from the front of the motor.
isAlive() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Determine of the motor is still operating or has timed out.
isAlive() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Determine of the motor is still operating or has timed out.
isAllGood(BaseStatusSignal...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Checks if all signals have an OK error code.
isConnected() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Returns whether the device is still connected to the robot.
isConnected(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Returns whether the device is still connected to the robot.
isContinuousInputEnabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Returns true if continuous input is enabled.
isContinuousInputEnabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Returns true if continuous input is enabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Get whether the mechanism is currently disabled due to an issue.
isDisabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Get whether the mechanism is currently disabled due to an issue.
ISerializable - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6
isError() - Method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
isFileLoaded() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets whether a valid hoot log file is currently loaded.
isNetworkFD() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Gets whether the network is CAN FD.
isNetworkFD(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
The CANBus static methods are deprecated for removal in 2026. Construct a new CANBus instance and call CANBus.isNetworkFD() instead.
isOdometryValid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Check if the odometry is currently valid.
isOdometryValid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Check if the odometry is currently valid.
isOK() - Method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
isOnCANFD() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Gets whether the drivetrain is on a CAN FD bus.
IsOnCANFD - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
isPlaying() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Gets whether hoot log replay is actively playing.
isPlaying() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Gets whether the current track is actively playing.
IsPROLicensedValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the device is Pro licensed.
isReplay() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.UtilsJNI
isReplay() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Utils
Get whether the program is running in replay mode.
isSafetyEnabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Return the state of the motor safety enabled flag.
isSafetyEnabled() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Return the state of the motor safety enabled flag.
isSimulation() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.UtilsJNI
isSimulation() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Utils
Get whether the program is running in simulation.
isValid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp
Returns if this Timestamp is valid or not.
isWarning() - Method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode


Jerk - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Jerk for profiling.
Jerk - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Jerk for profiling.
Jerk - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Jerk for profiling.
jni - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
JNI_AddDevice(String, long) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_AddDeviceWithTrack(String, long, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_AddVisionMeasurement(int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_AddVisionMeasurementWithStdDev(int, double, double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_ClearDevices() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_Close() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_CloseFile() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_ConfigNeutralMode(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Create() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_CreateDrivetrain(long, long, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_CreateDrivetrainConstants(String, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_CreateDrivetrainWithFreq(long, double, long, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_CreateDrivetrainWithStddev(long, double, double[], double[], long, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_CreateModuleConstantsArr(long) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_DestroyConstants(long) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_DestroyControl(long) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_DestroyDrivetrain(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_DestroyTelemetry(long) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_EnableAutoLogging(boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_FeedEnable(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_GetApiCompliancy() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_GetAppliedUpdateFrequency() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_GetBoolean(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetBooleanArray(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetCurrentTime() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_GetDouble(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetDoubleArray(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetEnableState() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_GetFloat(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetFloatArray(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetInteger(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetIntegerArray(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetOdometryFrequency(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_GetOperatorForwardDirection(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_GetPhoenixVersion() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_GetRaw(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetState(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_GetStatus(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
JNI_GetString(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_GetUnits() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_IoControl(int, long) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_IoControlArray(double[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_IsFileLoaded() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_IsNetworkFD(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
JNI_IsOdometryValid(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_IsOnCANFD(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_IsPlaying() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_IsPlaying(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_LoadFile(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_LoadMusic(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_LoadPhoenix() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_Module_Apply(int, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Module_GetCachedPosition(int, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Module_GetCurrentState(int, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Module_GetPosition(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Module_GetTargetState(int, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Module_ResetPosition(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Odom_SetThreadPriority(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Odom_Start(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Odom_Stop(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_OptimizeUpdateFrequencies(String, int, double, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_Pause() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_Pause() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_Play() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_Play() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_RefreshSignal(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_RegisterTelemetry(int, Runnable) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_ReportLegacySwerve() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_ApplyFieldSpeeds(int, double, double, double, double[], double[], double, double, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_ApplyRobotSpeeds(int, double, double, double, double[], double[], double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_FieldCentric(int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_Idle(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_PointWheelsAt(int, double, int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_RobotCentric(int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_Request_Apply_SwerveDriveBrake(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_RequestConfigApply(String, int, double, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlConfigJNI
JNI_RequestControlCoastOut(String, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_DutyCycleOut_Position(String, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_DutyCycleOut_Velocity(String, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Position(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Velocity(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Position(String, int, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_MotionMagicVoltage_Position(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_MotionMagicVoltage_Velocity(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_PositionDutyCycle_Position(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_PositionDutyCycle_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Position(String, int, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_PositionVoltage_Position(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_PositionVoltage_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Position(String, int, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VelocityDutyCycle_Position(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VelocityDutyCycle_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Position(String, int, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VelocityVoltage_Position(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VelocityVoltage_Velocity(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VoltageOut_Position(String, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDiff_VoltageOut_Velocity(String, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialFollower(String, int, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialMotionMagicVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialPositionDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialPositionVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialStrictFollower(String, int, double, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialVelocityDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialVelocityVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDifferentialVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDutyCycleOut(String, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlDynamicMotionMagicVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlEmpty(String, int, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlFollower(String, int, double, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicExpoDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicExpoVoltage(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicVelocityVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMotionMagicVoltage(String, int, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlMusicTone(String, int, double, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlNeutralOut(String, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlPositionDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlPositionTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlPositionVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlStaticBrake(String, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlStrictFollower(String, int, double, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlVelocityDutyCycle(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC(String, int, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlVelocityVoltage(String, int, double, double, double, boolean, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_RequestControlVoltageOut(String, int, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.jni.ControlJNI
JNI_ResetPose(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_ResetRotation(int, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_ResetTranslation(int, double, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_ResetUpdateFrequencies(String, int, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_SamplePoseAt(int, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SeedFieldCentric(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl(int, IntSupplier) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_ApplyFieldSpeeds(int, double, double, double, double[], double[], double, double, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_ApplyRobotSpeeds(int, double, double, double, double[], double[], double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_FieldCentric(int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_Idle(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_PointWheelsAt(int, double, int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_RobotCentric(int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetControl_SwerveDriveBrake(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetLoggerPath(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_SetModuleConstants(long, long, int, int, int, double, double, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, double, double, double, double, int, int, double, double, int, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetOperatorPerspectiveForward(int, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetPhoenixDiagnosticsStartTime(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
JNI_SetSpeed(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_SetStateStdDevs(int, double[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SetUpdateFrequency(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_SetUpdateFrequencyForAll(double, StatusSignalJNI[], double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_SetVisionMeasurementStdDevs(int, double[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_SimCreate(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_SimDestroy(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_SimDestroyAll() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_SimGetLastError(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(int, int, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_SimSetPhysicsInput(int, int, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
JNI_StartLogger() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_StepTiming(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_Stop() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
JNI_Stop() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
JNI_StopLogger() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_TareEverything(int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
JNI_WaitForAll(String, double, StatusSignalJNI[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_WaitForSignal(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
JNI_WriteBoolean(String, boolean, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteBooleanArray(String, boolean[], double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteDouble(String, double, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteDoubleArray(String, double[], String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteFloat(String, float, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteFloatArray(String, float[], String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteInteger(String, long, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteIntegerArray(String, long[], String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteRaw(String, byte[], double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
JNI_WriteString(String, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI


kA - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Acceleration Feedforward Gain.
kA - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Acceleration Feedforward Gain.
kA - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Acceleration Feedforward Gain.
kA - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Acceleration Feedforward Gain.
kAccessDenied - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kD - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Derivative Gain.
kD - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Derivative Gain.
kD - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Derivative Gain.
kD - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Derivative Gain.
kDefaultConfigRetries - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
The default number of retries for config applies.
kDefaultConfigRetries - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
The default number of retries for config applies.
kDefaultSafetyExpiration - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
The default motor safety timeout IF calling application enables the feature.
kDefaultSafetyExpiration - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
The default motor safety timeout IF calling application enables the feature.
kDeviceResponseIncorrect - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kErrorPollingForDevices - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kFailedSetup - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kFirmwareInvalidResponse - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kG - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Gain.
kG - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Gain.
kG - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Gain.
kG - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Gravity Feedforward/Feedback Gain.
kGeneralWinUsbError - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kI - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Integral Gain.
kI - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Integral Gain.
kI - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Integral Gain.
kI - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Integral Gain.
Kinem - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
kinematics - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
kinematics - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The kinematics object used for control
kInvalidClass - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kInvalidGuid - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kInvalidInterface - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kInvalidPath - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kInvalidProtocol - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kInvalidRespFormat - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kListenFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kMaxSpeedMps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
kMaxSpeedMps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The max speed of the robot at 12 V output, in m/s
kNumConfigAttempts - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Number of times to attempt config applies.
kNumConfigAttempts - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Number of times to attempt config applies.
kP - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Proportional Gain.
kP - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Proportional Gain.
kP - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Proportional Gain.
kP - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Proportional Gain.
KrakenX44_Integrated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is attached to an integrated Kraken X44 motor.
KrakenX60_Integrated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is attached to an integrated Kraken X60 motor.
kReceiveFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kS - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Static Feedforward Gain.
kS - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Static Feedforward Gain.
kS - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Static Feedforward Gain.
kS - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Static Feedforward Gain.
kSendFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kV - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Velocity Feedforward Gain.
kV - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Velocity Feedforward Gain.
kV - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Velocity Feedforward Gain.
kV - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Velocity Feedforward Gain.
kWinUsbGeneralError - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kWinUsbInitFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
kWinUsbQueryFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode


LastAngle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
lastThreadPriority - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
lastTime - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Leads_A_and_B - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
Third party brushed DC motor with two leads.
Leads_A_and_C - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
Third party brushed DC motor with two leads.
Leads_B_and_C - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
Third party brushed DC motor with two leads.
Led1OffColorValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The Color of LED1 when it's "Off".
Led1OnColorValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The Color of LED1 when it's "On".
Led2OffColorValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The Color of LED2 when it's "Off".
Led2OnColorValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The Color of LED2 when it's "On".
LegacyPhoenixPIDController - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility
Phoenix-centric PID controller taken from WPI's PIDController class.
LegacyPhoenixPIDController(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Allocates a PIDController with the given constants for kp, ki, and kd.
LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Extremely simplified swerve drive simulation class.
LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain(Translation2d[], Pigeon2, LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants, LegacySwerveModuleConstants...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
LegacySimSwerveModule(double, double, double, boolean, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
LegacySwerveDriveState() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
LegacySwerveDrivetrain - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Swerve Drive class utilizing CTR Electronics' Phoenix 6 API.
LegacySwerveDrivetrain(LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants, double, LegacySwerveModuleConstants...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Constructs a CTRSwerveDrivetrain using the specified constants.
LegacySwerveDrivetrain(LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants, double, Matrix<N3, N1>, Matrix<N3, N1>, LegacySwerveModuleConstants...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Constructs a CTRSwerveDrivetrain using the specified constants.
LegacySwerveDrivetrain(LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants, LegacySwerveModuleConstants...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Constructs a CTRSwerveDrivetrain using the specified constants.
LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Plain-Old-Data class holding the state of the swerve drivetrain.
LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Common constants for a swerve drivetrain.
LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
LegacySwerveModule - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by CTR Electronics devices.
LegacySwerveModule(LegacySwerveModuleConstants, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Construct a LegacySwerveModule with the specified constants.
LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Supported closed-loop output types.
LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
All possible control requests for the module drive motor.
LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
All possible control requests for the module steer motor.
LegacySwerveModuleConstants - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
All constants for a swerve module.
LegacySwerveModuleConstants() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Supported feedback sensors for the steer motors.
LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Constants that are common across the swerve modules, used for creating instances of module-specific LegacySwerveModuleConstants.
LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
LegacySwerveRequest - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Container for all the Swerve Requests.
LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Accepts a generic ChassisSpeeds to apply to the drivetrain.
LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a field-centric manner.
LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a field-centric manner, maintaining a specified heading angle to ensure the robot is facing the desired direction
LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
The reference for "forward" is sometimes different if you're talking about field relative.
LegacySwerveRequest.Idle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Does nothing to the swerve module state.
LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Sets the swerve drive modules to point to a specified direction.
LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a robot-centric manner.
LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
Sets the swerve drive module states to point inward on the robot in an "X" fashion, creating a natural brake which will oppose any motion.
LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the rotational characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.
LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the steer module characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.
LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve
SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the translational characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.
LibraryCouldNotBeLoaded - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Licensed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.IsPROLicensedValue
Licensed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue
LicenseDownloadFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
License did not successfully download to Device.
Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the device is Season Pass licensed.
Limited - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
Measurement is likely okay, but the target is either very far away or moving very quickly.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitForwardMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Set to true to force forward limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitReverseMotion - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Set to true to force reverse limiting.
LimitSwitchPin - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use the forward limit switch pin on the limit switch connector.
LimitSwitchPin - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use the reverse limit switch pin on the limit switch connector.
loadFile(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Loads the given file and starts signal log replay.
loadMusic(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Loads a Chirp file at the specified file path.
loadPhoenix() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
Calling this function will load and start the Phoenix background tasks.
LocationX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The location of this module's wheels relative to the physical center of the robot in meters along the X axis of the robot.
LocationX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The location of this module's wheels relative to the physical center of the robot in meters along the X axis of the robot.
LocationY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The location of this module's wheels relative to the physical center of the robot in meters along the Y axis of the robot.
LocationY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The location of this module's wheels relative to the physical center of the robot in meters along the Y axis of the robot.
LoggerNotRunning - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The signal logger is not running.
LongRangeUserFreq - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
Uses long-range detection mode and user-specified update frequency.
lookupStatusSignal(int, Class<T>, DoubleFunction<T>, ParentDevice.MapGenerator<T>, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
lookupStatusSignal(int, Class<T>, DoubleFunction<T>, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Low - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
Input is driven low (below 0.5V).
Low - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
Input is driven low (below 0.5V).
lowPass - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread


m_allSignals - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
m_angularVelocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_cachedState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_canbus - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_drivetrainId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
ID of the native drivetrain instance, used for JNI calls.
m_drivetrainId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
ID of the native drivetrain instance, used for JNI calls.
m_fieldRelativeOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_jni - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
JNI instance to use for non-static JNI calls.
m_jni - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
JNI instance to use for non-static JNI calls.
m_kinem - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
m_kinematics - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_lastAngle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
m_lastAppliedState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The last applied state in case we don't have anything to drive.
m_moduleIdx - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Index of this module in the native drivetrain, used for JNI calls.
m_moduleLocations - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_modulePositions - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_modules - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
m_modules - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
m_moduleStates - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_odometry - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_odometryThread - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_operatorForwardDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_pigeon2 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_pigeonSim - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
m_requestParameters - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_requestToApply - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_running - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
m_simDrive - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_stateLock - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_telemetryFunction - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
m_telemetryJNI - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
JNI instance to use for telemetry JNI calls.
m_thread - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
m_yawGetter - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Magnet_Green - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
Magnet health is ideal.
Magnet_Invalid - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
The accuracy cannot be determined.
Magnet_Orange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
Magnet health is adequate but with reduced accuracy.
Magnet_Red - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
The magnet is too close or too far from the CANcoder.
MagnetHealthValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Magnet health as measured by CANcoder.
MagnetOffset - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
This offset is added to the reported position, allowing the application to trim the zero position.
MagnetSensor - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
Configs that affect the magnet sensor and how to interpret it.
MagnetSensorConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the magnet sensor and how to interpret it.
MagnetSensorConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
MasterID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Device ID of the differential master to follow.
MasterID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
Device ID of the differential master to follow.
MasterID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Device ID of the master to follow.
MasterID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
Device ID of the master to follow.
MaxAbsDutyCycle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
The maximum absolute motor output that can be applied, which effectively limits the velocity.
MaxAbsRotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The maximum absolute rotational rate to allow, in radians per second.
MaxAbsRotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The maximum absolute rotational rate to allow, in radians per second.
maxSpeedMps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
MeasurementHealthValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Health of the distance measurement.
MechanismFaulted - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The mechanism is disabled due to a fault in one of the devices.
MechanismState - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Possible states of a mechanism.
Minion_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a CTR Electronics Minion® brushless three phase motor.
Minion_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
CTR Electronics Minion® brushless three phase motor.
MinSignalStrengthForValidMeasurement - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
The minimum allowable signal strength before determining the measurement is valid.
MissingContext - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not determine context from this device hash
MissingDifferentialFX - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
The remote Talon FX used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
MissingDifferentialFX - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
The remote Talon FX used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
MissingRemoteSensor - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
A remote sensor is not present on CAN Bus.
MissingRemoteSensor - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
A remote sensor is not present on CAN Bus.
MissingRoutineInLibrary - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
ModelMismatch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Model name in license file does not match model name of selected device.
MODULE_NOT_INIT_GET_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
MODULE_NOT_INIT_SET_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
moduleApplyParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
ModuleApplyParams() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
ModuleCount - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
ModuleCount - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
ModuleDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
The direction to point the modules toward.
ModuleDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
The direction to point the modules toward.
moduleLocations - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The locations of the swerve modules
modulePosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
ModulePosition() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModulePosition
ModulePositions - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The current module positions
ModulePositions - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The current module positions
ModuleRequest() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modules - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
moduleState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
ModuleState() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleState
ModuleStates - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
The current module states
ModuleStates - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The current module states
ModuleStates - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The current module states
ModuleTargets - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
The target module states
ModuleTargets - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The target module states
ModuleTargets - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The target module states
MoreThanOneFile - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
MotionMagic - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Control the drive motor using a Motion Magic® request.
MotionMagic - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs for Motion Magic®.
MotionMagic - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs for Motion Magic®.
MotionMagicAcceleration - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
This is the target acceleration Motion Magic® based control modes are allowed to use.
MotionMagicConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs for Motion Magic®.
MotionMagicConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
MotionMagicCruiseVelocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
This is the maximum velocity Motion Magic® based control modes are allowed to use.
MotionMagicDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
MotionMagicDutyCycle(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicDutyCycle(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
MotionMagicExpo - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Control the drive motor using a Motion Magic® Expo request.
MotionMagicExpo - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Control the drive motor using a Motion Magic® Expo request.
MotionMagicExpo_kA - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
This is the target kA used only by Motion Magic® Expo control modes.
MotionMagicExpo_kV - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
This is the target kV used only by Motion Magic® Expo control modes.
MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicExpoVoltage(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoVoltage(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
MotionMagicExpoVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicIsRunningValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Check if Motion Magic® is running.
MotionMagicJerk - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
This is the target jerk (acceleration derivative) Motion Magic® based control modes are allowed to use.
MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle(AngularVelocity) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC(AngularVelocity) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVelocityVoltage(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityVoltage(AngularVelocity) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVelocityVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
MotionMagicVoltage(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVoltage(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
MotionMagicVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MotionMagicVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
MotorArrangement - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
Selects the motor and motor connections used with Talon.
MotorArrangementValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Selects the motor and motor connections used with Talon.
Motoring - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
The motor is loaded in a typical fashion, drawing current from the supply, and successfully turning the rotor in the direction of applied voltage.
MotorOrientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
The orientation of the motor attached to the TalonFXS relative to the robot chassis.
MotorOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that directly affect motor output.
MotorOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that directly affect motor output.
MotorOutputConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that directly affect motor output.
MotorOutputConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
MotorOutputStatusValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
MotorSafetyImplem - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils
Implem of MotorSafety interface from WPILib.
MotorSafetyImplem(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.MotorSafetyImplem
Constructor for MotorSafetyImplem
MotProfFirmThreshold - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Motor Controller must have >= 3.2 firmware for motion profile control mode.
MotProfFirmThreshold2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Motor Controller must have >= 3.4 firmware for advanced PID0/PID1 features.
MountPose - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Configs for Pigeon 2's Mount Pose configuration.
MountPoseConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs for Pigeon 2's Mount Pose configuration.
MountPoseConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
MountPosePitch - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
The mounting calibration pitch-component.
MountPoseRoll - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
The mounting calibration roll-component.
MountPoseYaw - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
The mounting calibration yaw-component.
MultipleReplayNotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Hoot replay does not support replaying multiple files.
MultiSignalNotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The CAN bus does not support multi-signal synchronization.
MusicFileInvalid - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Music file is invalid.
MusicFileNotFound - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not find music file specified, try specifying an absolute path.
MusicFileTooNew - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Music file version is too new, update Phoenix to utilize this file.
MusicFileTooOld - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This music file version is too old.
MusicFileWrongSize - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Music file size is incorrect, could not parse correctly.
MusicInterrupted - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Music interrupted due to one of the instruments being commanded a different control mode.
MusicNotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This device doesn't support MusicTone control mode.
MusicTone - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Plays a single tone at the user specified frequency.
MusicTone - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
MusicTone(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Plays a single tone at the user specified frequency.
MusicTone(Frequency) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Plays a single tone at the user specified frequency.


name - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.ControlRequest
name - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay.SignalData
The name of the signal
NEO_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a third party NEO brushless three phase motor.
NEO_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Third party NEO brushless three phase motor (~6000 RPM at 12V).
NEO550_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a third party NEO550 brushless three phase motor.
NEO550_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Third party NEO550 brushless three phase motor (~11000 RPM at 12V).
network - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
NeutralMode - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
The state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or disabled.
NeutralModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or disabled.
NeutralOut - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request neutral output of actuator.
NeutralOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
NeutralOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
NeutralOut() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
Request neutral output of actuator.
NoConfigs - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This device did not report any available configs.
NoControls - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This device does not support new controls.
NoCrfFile - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Specified CRF file could not be found.
NodeIsInvalid - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Specified device was not found.
NoDevicesOnBus - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
NoFile - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not find specified file.
None - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
No reason given.
None - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
No reason given.
None - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
No reason given.
None - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
No reason given.
Normal - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Temperature sensor is normal.
NormallyClosed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitTypeValue
NormallyClosed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitTypeValue
NormallyOpen - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitTypeValue
NormallyOpen - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitTypeValue
NormalModeMsgNotPresent - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
NoSerialControlFrameResp - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
NotAllPIDValuesUpdated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
NotFound - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not find this value when searching for it
NotImplemented - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Not Implemented, check latest installer.
NotLicensed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.IsPROLicensedValue
NotLicensed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue
NotLicensed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
NotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This is not supported
NotUpdating - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The diagnostic server is not field upgrading any devices.
NotUsed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Temperature sensor is present but is not used.
NoUdpControlFrameResp - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode


odometryIsValid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Check if the odometry is currently valid
odometryIsValid() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
OdometryPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
The measured odometry update period, in seconds
OdometryPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The measured odometry update period, in seconds
OdometryPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The measured odometry update period, in seconds
OdometryThread() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
OdometryThread() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Off - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Off - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Off - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Off - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
Off - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
Motor output is disabled.
OK - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.MechanismState
The mechanism is running normally.
OK - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
No Error
OnlySupportedInTunerX - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This feature requires Tuner X.
Open - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitValue
Open - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitValue
OpenLoopRamps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect the open-loop control of this motor controller.
OpenLoopRamps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect the open-loop control of this motor controller.
OpenLoopRampsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the open-loop control of this motor controller.
OpenLoopRampsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
OpenLoopVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Control the drive motor using an open-loop voltage request.
OpenLoopVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Control the drive motor using an open-loop voltage request.
operatorForwardDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
operatorForwardDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
operatorForwardDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The forward direction from the operator perspective
OperatorPerspective - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference
This forward references makes it so "forward" (positive X) is determined from the operator's perspective.
OperatorPerspective - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue
"Forward" (positive X) is determined from the operator's perspective.
Opposed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorPhaseValue
The sensor direction is normally opposed to the motor.
OpposeMasterDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Set to false for motor invert to match the master's configured Invert - which is typical when master and follower are mechanically linked and spin in the same direction.
OpposeMasterDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Set to false for motor invert to match the master's configured Invert - which is typical when master and follower are mechanically linked and spin in the same direction.
optimizeBusUtilization() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Optimizes the device's bus utilization by reducing the update frequencies of its status signals.
optimizeBusUtilization(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This overload is deprecated for removal in 2025. Use ParentDevice.optimizeBusUtilization(double optimizedFreqHz, double timeoutSeconds) with an optimizedFreqHz of 0 Hz instead.
optimizeBusUtilization(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Optimizes the device's bus utilization by reducing the update frequencies of its status signals.
optimizeBusUtilizationForAll(double, ParentDevice...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
optimizeBusUtilizationForAll(ParentDevice...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
Orange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Orange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Orange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Orange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
Orchestra - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Orchestra is used to play music through devices.
Orchestra() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Constructor for a new Orchestra.
Orchestra(String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Constructor for a new Orchestra using the given Chirp file.
Orchestra(Collection<ParentDevice>) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Constructor for a new Orchestra using the given instruments.
Orchestra(Collection<ParentDevice>, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Constructor for a new Orchestra using the given instruments and Chirp file.
OrchestraJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
OrchestraJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.OrchestraJNI
Orientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
The orientation of the CANcoder relative to the robot chassis.
Orientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
The orientation of the TalonFX relative to the robot chassis.
Output - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Proportion of supply voltage to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1 Units: fractional
Output - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Amount of motor current in Amperes Units: A
Output - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Voltage to attempt to drive at Units: Volts
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideBrakeDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Set to true to static-brake the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).
OverrideCoastDurNeutral - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to coast the rotor when output is zero (or within deadband).


P6_CANcoderType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
P6_CANdiType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
P6_CANrangeType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
P6_Pigeon2Type - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
P6_TalonFXSType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
P6_TalonFXType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
ParentConfiguration - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
ParentConfigurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
ParentConfigurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ParentConfigurator
ParentDevice - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
ParentDevice(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
ParentDevice.MapGenerator<T> - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
pause() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Pauses the hoot log replay.
pause() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Pauses the loaded music file.
PeakDifferentialDutyCycle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Maximum differential output during duty cycle based differential control modes.
PeakDifferentialTorqueCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Maximum differential output during torque current based differential control modes.
PeakDifferentialVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Maximum differential output during voltage based differential control modes.
PeakForwardDutyCycle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Maximum (forward) output during duty cycle based control modes.
PeakForwardTorqueCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Maximum (forward) output during torque current based control modes.
PeakForwardVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Maximum (forward) output during voltage based control modes.
peakRemover - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
PeakReverseDutyCycle - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Minimum (reverse) output during duty cycle based control modes.
PeakReverseTorqueCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Minimum (reverse) output during torque current based control modes.
PeakReverseVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Minimum (reverse) output during voltage based control modes.
periodic() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Call this method periodically to keep the mechanism state updated.
periodic() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Call this method periodically to keep the mechanism state updated.
PhoenixPIDController - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility
Phoenix-centric PID controller taken from WPI's PIDController class.
PhoenixPIDController(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Allocates a PIDController with the given constants for kp, ki, and kd.
PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The output mode of the PID controller.
PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the closed-loop is running on position or velocity.
PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the closed-loop is running on position or velocity.
Pigeon2 - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
Pigeon2(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Constructs a new Pigeon 2 sensor object.
Pigeon2(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Constructs a new Pigeon 2 sensor object.
Pigeon2(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Constructs a new Pigeon 2 sensor object.
Pigeon2Configs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
The Pigeon2 configuration object to apply to the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2Configs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
The configuration object to apply to the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2Configuration - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation.
Pigeon2Configuration() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Pigeon2Configurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation.
Pigeon2Configurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Pigeon2Features - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Configs to enable/disable various features of the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs to enable/disable various features of the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Pigeon2Id - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
CAN ID of the Pigeon2 on the drivetrain.
Pigeon2Id - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
CAN ID of the Pigeon2 on the drivetrain.
Pigeon2SimState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Class to control the state of a simulated Pigeon2.
Pigeon2SimState(CorePigeon2) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given Pigeon2.
PigeonIMUType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
PigeonSim - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
Pink - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Pink - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Pink - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Pink - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
Pitch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Pitch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
PlatformJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
PlatformJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.PlatformJNI
play() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Starts or resumes the hoot log replay.
play() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Plays the loaded music file.
PointWheelsAt() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
PointWheelsAt() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
PORT_MODULE_TYPE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Pose - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
The current pose of the robot
Pose - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The current pose of the robot
PoseTheta - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
PoseX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The current pose of the robot
PoseY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
Position - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Position - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Position - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Position - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Position - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Control the drive motor using an unprofiled position request.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Position to drive toward in rotations.
Position - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Position to drive toward in rotations.
PositionDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
PositionDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
PositionDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
PositionDutyCycle(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
PositionDutyCycle(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
PositionDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
PositionDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
PositionTorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward.
PositionTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
PositionTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
PositionTorqueCurrentFOC(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward.
PositionTorqueCurrentFOC(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward.
PositionVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward
PositionVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
PositionVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
PositionVoltage(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward
PositionVoltage(Angle) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward
PositionVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
PositionVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
PositiveIsClockwise - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AppliedRotorPolarityValue
Positive motor output results in clockwise motion.
PositiveIsCounterClockwise - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AppliedRotorPolarityValue
Positive motor output results in counter-clockwise motion.
Production - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
ProximityHysteresis - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
How far above and below the threshold the distance needs to be to trigger undetected and detected, respectively.
ProximityParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Configs that affect the ToF Proximity detection
ProximityParamsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the ToF Proximity detection
ProximityParamsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
ProximityThreshold - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Threshold for object detection.
PullHigh - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
The input will be pulled high when not loaded by an outside device.
PullHigh - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
The input will be pulled high when not loaded by an outside device.
PullLow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
The input will be pulled low when not loaded by an outside device.
PullLow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
The input will be pulled low when not loaded by an outside device.
PulseWidth - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a pulse-width encoder directly attached to the Talon data port.
PulseWidthSensorNotPresent - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
PWM1 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Configs related to CANdi's PWM interface on the Signal 1 input (S1IN)
PWM1Configs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs related to CANdi's PWM interface on the Signal 1 input (S1IN)
PWM1Configs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Pwm1Orientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
The orientation of the PWM1 sensor relative to the robot chassis.
PWM2 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Configs related to CANdi's PWM interface on the Signal 2 input (S2IN)
PWM2Configs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs related to CANdi's PWM interface on the Signal 2 input (S2IN)
PWM2Configs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Pwm2Orientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
The orientation of the PWM2 sensor relative to the robot chassis.


Quadrature - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a quadrature encoder directly attached to the Talon data port.
Quadrature - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Configs related to CANdi's quadrature interface using both the S1IN and S2IN inputs
QuadratureConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs related to CANdi's quadrature interface using both the S1IN and S2IN inputs
QuadratureConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
QuadratureEdgesPerRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The number of quadrature edges in one rotation for the quadrature sensor connected to the Talon data port.
QuadratureEdgesPerRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
The number of quadrature edges in one rotation for the quadrature sensor connected to the Talon data port.
QuadratureEdgesPerRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
The number of quadrature edges per sensor rotation for an external quadrature sensor attached to the CANdi.
QuadratureEdgesPerRotation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
The number of quadrature edges per sensor rotation for an external quadrature sensor attached to the TalonFXS.
QuadratureOrientation - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
The orientation of the Quadrature sensor relative to the robot chassis.


RawHeading - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The raw heading of the robot, unaffected by vision updates and odometry resets
RawHeading - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The raw heading of the robot, unaffected by vision updates and odometry resets
rec - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
REC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
Receive Error Counter (REC)
Recover - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Red - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Red - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Red - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Red - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
RedAlliance - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference
This forward reference makes it so "forward" (positive X) is always towards the red alliance.
refresh() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Refreshes the value of this status signal.
refresh(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Refreshes the value of this status signal.
refresh(AudioConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(AudioConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(AudioConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(AudioConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CANcoderConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CANcoderConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CANdiConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CANdiConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CANrangeConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CANrangeConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CommutationConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CommutationConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CurrentLimitsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CurrentLimitsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CurrentLimitsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CurrentLimitsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(CustomParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialConstantsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialConstantsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialConstantsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialConstantsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialSensorsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialSensorsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialSensorsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DifferentialSensorsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DigitalInputsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(DigitalInputsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ExternalFeedbackConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ExternalFeedbackConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(FeedbackConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(FeedbackConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(FovParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(FovParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(GyroTrimConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(GyroTrimConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MagnetSensorConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MagnetSensorConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotionMagicConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotionMagicConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotionMagicConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotionMagicConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotorOutputConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotorOutputConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotorOutputConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MotorOutputConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MountPoseConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(MountPoseConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(OpenLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(OpenLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(OpenLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(OpenLoopRampsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Pigeon2Configuration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Pigeon2Configuration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ProximityParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ProximityParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(PWM1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(PWM1Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(PWM2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(PWM2Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(QuadratureConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(QuadratureConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot0Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot0Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot1Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot1Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot2Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(Slot2Configs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SlotConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SlotConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SlotConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SlotConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(TalonFXConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(TalonFXConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(TalonFXSConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(TalonFXSConfiguration, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ToFParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(ToFParamsConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(TorqueCurrentConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(TorqueCurrentConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(VoltageConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(VoltageConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(VoltageConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refresh(VoltageConfigs, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Refreshes the values of the specified config group.
refreshAll(BaseStatusSignal...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Performs a non-blocking refresh on all provided signals.
RegenBraking - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
The motor is braking in such a way where motor current is traveling back to the supply (typically a battery).
registerTelemetry(Consumer<LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Register the specified lambda to be executed whenever our SwerveDriveState function is updated in our odometry thread.
registerTelemetry(Consumer<SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Register the specified lambda to be executed whenever our SwerveDriveState function is updated in our odometry thread.
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting DifferentialRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use another CANcoder on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
RemoteCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 1 (S1IN) on CANdi.
RemoteCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 1 (S1IN) on CANdi.
RemoteCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
RemoteCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 2 (S2IN) on CANdi.
RemoteCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a pulse-width encoder remotely attached to the Sensor Input 2 (S2IN) on CANdi.
RemoteCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
RemoteCANdiQuadrature - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a quadrature encoder remotely attached to the two Sensor Inputs on CANdi.
RemoteCANdiQuadrature - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use a quadrature encoder remotely attached to the two Sensor Inputs on CANdi.
RemoteCANdiS1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use another CANdi on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANdiS1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use another CANdi on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANdiS2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use another CANdi on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANdiS2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use another CANdi on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANifier - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use the forward limit switch attached to another CANifier on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANifier - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use the reverse limit switch attached to another CANifier on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANrange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use another CANrange on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteCANrange - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use another CANrange on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Pitch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting DifferentialRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Pitch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Pitch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Roll - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting DifferentialRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Roll - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Roll - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Yaw - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting DifferentialRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Yaw - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemotePigeon2_Yaw - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use another Pigeon2 on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
RemoteSensorPosOverflow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
A remote sensor position has overflowed.
RemoteSensorPosOverflow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
A remote sensor position has overflowed.
RemoteSensorPosOverflow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
A remote sensor position has overflowed.
RemoteSensorPosOverflow - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
A remote sensor position has overflowed.
RemoteTalonFX - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Use the forward limit switch attached to another Talon FX on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteTalonFX - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Use the reverse limit switch attached to another Talon FX on the same CAN bus (this also requires setting ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID).
RemoteTalonFX_Diff - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Use another TalonFX on the same CAN bus.
ReplayAutoEnable - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils
reportIfFrequent() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ParentConfigurator
reportStatusCode(int, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.ErrorReportingJNI
Report error to driver station
requiresUserAction() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Get whether the mechanism is currently disabled and requires user action to re-enable mechanism control.
requiresUserAction() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Get whether the mechanism is currently disabled and requires user action to re-enable mechanism control.
RequiresUserAction - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.MechanismState
The mechanism is disabled and requires user action.
Reserved - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
Reserved - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
reset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.Pigeon2
Resets the Pigeon 2 to a heading of zero.
reset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Resets the previous error and the integral term.
reset() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Resets the previous error and the integral term.
resetPose(Pose2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Resets the pose of the robot.
resetPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule
Resets this module's drive motor position to 0 rotations.
resetPosition() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Resets this module's drive motor position to 0 rotations.
resetRotation(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Resets the rotation of the robot pose without affecting translation.
resetSignalFrequencies() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Resets the update frequencies of all the device's status signals to the defaults.
resetSignalFrequencies(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Resets the update frequencies of all the device's status signals to the defaults.
resetSignalFrequenciesForAll(ParentDevice...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
Resets the update frequencies of all the devices' status signals to the defaults.
resetTranslation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Resets the translation of the robot pose without affecting rotation.
ResourceNotAvailable - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
restart() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Restarts the hoot log replay from the start of the log.
ReverseLimitAutosetPositionEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
If enabled, the position is automatically set to a specific value, specified by ReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue, when the reverse limit switch is asserted.
ReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
The value to automatically set the position to when the reverse limit switch is asserted.
ReverseLimitEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
If enabled, motor output is set to neutral when reverse limit switch is asseted and negative output is requested.
ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Device ID of the remote device if using remote limit switch features for the reverse limit switch.
ReverseLimitSource - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Determines where to poll the reverse limit switch.
ReverseLimitSourceValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Determines where to poll the reverse limit switch.
ReverseLimitType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Determines if the reverse limit switch is normally-open (default) or normally-closed.
ReverseLimitTypeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Determines if the reverse limit switch is normally-open (default) or normally-closed.
ReverseLimitValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Reverse Limit Pin.
ReverseSoftLimitEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
If enabled, the motor output is set to neutral if position exceeds ReverseSoftLimitThreshold and reverse output is requested.
ReverseSoftLimitThreshold - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Position threshold for reverse soft limit features.
RibbonPigeonIMUType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
RobotCentric() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
RobotCentric() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
RobotCentricFacingAngle() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
RobotEnableValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Whether the robot is enabled.
Roll - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Roll - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The rotational deadband of the request.
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The rotational deadband of the request.
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The rotational deadband of the request.
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The rotational deadband of the request, in radians per second.
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The rotational deadband of the request, in radians per second.
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The rotational deadband of the request, in radians per second.
RotationalDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The rotational deadband of the request, in radians per second.
RotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
RotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
RotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
RotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
RotationalRate - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
RotorSensor - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Use the internal rotor sensor in the Talon.
RotorToSensorRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The ratio of motor rotor rotations to remote sensor rotations, where a ratio greater than 1 is a reduction.
RotorToSensorRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
The ratio of motor rotor rotations to remote sensor rotations, where a ratio greater than 1 is a reduction.
run() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice.MapGenerator
run() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
RxTimeout - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CAN frame not received/too-stale.


S1CloseState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
What value the Signal 1 input (S1IN) needs to be for the CANdi to detect as Closed.
S1CloseStateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
What value the Signal 1 input (S1IN) needs to be for the CANdi to detect as Closed.
S1FloatState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
The floating state of the Signal 1 input (S1IN).
S1FloatStateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The floating state of the Signal 1 input (S1IN).
S1StateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
State of the Signal 1 input (S1IN).
S2CloseState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
What value the Signal 2 input (S2IN) needs to be for the CANdi to detect as Closed.
S2CloseStateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
What value the Signal 2 input (S2IN) needs to be for the CANdi to detect as Closed.
S2FloatState - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
The floating state of the Signal 2 input (S2IN).
S2FloatStateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The floating state of the Signal 2 input (S2IN).
S2StateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
State of the Signal 2 input (S2IN).
samplePoseAt(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Return the pose at a given timestamp, if the buffer is not empty.
seedFieldCentric() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Resets the rotation of the robot pose to 0 from the SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue.OperatorPerspective perspective.
seedFieldRelative() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Takes the current orientation of the robot and makes it X forward for field-relative maneuvers.
seedFieldRelative(Pose2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Takes the specified location and makes it the current pose for field-relative maneuvers
SelfTestIsEmpty - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Self Test report does not have any values, is the firmware up to date?
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.ControlRequest
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.EmptyControl
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
sendRequest(String, int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
SensorDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Direction of the sensor to determine positive rotation, as seen facing the LED side of the CANcoder.
SensorDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Direction of the PWM sensor to determine positive rotation.
SensorDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Direction of the PWM sensor to determine positive rotation.
SensorDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
Direction of the quadrature sensor to determine positive rotation.
SensorDirectionValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Direction of the sensor to determine positive rotation, as seen facing the LED side of the CANcoder.
SensorNotPresent - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Sensor Not Present.
SensorPhase - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The relationship between the motor controlled by a Talon and the external sensor connected to the data port.
SensorPhaseValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
The relationship between the motor controlled by a Talon and the external sensor connected to the data port.
SensorToMechanismRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The ratio of sensor rotations to the mechanism's output, where a ratio greater than 1 is a reduction.
SensorToMechanismRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
The ratio of sensor rotations to the mechanism's output, where a ratio greater than 1 is a reduction.
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
Get the serialized form of this configuration
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Get the serialized form of this configuration
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Get the serialized form of this configuration
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Get the serialized form of this configuration
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Get the serialized form of this configuration
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Get the serialized form of this configuration
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
serialize() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
serialize() - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.ISerializable
Serializeboolean(int, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
Serializedouble(int, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
serializedString - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
Serializeint(int, int) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
SerialMismatch - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Serial Number in license file does not match model name of selected device.
set(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Common interface for setting the speed of a motor controller.
set(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Common interface for setting the speed of a motor controller.
setAngularVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated angular velocity X component of the Pigeon2.
setAngularVelocityX(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated angular velocity X component of the Pigeon2.
setAngularVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated angular velocity Y component of the Pigeon2.
setAngularVelocityY(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated angular velocity Y component of the Pigeon2.
setAngularVelocityZ(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated angular velocity Z component of the Pigeon2.
setAngularVelocityZ(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated angular velocity Z component of the Pigeon2.
setCoastOut() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Request coast neutral output of mechanism.
setCoastOut() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Request coast neutral output of mechanism.
SetConfigs(String, int, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.jni.ConfigJNI
setConfigsPrivate(String, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ParentConfigurator
setControl(CoastOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request coast neutral output of actuator.
setControl(CoastOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request coast neutral output of actuator.
setControl(CoastOut) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request coast neutral output of actuator.
setControl(Diff_DutyCycleOut_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with duty cycle average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_DutyCycleOut_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with duty cycle average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_DutyCycleOut_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with duty cycle average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_DutyCycleOut_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with duty cycle average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_DutyCycleOut_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with duty cycle average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_DutyCycleOut_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with duty cycle average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with Motion Magic® average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_PositionVoltage_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_PositionVoltage_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_PositionVoltage_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with position average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_PositionVoltage_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_PositionVoltage_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_PositionVoltage_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with torque current average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with torque current average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with torque current average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with torque current average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityVoltage_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityVoltage_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityVoltage_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityVoltage_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityVoltage_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_VelocityVoltage_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
setControl(Diff_VoltageOut_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with voltage average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_VoltageOut_Position) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with voltage average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_VoltageOut_Position) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with voltage average target and position difference target.
setControl(Diff_VoltageOut_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Differential control with voltage average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_VoltageOut_Velocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Differential control with voltage average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(Diff_VoltageOut_Velocity) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Differential control with voltage average target and velocity difference target.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANrange
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(ControlRequest) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsMusic
Control device with generic control request object.
setControl(DifferentialDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
setControl(DifferentialDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
setControl(DifferentialDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
setControl(DifferentialDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialFollower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon.
setControl(DifferentialFollower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon.
setControl(DifferentialFollower) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialPositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialPositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialPositionDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialPositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialPositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint
setControl(DifferentialPositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint
setControl(DifferentialPositionVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint
setControl(DifferentialPositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialStrictFollower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
setControl(DifferentialStrictFollower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
setControl(DifferentialStrictFollower) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Follow the differential motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
setControl(DifferentialVelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DifferentialVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
setControl(DifferentialVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
setControl(DifferentialVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
setControl(DifferentialVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DutyCycleOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request a specified motor duty cycle.
setControl(DutyCycleOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request a specified motor duty cycle.
setControl(DutyCycleOut) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request a specified motor duty cycle.
setControl(DutyCycleOut, PositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DutyCycleOut, VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(DynamicMotionMagicVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(Follower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Follow the motor output of another Talon.
setControl(Follower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Follow the motor output of another Talon.
setControl(Follower) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Follow the motor output of another Talon.
setControl(MotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicDutyCycle, PositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(MotionMagicDutyCycle, VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicExpoVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC, PositionTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC, VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVelocityVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile.
setControl(MotionMagicVoltage, PositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(MotionMagicVoltage, VelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(MusicTone) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Plays a single tone at the user specified frequency.
setControl(MusicTone) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsMusic
Plays a single tone at the user specified frequency.
setControl(NeutralOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request neutral output of actuator.
setControl(NeutralOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request neutral output of actuator.
setControl(NeutralOut) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request neutral output of actuator.
setControl(PositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
setControl(PositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
setControl(PositionDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
setControl(PositionDutyCycle, PositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(PositionDutyCycle, VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(PositionTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward.
setControl(PositionTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward.
setControl(PositionTorqueCurrentFOC, PositionTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(PositionTorqueCurrentFOC, VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(PositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward
setControl(PositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward
setControl(PositionVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward
setControl(PositionVoltage, PositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(PositionVoltage, VelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(StaticBrake) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together.
setControl(StaticBrake) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together.
setControl(StaticBrake) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together.
setControl(StrictFollower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
setControl(StrictFollower) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
setControl(StrictFollower) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
setControl(TorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
setControl(TorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
setControl(TorqueCurrentFOC, PositionTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(TorqueCurrentFOC, VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
setControl(VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
setControl(VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
setControl(VelocityDutyCycle, PositionDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VelocityDutyCycle, VelocityDutyCycle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward.
setControl(VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.SupportsFOC
Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward.
setControl(VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC, PositionTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC, VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
setControl(VelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
setControl(VelocityVoltage) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
setControl(VelocityVoltage, PositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VelocityVoltage, VelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VoltageOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Request a specified voltage.
setControl(VoltageOut) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Request a specified voltage.
setControl(VoltageOut) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonControls
Request a specified voltage.
setControl(VoltageOut, PositionVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(VoltageOut, VelocityVoltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Sets the control request for this mechanism.
setControl(LegacySwerveRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Applies the specified control request to this swerve drivetrain.
setControl(SwerveRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Applies the specified control request to this swerve drivetrain.
setControlPrivate(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
setControlPrivate(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
setControlPrivate(ControlRequest) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
setD(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the Differential coefficient of the PID controller gain.
setD(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the Differential coefficient of the PID controller gain.
setDistance(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANrangeSimState
Sets the simulated distance of the CANrange.
setDistance(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANrangeSimState
Sets the simulated distance of the CANrange.
setExpiration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Set the expiration time for the corresponding motor safety object.
setExpiration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Set the expiration time for the corresponding motor safety object.
setForwardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated forward limit switch of the TalonFX.
setForwardLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated forward limit switch of the TalonFXS.
setI(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the Integral coefficient of the PID controller gain.
setI(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the Integral coefficient of the PID controller gain.
setIntegratorRange(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the integrator.
setIntegratorRange(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the integrator.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, apply the invert setting as part of a full TalonFXConfiguration object. Invert can be found in the MotorOutput config group.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, apply the invert setting as part of a full TalonFXSConfiguration object. Invert can be found in the MotorOutput config group.
setIZone(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the IZone range.
setMagnetHealth(MagnetHealthValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated magnet health of the CANcoder.
setNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Sets the mode of operation when output is neutral or disabled.
setNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Sets the mode of operation when output is neutral or disabled.
setNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Sets the mode of operation when output is neutral or disabled.
setNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Sets the mode of operation when output is neutral or disabled.
setNeutralOut() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Request neutral output of mechanism.
setNeutralOut() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Request neutral output of mechanism.
setOperatorPerspectiveForward(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Takes the LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference.RedAlliance perpective direction and treats it as the forward direction for LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference.OperatorPerspective.
setOperatorPerspectiveForward(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Takes the SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue.BlueAlliance perpective direction and treats it as the forward direction for SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue.OperatorPerspective.
setOutputCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated output current of the CANdi.
setOutputCurrent(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated output current of the CANdi.
setP(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the Proportional coefficient of the PID controller gain.
setP(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the Proportional coefficient of the PID controller gain.
setPath(String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Sets the destination for logging, restarting logger if the path changed.
setPhoenixDiagnosticsStartTime(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
Sets the duration of the delay before starting the Phoenix diagnostics server.
setPID(double, double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the PID Controller gain parameters.
setPID(double, double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the PID Controller gain parameters.
setPitch(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated pitch of the Pigeon2.
setPitch(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated pitch of the Pigeon2.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfigurator
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANcoder
Sets the current position of the device.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFX
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreTalonFXS
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPosition(Angle, double) - Method in interface com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits.HasTalonSignals
Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
setPulseWidthPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the TalonFXS.
setPulseWidthPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the TalonFXS.
setPulseWidthVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the TalonFXS.
setPulseWidthVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the TalonFXS.
setPwm1Connected(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets whether a PWM sensor is connected to the S1 pin.
setPwm1Position(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the CANdi.
setPwm1Position(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the CANdi.
setPwm1RiseFall(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM1 Rise to Fall timing of the CANdi.
setPwm1RiseFall(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM1 Rise to Fall timing of the CANdi.
setPwm1RiseRise(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM1 Rise to Rise timing of the CANdi.
setPwm1RiseRise(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM1 Rise to Rise timing of the CANdi.
setPwm1Velocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the CANdi.
setPwm1Velocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the CANdi.
setPwm2Connected(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets whether a PWM sensor is connected to the S2 pin.
setPwm2Position(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the CANdi.
setPwm2Position(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the CANdi.
setPwm2RiseFall(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM2 Rise to Fall timing of the CANdi.
setPwm2RiseFall(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM2 Rise to Fall timing of the CANdi.
setPwm2RiseRise(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM2 Rise to Rise timing of the CANdi.
setPwm2RiseRise(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated PWM2 Rise to Rise timing of the CANdi.
setPwm2Velocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the CANdi.
setPwm2Velocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the CANdi.
setQuadratureAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated quadrature acceleration of the TalonFXS.
setQuadratureAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated quadrature acceleration of the TalonFXS.
setQuadraturePosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfigurator
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadraturePosition(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CoreCANdi
Sets the position of the quadrature input.
setQuadratureVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated quadrature velocity of the CANdi.
setQuadratureVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated quadrature velocity of the TalonFXS.
setQuadratureVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the CANdi.
setQuadratureVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated quadrature velocity of the TalonFXS.
setRawPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated raw position of the CANcoder.
setRawPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated raw position of the CANcoder.
setRawQuadraturePosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated raw quadrature position of the CANdi.
setRawQuadraturePosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated raw quadrature position of the TalonFXS.
setRawQuadraturePosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated raw quadrature position of the CANdi.
setRawQuadraturePosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated raw quadrature position of the TalonFXS.
setRawRotorPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated raw rotor position of the TalonFX.
setRawRotorPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated raw rotor position of the TalonFXS.
setRawRotorPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated raw rotor position of the TalonFX.
setRawRotorPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated raw rotor position of the TalonFXS.
setRawYaw(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated raw yaw of the Pigeon2.
setRawYaw(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated raw yaw of the Pigeon2.
setReverseLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated reverse limit switch of the TalonFX.
setReverseLimit(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated reverse limit switch of the TalonFXS.
setRoll(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated roll of the Pigeon2.
setRoll(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated roll of the Pigeon2.
setRotorAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated rotor acceleration of the TalonFX.
setRotorAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated rotor acceleration of the TalonFXS.
setRotorAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated rotor acceleration of the TalonFX.
setRotorAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated rotor acceleration of the TalonFXS.
setRotorVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated rotor velocity of the TalonFX.
setRotorVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated rotor velocity of the TalonFXS.
setRotorVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated rotor velocity of the TalonFX.
setRotorVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated rotor velocity of the TalonFXS.
setS1State(S1StateValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the state of the S1 pin
setS2State(S2StateValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the state of the S2 pin
setSafetyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Enable/disable motor safety for this device.
setSafetyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Enable/disable motor safety for this device.
setSpeed(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Sets the speed of the hoot log replay.
setStateStdDevs(Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Sets the pose estimator's trust in robot odometry.
setStaticBrake() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism
Applies full neutral-brake on the mechanism by shorting motor leads together.
setStaticBrake() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Applies full neutral-brake on the mechanism by shorting motor leads together.
setSupplyVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the CANcoder.
setSupplyVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the CANdi.
setSupplyVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANrangeSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the CANrange.
setSupplyVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the Pigeon2.
setSupplyVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the TalonFX.
setSupplyVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the TalonFXS.
setSupplyVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the CANcoder.
setSupplyVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANdiSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the CANdi.
setSupplyVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANrangeSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the CANrange.
setSupplyVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.Pigeon2SimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the Pigeon2.
setSupplyVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the TalonFX.
setSupplyVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the TalonFXS.
setThreadPriority(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Sets the DAQ thread priority to a real time priority under the specified priority level
setThreadPriority(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Sets the odometry thread priority to a real time priority under the specified priority level
setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the error which is considered tolerable for use with atSetpoint().
setTolerance(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the error which is considered tolerable for use with atSetpoint().
setTolerance(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.utility.LegacyPhoenixPIDController
Sets the error which is considered tolerable for use with atSetpoint().
setTolerance(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.utility.PhoenixPIDController
Sets the error which is considered tolerable for use with atSetpoint().
setUpdateFrequency(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Sets the rate at which the device will publish this signal.
setUpdateFrequency(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Sets the rate at which the device will publish this signal.
setUpdateFrequency(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Sets the rate at which the device will publish this signal.
setUpdateFrequency(Frequency, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Sets the rate at which the device will publish this signal.
setUpdateFrequencyForAll(double, BaseStatusSignal...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Sets the update frequency of all specified status signals to the provided common frequency.
setUpdateFrequencyForAll(Frequency, BaseStatusSignal...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Sets the update frequency of all specified status signals to the provided common frequency.
setVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated velocity of the CANcoder.
setVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.CANcoderSimState
Sets the simulated velocity of the CANcoder.
setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Sets the pose estimator's trust of global measurements.
setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(Matrix<N3, N1>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Sets the pose estimator's trust of global measurements.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Common interface for seting the direct voltage output of a motor controller.
setVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Common interface for seting the direct voltage output of a motor controller.
setYaw(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configurator
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
setYaw(Angle, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.core.CorePigeon2
The yaw to set the Pigeon2 to right now.
ShortRange100Hz - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
Updates distance/proximity at 100hz using short-range detection mode.
ShortRangeUserFreq - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
Uses short-range detection mode for improved detection under high ambient infrared light conditions.
SignalData() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay.SignalData
SignalLogger - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Static class for controlling the Phoenix 6 signal logger.
SignalLogger() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
SignalLoggerJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
SignalLoggerJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.SignalLoggerJNI
SignalLookupFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Failed to lookup signal properties.
SignalMeasurement() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal.SignalMeasurement
signalName - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
SignalNotSupportedOrMissing - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The requested signal is missing or not supported.
SigNotUpdated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
No new response to update signal.
SimDeviceAlreadyExists - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
SimDeviceNotFound - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
SimPhysicsTypeNotSupported - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
SimpleDifferentialMechanism - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Manages control of a simple two-axis differential mechanism.
SimpleDifferentialMechanism(TalonFX, TalonFX, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Creates a new simple differential mechanism using the given two TalonFX devices.
SimpleDifferentialMechanism(TalonFX, TalonFX, boolean, CANcoder) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Creates a new simple differential mechanism using the given two TalonFX devices and a CANcoder.
SimpleDifferentialMechanism(TalonFX, TalonFX, boolean, Pigeon2, SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism
Creates a new simple differential mechanism using the given two TalonFX devices and a Pigeon2.
SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Sensor sources for a differential Pigeon 2.
SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Possible reasons for the mechanism to disable.
SimpleDifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms
Possible reasons for the mechanism to require user action to resume control.
SimSwerveDrivetrain - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Simplified swerve drive simulation class.
SimSwerveDrivetrain(Translation2d[], Pigeon2SimState, SwerveModuleConstants<?, ?, ?>...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
SimSwerveModule(double, double, double, boolean, SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement, double, double, double, boolean, SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement, boolean, SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
SlipCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The maximum amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage.
SlipCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The maximum amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage.
SlipCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The maximum amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage.
SlipCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The maximum amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Select which gains are applied by selecting the slot.
Slot0 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot0 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot0Configs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot0Configs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Slot1 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot1 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot1Configs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot1Configs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Slot2 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot2 - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot2Configs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Gains for the specified slot.
Slot2Configs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
SlotConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Gains for the specified slot.
SlotConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
SlotNumber - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Chooses which slot these configs are for.
SoftwareLimitSwitch - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect how software-limit switches behave.
SoftwareLimitSwitch - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect how software-limit switches behave.
SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect how software-limit switches behave.
SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
speed - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleState
SpeedAt12Volts - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
When using open-loop drive control, this specifies the speed at which the robot travels when driven with 12 volts.
SpeedAt12Volts - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
When using open-loop drive control, this specifies the speed at which the robot travels when driven with 12 volts.
SpeedAt12VoltsMps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
When using open-loop drive control, this specifies the speed at which the robot travels when driven with 12 volts, in meters per second.
SpeedAt12VoltsMps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
When using open-loop drive control, this specifies the speed at which the robot travels when driven with 12 volts, in meters per second.
speeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
The current velocity of the robot
Speeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
The chassis speeds to apply to the drivetrain.
Speeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The current velocity of the robot
Speeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
The field-centric chassis speeds to apply to the drivetrain.
Speeds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
The robot-centric chassis speeds to apply to the drivetrain.
SpeedsOmega - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
SpeedsVx - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The current velocity of the robot
SpeedsVy - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
spn - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
spn - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
start() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Starts the odometry thread.
start() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Starts logging status signals.
start() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Starts the odometry thread.
start() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.AutoFeedEnable
Starts feeding the enable signal to CTRE actuators.
start() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.ReplayAutoEnable
Starts automatically enabling the robot in replay.
START_THREAD_PRIORITY - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
state - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
State - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Unoptimized speed and direction the module should target.
StaticBrake - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together.
StaticBrake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
StaticBrake - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
StaticBrake() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together.
StaticBraking - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
The motor is in neutral-brake.
StaticFeedforwardSign - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Static Feedforward Sign during position closed loop.
StaticFeedforwardSign - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Static Feedforward Sign during position closed loop.
StaticFeedforwardSign - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Static Feedforward Sign during position closed loop.
StaticFeedforwardSign - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Static Feedforward Sign during position closed loop.
StaticFeedforwardSignValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Static Feedforward Sign during position closed loop.
StatorCurrentLimit - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
The amount of current allowed in the motor (motoring and regen current).
StatorCurrentLimitEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Enable motor stator current limiting.
status - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay.SignalData
Status code response of getting the signal
status - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal.SignalMeasurement
Status code response of getting the data
Status - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
Status code response of getting the data
statusCode - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
StatusCode - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Status codes reported by APIs, including OK, warnings, and errors.
StatusCodeNotInitialized - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
This StatusCode has not been initialized.
StatusSignal<T> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Represents a status signal with data of type T, and operations available to retrieve information about the signal.
StatusSignal(DeviceIdentifier, int, Runnable, Class<T>, DoubleFunction<T>, ParentDevice.MapGenerator<T>, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
StatusSignal(DeviceIdentifier, int, Runnable, Class<T>, DoubleFunction<T>, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
StatusSignal(Class<T>, DoubleFunction<T>, StatusCode) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
StatusSignal.SignalMeasurement<L> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Information from a single measurement of a status signal.
StatusSignalJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
StatusSignalJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
SteerFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Voltage necessary for the steer motor to overcome friction
SteerFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Simulated steer voltage required to overcome friction.
SteerFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated steer voltage required to overcome friction.
SteerFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Voltage necessary for the steer motor to overcome friction
SteerFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Simulated steer voltage required to overcome friction.
SteerFrictionVoltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated steer voltage required to overcome friction.
SteerGearing - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Reference to steer gearing for updating CANcoder
SteerGearing - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Reference to steer gearing for updating encoder
SteerInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Simulated azimuthal inertia in kilogram meters squared.
SteerInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated azimuthal inertia in kilogram meters squared.
SteerInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Simulated azimuthal inertia.
SteerInertia - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Simulated azimuthal inertia.
SteerMotor - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Reference to motor simulation for the steer motor
SteerMotor - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Reference to motor simulation for the steer motor
SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors.
SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors.
SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors.
SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors.
SteerMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The steer motor closed-loop gains.
SteerMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The steer motor closed-loop gains.
SteerMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The steer motor closed-loop gains.
SteerMotorGains - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The steer motor closed-loop gains.
SteerMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Gear ratio between the steer motor and the CANcoder.
SteerMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Gear ratio between the steer motor and the CANcoder.
SteerMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Gear ratio between the steer motor and the azimuth encoder.
SteerMotorGearRatio - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Gear ratio between the steer motor and the azimuth encoder.
SteerMotorId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
CAN ID of the steer motor.
SteerMotorId - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
CAN ID of the steer motor.
SteerMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the steer motor of the swerve module.
SteerMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the steer motor of the swerve module.
SteerMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the steer motor of the swerve module.
SteerMotorInitialConfigs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the steer motor of the swerve module.
SteerMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain.LegacySimSwerveModule
Whether the steer motor is inverted
SteerMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
True if the steering motor is reversed from the CANcoder.
SteerMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
True if the steering motor is reversed from the CANcoder.
SteerMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain.SimSwerveModule
Whether the steer motor is inverted
SteerMotorInverted - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
True if the steer motor is inverted from the azimuth.
SteerMotorType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Choose the motor used for the steer motor.
SteerMotorType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Choose the motor used for the steer motor.
steerRequest - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
SteerRequest - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
SteerRequestType - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
stepTiming(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Advances the hoot log replay time by the given value.
stop() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Stops the hoot log replay.
stop() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Stops the odometry thread.
stop() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra
Stops the loaded music file.
stop() - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Stops logging status signals.
stop() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Stops the odometry thread.
stop() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.AutoFeedEnable
Stops feeding the enable signal to CTRE actuators.
stop() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.ReplayAutoEnable
Stops automatically enabling the robot in replay.
stop(long) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
Stops the odometry thread with a timeout.
stopMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Common interface to stop motor movement until set is called again.
stopMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Common interface to stop motor movement until set is called again.
stopMotor() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.wpiutils.MotorSafetyImplem
Stops the controller
StrictFollower - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
StrictFollower(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
SuccessfulDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.LegacySwerveDriveState
Number of successful data acquisitions
SuccessfulDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
SuccessfulDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
Number of successful data acquisitions
SuccessfulDaqs - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
Number of successful data acquisitions
SupplyCurrentLimit - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
The absolute maximum amount of supply current allowed.
SupplyCurrentLimitEnable - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Enable motor supply current limiting.
SupplyCurrentLowerLimit - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
The amount of supply current allowed after the regular SupplyCurrentLimit is active for longer than SupplyCurrentLowerTime.
SupplyCurrentLowerTime - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Reduces supply current to the SupplyCurrentLowerLimit after limiting to SupplyCurrentLimit for this period of time.
SupplyVoltageTimeConstant - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
The time constant (in seconds) of the low-pass filter for the supply voltage.
SupportsFOC - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Requires Phoenix Pro; Contains all FOC-exclusive control functions available for devices that support FOC.
SupportsMusic - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.traits
Contains all control functions available for motors that support playing music.
SwerveControlParameters() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
SwerveDriveBrake() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
SwerveDriveBrake() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
SwerveDriveState() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
SwerveDrivetrain<DriveMotorT extends CommonTalon,SteerMotorT extends CommonTalon,EncoderT extends ParentDevice> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Swerve Drive class utilizing CTR Electronics' Phoenix 6 API.
SwerveDrivetrain(SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<DriveMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<SteerMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<EncoderT>, SwerveDrivetrainConstants, double, SwerveModuleConstants<?, ?, ?>...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Constructs a CTRE SwerveDrivetrain using the specified constants.
SwerveDrivetrain(SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<DriveMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<SteerMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<EncoderT>, SwerveDrivetrainConstants, double, Matrix<N3, N1>, Matrix<N3, N1>, SwerveModuleConstants<?, ?, ?>...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Constructs a CTRE SwerveDrivetrain using the specified constants.
SwerveDrivetrain(SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<DriveMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<SteerMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<EncoderT>, SwerveDrivetrainConstants, SwerveModuleConstants<?, ?, ?>...) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Constructs a CTRE SwerveDrivetrain using the specified constants.
SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<DeviceT> - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Functional interface for device constructors.
SwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Performs swerve module updates in a separate thread to minimize latency.
SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Contains everything the control requests need to calculate the module state.
SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Plain-Old-Data class holding the state of the swerve drivetrain.
SwerveDrivetrainConstants - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Common constants for a swerve drivetrain.
SwerveDrivetrainConstants() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
SwerveJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
SwerveJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI
SwerveJNI.ControlParams - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
SwerveJNI.DriveState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
SwerveJNI.ModulePosition - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
SwerveJNI.ModuleState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni
SwerveModule<DriveMotorT extends CommonTalon,SteerMotorT extends CommonTalon,EncoderT extends ParentDevice> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by CTR Electronics devices.
SwerveModule(SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<DriveMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<SteerMotorT>, SwerveDrivetrain.DeviceConstructor<EncoderT>, SwerveModuleConstants<?, ?, ?>, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule
Construct a SwerveModule with the specified constants.
SwerveModule.DriveRequestType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
All possible control requests for the module drive motor.
SwerveModule.ModuleRequest - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Contains everything the swerve module needs to apply a request.
SwerveModule.SteerRequestType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
All possible control requests for the module steer motor.
SwerveModuleConstants<DriveMotorConfigsT extends ParentConfiguration,SteerMotorConfigsT extends ParentConfiguration,EncoderConfigsT extends ParentConfiguration> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
All constants for a swerve module.
SwerveModuleConstants() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Supported closed-loop output types.
SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Supported motor arrangements for the drive motors.
SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Supported feedback sensors for the steer motors.
SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Supported motor arrangements for the steer motors.
SwerveModuleConstantsFactory<DriveMotorConfigsT extends ParentConfiguration,SteerMotorConfigsT extends ParentConfiguration,EncoderConfigsT extends ParentConfiguration> - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Constants that are common across the swerve modules, used for creating instances of module-specific SwerveModuleConstants.
SwerveModuleConstantsFactory() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
swervePositions - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
SwerveRequest - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Container for all the Swerve Requests.
SwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Accepts a generic field-centric ChassisSpeeds to apply to the drivetrain.
SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Accepts a generic robot-centric ChassisSpeeds to apply to the drivetrain.
SwerveRequest.FieldCentric - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a field-centric manner.
SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a field-centric manner, maintaining a specified heading angle to ensure the robot is facing the desired direction
SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
In field-centric control, the direction of "forward" is sometimes different depending on perspective.
SwerveRequest.Idle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Does nothing to the swerve module state.
SwerveRequest.NativeSwerveRequest - Interface in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Swerve requests implemented in native code.
SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Sets the swerve drive modules to point to a specified direction.
SwerveRequest.RobotCentric - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a robot-centric manner.
SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Drives the swerve drivetrain in a robot-centric manner, maintaining a specified heading angle to ensure the robot is facing the desired direction
SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
Sets the swerve drive module states to point inward on the robot in an "X" fashion, creating a natural brake which will oppose any motion.
SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the rotational characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.
SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the steer module characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.
SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve
SysId-specific SwerveRequest to characterize the translational characteristics of a swerve drivetrain.
swtimeStampSeconds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
SyncCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro
SyncCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will synchronize its commutation sensor position against another CANcoder, then continue to use the rotor sensor for closed loop control (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
SyncCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will synchronize its internal rotor position against another CANcoder, then continue to use the rotor sensor for closed loop control (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
SyncCANcoder - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro; Use FeedbackSensorSourceValue.SyncCANcoder for the steer motor.
SyncCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will synchronize its internal rotor position against the pulse-width encoder attached to Sensor Input 1 (S1IN), then continue to use the rotor sensor for closed loop control (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
SyncCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will synchronize its internal rotor position against the pulse-width encoder attached to Sensor Input 1 (S1IN), then continue to use the rotor sensor for closed loop control (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
SyncCANdiPWM1 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro; Use FeedbackSensorSourceValue.SyncCANdiPWM1 for the steer motor.
SyncCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will synchronize its internal rotor position against the pulse-width encoder attached to Sensor Input 1 (S1IN), then continue to use the rotor sensor for closed loop control (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
SyncCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Requires Phoenix Pro; Talon will synchronize its internal rotor position against the pulse-width encoder attached to Sensor Input 1 (S1IN), then continue to use the rotor sensor for closed loop control (this also requires setting FeedbackRemoteSensorID).
SyncCANdiPWM2 - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Requires Pro; Use FeedbackSensorSourceValue.SyncCANdiPWM2 for the steer motor.
SysIdSwerveRotation() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
SysIdSwerveRotation() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
SysIdSwerveSteerGains() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
SysIdSwerveSteerGains() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
SysIdSwerveTranslation() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
SysIdSwerveTranslation() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
System - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
Timestamp as reported by the system.
System_StateValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
System state of the device.


TalonFX - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
WPILib-integrated version of CoreTalonFX
TalonFX(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
TalonFX(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
TalonFX(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX
Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
TalonFX_Integrated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
Talon FX integrated brushless motor.
TalonFX_Integrated - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Talon FX integrated brushless motor.
TalonFXConfiguration - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller.
TalonFXConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
TalonFXConfigurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller.
TalonFXConfigurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfigurator
TalonFXFirmwarePreVBatDetect - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Talon FX(Falcon 500) Firmware Too Old.
TalonFXS - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware
WPILib-integrated version of CoreTalonFXS
TalonFXS(int) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Constructs a new Talon FXS motor controller object.
TalonFXS(int, CANBus) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Constructs a new Talon FXS motor controller object.
TalonFXS(int, String) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFXS
Constructs a new Talon FXS motor controller object.
TalonFXS_Brushed_AB - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Brushed motor connected to a Talon FXS on terminals A and B.
TalonFXS_Brushed_AC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Brushed motor connected to a Talon FXS on terminals A and C.
TalonFXS_Brushed_BC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Brushed motor connected to a Talon FXS on terminals B and C.
TalonFXS_Minion_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
CTR Electronics Minion® brushless motor connected to a Talon FXS over JST.
TalonFXS_NEO_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
Third party NEO brushless motor connected to a Talon FXS over JST.
TalonFXS_NEO_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Third party NEO brushless motor connected to a Talon FXS over JST.
TalonFXS_NEO550_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Third party NEO550 brushless motor connected to a Talon FXS over JST.
TalonFXS_PulseWidth - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
TalonFXS_VORTEX_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
Third party VORTEX brushless motor connected to a Talon FXS over JST.
TalonFXS_VORTEX_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Third party VORTEX brushless motor connected to a Talon FXS over JST.
TalonFXSConfiguration - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class description for the Talon FXS motor controller.
TalonFXSConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
TalonFXSConfigurator - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Class description for the Talon FXS motor controller.
TalonFXSConfigurator(DeviceIdentifier) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfigurator
TalonFXSimState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Class to control the state of a simulated TalonFX.
TalonFXSimState(CoreTalonFX) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given TalonFX.
TalonFXSimState(CoreTalonFX, ChassisReference) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given TalonFX.
TalonFXSSimState - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.sim
Class to control the state of a simulated TalonFXS.
TalonFXSSimState(CoreTalonFXS) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given TalonFXS.
TalonFXSSimState(CoreTalonFXS, ChassisReference, ChassisReference) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.TalonFXSSimState
Creates an object to control the state of the given TalonFXS.
TalonSRXType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
tareEverything() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Zero's this swerve drive's odometry entirely.
tareEverything() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Zero's this swerve drive's odometry entirely.
TargetDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The desired direction to face.
TargetDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The desired direction to face.
TargetDirection - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The desired direction to face.
TargetOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Proportion of supply voltage to apply in fractional units between -1 and +1 Units: fractional
TargetOutput - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Voltage to attempt to drive at Units: Volts
TargetPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Average position to drive toward in rotations.
TargetPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Average position to drive toward in rotations.
TargetPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Average position to drive toward in rotations.
TargetPosition - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Average position to drive toward in rotations.
TargetRateFeedforward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The rotational rate feedforward to add to the output of the heading controller, in radians per second.
TargetRateFeedforward - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The rotational rate feedforward to add to the output of the heading controller, in radians per second.
TargetSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the primary controller by selecting the slot.
TargetSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the primary controller by selecting the slot.
TargetSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the primary controller by selecting the slot.
TargetSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the primary controller by selecting the slot.
TargetSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Select which gains are applied to the primary controller by selecting the slot.
TargetSlot - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Select which gains are applied to the primary controller by selecting the slot.
TargetVelocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Average velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
TargetVelocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Average velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
TaskIsBusy - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Diagnostic Server is busy with another command.
tec - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
TEC - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
Transmit Error Counter (TEC)
threadPriorityToSet - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain.OdometryThread
TicksPerRevZero - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Ticks per revolution is 0, cannot get heading.
TimeoutCannotBeZero - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Blocking operations, such as configs, cannot have a timeout of 0.
TimeoutIso15Response - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
timestamp - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
timestamp - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal.SignalMeasurement
Timestamp of when the data point was taken, in seconds
timestamp - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
timestamp - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The timestamp of the current control apply, in the timebase of Utils.getCurrentTimeSeconds()
Timestamp - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Information about the timestamp of a signal.
Timestamp - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.DriveState
The timestamp of the state capture, in seconds
Timestamp - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
The timestamp of the state capture, in the timebase of Utils.getCurrentTimeSeconds()
Timestamp.TimestampSource - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Source of the timestamp.
timestamps - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
timestampSec - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
timestampSeconds - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay.SignalData
The timestamp of the signal, in seconds
ToFParams - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Configs that affect the ToF sensor
ToFParamsConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect the ToF sensor
ToFParamsConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
TooHot - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Temperature sensor is too hot to allow motor operation.
TorqueClosedLoopRampPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
If non-zero, this determines how much time to ramp from 0A output to 300A during the closed-loop TorqueCurrent control modes.
TorqueCurrent - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect Torque Current control types.
TorqueCurrentConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect Torque Current control types.
TorqueCurrentConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
TorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
TorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType
Requires Pro
TorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
TorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
TorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
TorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
TorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType
Requires Pro
TorqueCurrentFOC(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
TorqueCurrentFOC(Current) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
TorqueNeutralDeadband - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Configures the output deadband during torque current based control modes.
TorqueOpenLoopRampPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
If non-zero, this determines how much time to ramp from 0A output to 300A during the open-loop TorqueCurrent control mode.
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.EmptyControl
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.DeviceIdentifier
toString() - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
TxFailed - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Could not transmit CAN Frame.
txFullCount - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.CANBusJNI
TxFullCount - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.CANBus.CANBusStatus
Transmit buffer full count
TxTimeout - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
CAN Transmit timed out.


UnauthorizedDevice - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
UnexpectedArbId - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
ArbID is incorrect.
units - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
units - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay.SignalData
The units of the signal
units - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.HootReplayJNI
units - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal.SignalMeasurement
Units that correspond to this point
unitsKey - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
Unknown - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon could not determine the type of motor attached.
Unknown - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
The status of motor output could not be determined.
UnlicensedDevice - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Device is not licensed.
UnlicensedHootLog - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Hoot log is not licensed.
Unmanaged - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged
Handles enabling when used in a non-FRC manner
Unmanaged() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.Unmanaged
UnmanagedJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni
UnmanagedJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.unmanaged.jni.UnmanagedJNI
update(double, double, LegacySwerveModule...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySimSwerveDrivetrain
Update this simulation for the time duration.
update(double, double, SwerveModule<?, ?, ?>...) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SimSwerveDrivetrain
Update this simulation for the time duration.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFreqHz - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
The period at which this control will update at.
UpdateFrequency - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
Rate at which the CANrange will take measurements.
UpdateFrequency - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
updateFromJni(SwerveJNI.ControlParams) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
updateFromJni(SwerveJNI.DriveState) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveDriveState
UpdateMode - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
Update mode of the CANrange.
UpdateModeValue - Enum Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.signals
Update mode of the CANrange.
updatePeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.LegacySwerveControlRequestParameters
updatePeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ControlParams
updatePeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
updatePeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain.SwerveControlParameters
The update period of control apply
UpdatePeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
The update period of the module request.
updateSimState(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrain
Updates all the simulation state variables for this drivetrain class.
updateSimState(double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrain
Updates all the simulation state variables for this drivetrain class.
updateUnits(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
updateUnits(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
UseClosedLoopSign - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.StaticFeedforwardSignValue
Use the sign of closed loop error.
UserSignalLimitExceeded - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
The maximum number of loggable user signals has been exceeded.
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseTimesync - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Set to true to delay applying this control request until a timesync boundary (requires Phoenix Pro and CANivore).
UseVelocitySign - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.StaticFeedforwardSignValue
Use the velocity reference sign.
UsingProFeatureOnUnlicensedDevice - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Using a Pro only feature on an unlicensed device.
Utils - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6
Utils() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.Utils
UtilsJNI - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.jni
UtilsJNI() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.UtilsJNI


value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI.Context
value - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay.SignalData
The value of the signal
value - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.jni.StatusSignalJNI
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AdvancedHallSupportValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AppliedRotorPolarityValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DeviceEnableValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitTypeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FrcLockValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.GravityTypeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.InvertedValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.IsPROLicensedValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotionMagicIsRunningValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.NeutralModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitTypeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.RobotEnableValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorPhaseValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.StaticFeedforwardSignValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
value - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal.SignalMeasurement
The value of the signal
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.DriveRequestType
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.SteerRequestType
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue
value - Variable in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AdvancedHallSupportValue
Gets AdvancedHallSupportValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AppliedRotorPolarityValue
Gets AppliedRotorPolarityValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
Gets BridgeOutputValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
Gets BrushedMotorWiringValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Gets ConnectedMotorValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
Gets ControlModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DeviceEnableValue
Gets DeviceEnableValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
Gets DifferentialControlModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Gets DifferentialSensorSourceValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Gets DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Gets DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Gets DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Gets ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Gets ExternalMotorTempStatusValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Gets FeedbackSensorSourceValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Gets ForwardLimitSourceValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitTypeValue
Gets ForwardLimitTypeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitValue
Gets ForwardLimitValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FrcLockValue
Gets FrcLockValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.GravityTypeValue
Gets GravityTypeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.InvertedValue
Gets InvertedValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.IsPROLicensedValue
Gets IsPROLicensedValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Gets Led1OffColorValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Gets Led1OnColorValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Gets Led2OffColorValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
Gets Led2OnColorValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue
Gets Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
Gets MagnetHealthValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
Gets MeasurementHealthValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotionMagicIsRunningValue
Gets MotionMagicIsRunningValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Gets MotorArrangementValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
Gets MotorOutputStatusValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.NeutralModeValue
Gets NeutralModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Gets PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Gets PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Gets PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Gets ReverseLimitSourceValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitTypeValue
Gets ReverseLimitTypeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitValue
Gets ReverseLimitValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.RobotEnableValue
Gets RobotEnableValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
Gets S1CloseStateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
Gets S1FloatStateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
Gets S1StateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
Gets S2CloseStateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
Gets S2FloatStateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
Gets S2StateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue
Gets SensorDirectionValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorPhaseValue
Gets SensorPhaseValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.StaticFeedforwardSignValue
Gets StaticFeedforwardSignValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Gets System_StateValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
Gets UpdateModeValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
Gets DeviceType from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Gets StatusCode from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Gets DriveRequestType from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Gets SteerRequestType from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType
Gets ClosedLoopOutputType from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
Gets DriveMotorArrangement from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Gets SteerFeedbackType from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Gets SteerMotorArrangement from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue
Gets ForwardPerspectiveValue from specified value
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
Gets TimestampSource from specified value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI.Context
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.MechanismState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AdvancedHallSupportValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AppliedRotorPolarityValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DeviceEnableValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitTypeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FrcLockValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.GravityTypeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.InvertedValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.IsPROLicensedValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotionMagicIsRunningValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.NeutralModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitTypeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.RobotEnableValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorPhaseValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.StaticFeedforwardSignValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.ChassisReference
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.jni.HardwareJNI.Context
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.MechanismState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DisabledReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.RequiresUserReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ForwardReference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AdvancedHallSupportValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.AppliedRotorPolarityValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BridgeOutputValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.BrushedMotorWiringValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DeviceEnableValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialSensorSourceValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FeedbackSensorSourceValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitSourceValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitTypeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ForwardLimitValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.FrcLockValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.GravityTypeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.InvertedValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.IsPROLicensedValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Licensing_IsSeasonPassedValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MagnetHealthValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MeasurementHealthValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotionMagicIsRunningValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorOutputStatusValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.NeutralModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitSourceValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitTypeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ReverseLimitValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.RobotEnableValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1CloseStateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1FloatStateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S1StateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2CloseStateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2FloatStateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.S2StateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorDirectionValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.SensorPhaseValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.StaticFeedforwardSignValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.System_StateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.UpdateModeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.ChassisReference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.SteerRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.Timestamp.TimestampSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Velocity - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Control the drive motor using a velocity closed-loop request.
Velocity - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Velocity - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Velocity - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefPIDErr_ClosedLoopModeValue
Velocity - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDRefSlopeECUTime_ClosedLoopModeValue
Velocity - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.DriveRequestType
Control the drive motor using a velocity closed-loop request.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Cruise velocity for profiling.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Cruise velocity for profiling.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Cruise velocity for profiling.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Target velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Target velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Target velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
Velocity - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Velocity to drive toward in rotations per second.
VelocityDutyCycle - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
VelocityDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VelocityDutyCycle - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VelocityDutyCycle(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
VelocityDutyCycle(AngularVelocity) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
VelocityDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VelocityDutyCycleFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VelocityFilterTimeConstant - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
The configurable time constant of the Kalman velocity filter.
VelocityFilterTimeConstant - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
The configurable time constant of the Kalman velocity filter.
VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward.
VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward.
VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC(AngularVelocity) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Requires Phoenix Pro; Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward.
VelocityVoltage - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
VelocityVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VelocityVoltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VelocityVoltage(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
VelocityVoltage(AngularVelocity) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
VelocityVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VelocityVoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VelocityY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
The velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
VictorSPXType - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.sim.DeviceType
Voltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType
Voltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DiffPIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Voltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.PIDOutput_PIDOutputModeValue
Voltage - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType
Voltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Configs that affect Voltage control types.
Voltage - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Configs that affect Voltage control types.
VoltageClosedLoopRampPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
If non-zero, this determines how much time to ramp from 0V output to 12V during the closed-loop Voltage control modes.
VoltageConfigs - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.configs
Configs that affect Voltage control types.
VoltageConfigs() - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
VoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VoltageFOC - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VoltageOpenLoopRampPeriod - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
If non-zero, this determines how much time to ramp from 0V output to 12V during the open-loop VoltageOut control mode.
VoltageOut - Class in com.ctre.phoenix6.controls
Request a specified voltage.
VoltageOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ControlModeValue
VoltageOut - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.DifferentialControlModeValue
VoltageOut(double) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Request a specified voltage.
VoltageOut(Voltage) - Constructor for class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Request a specified voltage.
VoltsToApply - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
Voltage to apply to drive wheels.
VoltsToApply - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
Voltage to apply to steer motors.
VoltsToApply - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
Voltage to apply to drive wheels.
VoltsToApply - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
Voltage to apply to steer motors.
VoltsToApply - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
Voltage to apply to drive wheels.
VORTEX_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ConnectedMotorValue
Talon is connected to a third party VORTEX brushless three phase motor.
VORTEX_JST - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.MotorArrangementValue
Third party VORTEX brushless three phase motor.


waitForAll(double, BaseStatusSignal...) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
Waits for new data on all provided signals up to timeout.
waitForPlaying(double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.HootReplay
Waits until hoot log replay is actively playing.
waitForUpdate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Waits up to timeoutSec to get the up-to-date status signal value.
waitForUpdate(double, boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusSignal
Waits up to timeoutSec to get the up-to-date status signal value.
WarningNotInitialized - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
WheelForceFeedforwardsX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Field-centric wheel force feedforwards to apply in the X direction, in newtons.
WheelForceFeedforwardsX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Robot-centric wheel force feedforwards to apply in the X direction, in newtons.
WheelForceFeedforwardsY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Field-centric wheel force feedforwards to apply in the Y direction, in newtons.
WheelForceFeedforwardsY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Robot-centric wheel force feedforwards to apply in the Y direction, in newtons.
wheelForceFeedforwardX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
WheelForceFeedforwardX - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the X direction.
wheelForceFeedforwardY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.jni.SwerveJNI.ModuleApplyParams
WheelForceFeedforwardY - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the Y direction.
WheelRadius - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Radius of the driving wheel in inches.
WheelRadius - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Radius of the driving wheel in inches.
WheelRadius - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Radius of the driving wheel in meters.
WheelRadius - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Radius of the driving wheel in meters.
WheelRadiusTooSmall - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Wheel Radius is too small, cannot get distance traveled.
White - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OffColorValue
White - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led1OnColorValue
White - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OffColorValue
White - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.Led2OnColorValue
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorDiscontinuityPoint parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorOffset(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorOffset(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAbsoluteSensorOffset(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Modifies this configuration's AbsoluteSensorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Acceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAdvancedHallSupport(AdvancedHallSupportValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AdvancedHallSupport parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAllowMusicDurDisable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
Modifies this configuration's AllowMusicDurDisable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAudio(AudioConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Audio parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAudio(AudioConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Audio parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withAudioFrequency(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Modifies this Control Request's AudioFrequency parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withAudioFrequency(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Modifies this Control Request's AudioFrequency parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withBeepOnBoot(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
Modifies this configuration's BeepOnBoot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withBeepOnConfig(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.AudioConfigs
Modifies this configuration's BeepOnConfig parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withBrushedMotorWiring(BrushedMotorWiringValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
Modifies this configuration's BrushedMotorWiring parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCANbusName(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
Sets the name of the CAN bus the swerve drive is on.
withCANBusName(String) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
Modifies the CANBusName parameter and returns itself.
withCANcoderId(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the CAN ID of the CANcoder used for azimuth.
withCANcoderInitialConfigs(CANcoderConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the CANcoder of the swerve module.
withCANcoderInitialConfigs(CANcoderConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the CANcoder of the swerve module.
withCANcoderOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the offset of the CANcoder in rotations.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
Sets the center of rotation to rotate around.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the center of rotation of the request
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the center of rotation of the request
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the center of rotation of the request
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the CenterOfRotation parameter and returns itself.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the CenterOfRotation parameter and returns itself.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the CenterOfRotation parameter and returns itself.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the CenterOfRotation parameter and returns itself.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the CenterOfRotation parameter and returns itself.
withCenterOfRotation(Translation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the CenterOfRotation parameter and returns itself.
withClosedLoopGeneral(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ClosedLoopGeneral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withClosedLoopGeneral(ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ClosedLoopGeneral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withClosedLoopRamps(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ClosedLoopRamps parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withClosedLoopRamps(ClosedLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ClosedLoopRamps parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCommutation(CommutationConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Commutation parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withContinuousWrap(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ContinuousWrap parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withControlTimesyncFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ControlTimesyncFreqHz parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withControlTimesyncFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ControlTimesyncFreqHz parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCouplingGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the coupled gear ratio between the CANcoder and the drive motor.
withCouplingGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the coupled gear ratio between the CANcoder and the drive motor.
withCouplingGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the CouplingGearRatio parameter and returns itself.
withCouplingGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the CouplingGearRatio parameter and returns itself.
withCurrentLimits(CurrentLimitsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CurrentLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCurrentLimits(CurrentLimitsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CurrentLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParam0(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's CustomParam0 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParam1(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CustomParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's CustomParam1 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParams(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CustomParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParams(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CustomParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParams(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CustomParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParams(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Modifies this configuration's CustomParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParams(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CustomParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withCustomParams(CustomParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's CustomParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Deadband parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the allowable deadband of the request.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the allowable deadband of the request.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the allowable deadband of the request.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Deadband parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDeadband(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDeadband(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the Deadband parameter and returns itself.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
Sets whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets whether to desaturate wheel speeds before applying.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the DesaturateWheelSpeeds parameter and returns itself.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the DesaturateWheelSpeeds parameter and returns itself.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the DesaturateWheelSpeeds parameter and returns itself.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the DesaturateWheelSpeeds parameter and returns itself.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the DesaturateWheelSpeeds parameter and returns itself.
withDesaturateWheelSpeeds(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the DesaturateWheelSpeeds parameter and returns itself.
withDifferentialConstants(DifferentialConstantsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialConstants parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDifferentialConstants(DifferentialConstantsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialConstants parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialRemoteSensorID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialRemoteSensorID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDifferentialSensors(DifferentialSensorsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialSensors parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDifferentialSensors(DifferentialSensorsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialSensors parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDifferentialSensorSource(DifferentialSensorSourceValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialSensorSource parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's DifferentialSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withDifferentialTalonFXSensorID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialSensorsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DifferentialTalonFXSensorID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDigitalInputs(DigitalInputsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's DigitalInputs parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDisableNoMotionCalibration(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DisableNoMotionCalibration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDisableTemperatureCompensation(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DisableTemperatureCompensation parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDriveFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the simulated drive voltage required to overcome friction.
withDriveFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the simulated drive voltage required to overcome friction.
withDriveFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withDriveFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withDriveFrictionVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withDriveFrictionVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withDriveInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the simulated drive inertia in kilogram meters squared.
withDriveInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the simulated drive inertia in kilogram meters squared.
withDriveInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveInertia parameter and returns itself.
withDriveInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveInertia parameter and returns itself.
withDriveInertia(MomentOfInertia) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveInertia parameter and returns itself.
withDriveInertia(MomentOfInertia) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveInertia parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorClosedLoopOutput(LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors.
withDriveMotorClosedLoopOutput(LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets closed-loop output type to use for the drive motors.
withDriveMotorClosedLoopOutput(SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorClosedLoopOutput(SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the drive motor closed-loop gains.
withDriveMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the drive motor closed-loop gains.
withDriveMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorGains parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveMotorGains parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the gear ratio between the drive motor and the wheel.
withDriveMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the gear ratio between the drive motor and the wheel.
withDriveMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorGearRatio parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveMotorGearRatio parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorId(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the CAN ID of the drive motor.
withDriveMotorId(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorId parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorInitialConfigs(TalonFXConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the drive motor of the swerve module.
withDriveMotorInitialConfigs(TalonFXConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the drive motor of the swerve module.
withDriveMotorInitialConfigs(DriveMotorConfigsT) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorInitialConfigs parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorInitialConfigs(DriveMotorConfigsT) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveMotorInitialConfigs parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets whether the driving motor is reversed.
withDriveMotorInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorInverted parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorType(SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the DriveMotorType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveMotorType(SwerveModuleConstants.DriveMotorArrangement) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the DriveMotorType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequest(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the DriveRequest parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
Sets the type of control request to use for the drive motor.
withDriveRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the type of control request to use for the drive motor.
withDriveRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the type of control request to use for the drive motor.
withDriveRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
Sets the type of control request to use for the drive motor.
withDriveRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the type of control request to use for the drive motor.
withDriveRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
Sets the type of control request to use for the drive motor.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDriveRequestType(SwerveModule.DriveRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
Modifies the DriveRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withDutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriod(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DutyCycleClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDutyCycleNeutralDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DutyCycleNeutralDeadband parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withDutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriod(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's DutyCycleOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withEnableCompass(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
Modifies this configuration's EnableCompass parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's EnableFOC parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withEnableFOC(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the EnableFOC parameter and returns itself.
withEncoderId(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the EncoderId parameter and returns itself.
withEncoderInitialConfigs(EncoderConfigsT) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the EncoderInitialConfigs parameter and returns itself.
withEncoderInitialConfigs(EncoderConfigsT) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the EncoderInitialConfigs parameter and returns itself.
withEncoderInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the EncoderInverted parameter and returns itself.
withEncoderOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the EncoderOffset parameter and returns itself.
withEncoderOffset(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the EncoderOffset parameter and returns itself.
withExternalFeedback(ExternalFeedbackConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ExternalFeedback parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withExternalFeedbackSensorSource(ExternalFeedbackSensorSourceValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ExternalFeedbackSensorSource parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedback(FeedbackConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Feedback parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedbackRemoteSensorID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FeedbackRemoteSensorID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedbackRemoteSensorID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FeedbackRemoteSensorID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedbackRotorOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FeedbackRotorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedbackRotorOffset(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FeedbackRotorOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedbackSensorSource(FeedbackSensorSourceValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FeedbackSensorSource parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFeedbackSource(LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Chooses how the feedback sensors should be configured.
withFeedbackSource(LegacySwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Chooses how the feedback sensors should be configured.
withFeedbackSource(SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the FeedbackSource parameter and returns itself.
withFeedbackSource(SwerveModuleConstants.SteerFeedbackType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the FeedbackSource parameter and returns itself.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withFeedForward(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's FeedForward parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withForwardLimitAutosetPositionEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitAutosetPositionEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitAutosetPositionValue parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardLimitEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardLimitRemoteCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANcoder forward limit switch by passing in the CANcoder object.
withForwardLimitRemoteCANdiS1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANdi forward limit switch on Signal 1 Input (S1IN) by passing in the CANdi object.
withForwardLimitRemoteCANdiS2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANdi forward limit switch on Signal 2 Input (S2IN) by passing in the CANdi object.
withForwardLimitRemoteCANrange(CoreCANrange) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use the RemoteCANrange by passing in the CANrange object.
withForwardLimitRemoteSensorID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitRemoteSensorID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardLimitRemoteTalonFX(CoreTalonFX) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteTalonFX forward limit switch by passing in the TalonFX object.
withForwardLimitSource(ForwardLimitSourceValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitSource parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardLimitType(ForwardLimitTypeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardLimitType parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardPerspective(SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the ForwardPerspective parameter and returns itself.
withForwardPerspective(SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the ForwardPerspective parameter and returns itself.
withForwardPerspective(SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the ForwardPerspective parameter and returns itself.
withForwardPerspective(SwerveRequest.ForwardPerspectiveValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the ForwardPerspective parameter and returns itself.
withForwardSoftLimitEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardSoftLimitEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardSoftLimitThreshold(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardSoftLimitThreshold parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withForwardSoftLimitThreshold(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ForwardSoftLimitThreshold parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVCenterX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVCenterX parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVCenterX(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVCenterX parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVCenterY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVCenterY parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVCenterY(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVCenterY parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFovParams(FovParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's FovParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVRangeX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVRangeX parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVRangeX(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVRangeX parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVRangeY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVRangeY parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFOVRangeY(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FovParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's FOVRangeY parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withFusedCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use FusedCANcoder by passing in the CANcoder object.
withFusedCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use FusedCANcoder by passing in the CANcoder object.
withFusedCANdiPwm1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Fused CANdi PWM 1 by passing in the CANdi object.
withFusedCANdiPwm1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Fused CANdi PWM 1 by passing in the CANdi object.
withFusedCANdiPwm2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Fused CANdi PWM 2 by passing in the CANdi object.
withFusedCANdiPwm2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Fused CANdi PWM 2 by passing in the CANdi object.
withFusedCANdiQuadrature(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Fused CANdi Quadrature by passing in the CANdi object.
withFusedCANdiQuadrature(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Fused CANdi Quadrature by passing in the CANdi object.
withGravityType(GravityTypeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's GravityType parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGravityType(GravityTypeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's GravityType parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGravityType(GravityTypeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's GravityType parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGravityType(GravityTypeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's GravityType parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGyroScalarX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
Modifies this configuration's GyroScalarX parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGyroScalarY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
Modifies this configuration's GyroScalarY parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGyroScalarZ(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.GyroTrimConfigs
Modifies this configuration's GyroScalarZ parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withGyroTrim(GyroTrimConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Modifies this configuration's GyroTrim parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withHardwareLimitSwitch(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's HardwareLimitSwitch parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withHardwareLimitSwitch(HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's HardwareLimitSwitch parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withHeadingPID(double, double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the PID gains of the HeadingController parameter and returns itself.
withHeadingPID(double, double, double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the PID gains of the HeadingController parameter and returns itself.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withIgnoreHardwareLimits(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's IgnoreHardwareLimits parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withInverted(InvertedValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's Inverted parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withJerk(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Jerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withJerk(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Jerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withJerk(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Jerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Jerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Jerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Jerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withKA(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kA parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKA(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kA parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKA(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kA parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKA(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kA parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKD(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kD parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKD(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kD parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKD(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kD parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKD(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kD parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKG(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kG parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKG(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kG parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKG(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kG parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKG(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kG parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKI(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kI parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKI(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kI parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKI(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kI parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKI(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kI parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKP(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kP parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKP(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kP parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKP(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kP parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKP(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kP parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKS(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kS parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKS(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kS parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKS(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kS parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKS(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kS parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's kV parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's kV parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's kV parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withKV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's kV parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitForwardMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's LimitForwardMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLimitReverseMotion(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's LimitReverseMotion parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withLocationX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the location of this module's wheels relative to the physical center of the robot in meters along the X axis of the robot.
withLocationX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the LocationX parameter and returns itself.
withLocationX(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the LocationX parameter and returns itself.
withLocationY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the location of this module's wheels relative to the physical center of the robot in meters along the Y axis of the robot.
withLocationY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the LocationY parameter and returns itself.
withLocationY(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the LocationY parameter and returns itself.
withMagnetOffset(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MagnetOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMagnetOffset(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MagnetOffset parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMagnetSensor(MagnetSensorConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANcoderConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's MagnetSensor parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMasterID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Modifies this Control Request's MasterID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withMasterID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
Modifies this Control Request's MasterID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withMasterID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Modifies this Control Request's MasterID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withMasterID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
Modifies this Control Request's MasterID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withMaxAbsDutyCycle(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's MaxAbsDutyCycle parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withMaxAbsRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the MaxAbsRotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withMaxAbsRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the MaxAbsRotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withMaxAbsRotationalRate(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the MaxAbsRotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withMaxAbsRotationalRate(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the MaxAbsRotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withMinSignalStrengthForValidMeasurement(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MinSignalStrengthForValidMeasurement parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withModuleDirection(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
Sets the direction to point the modules toward.
withModuleDirection(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
Modifies the ModuleDirection parameter and returns itself.
withMotionMagic(MotionMagicConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagic parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagic(MotionMagicConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagic parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicAcceleration(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicAcceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicAcceleration(AngularAcceleration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicAcceleration parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicCruiseVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicCruiseVelocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicCruiseVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicCruiseVelocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicExpo_kA(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicExpo_kA parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicExpo_kA(Per<VoltageUnit, AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicExpo_kA parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicExpo_kV(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicExpo_kV parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicExpo_kV(Per<VoltageUnit, AngularVelocityUnit>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicExpo_kV parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicJerk(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicJerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotionMagicJerk(Velocity<AngularAccelerationUnit>) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotionMagicConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotionMagicJerk parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotorArrangement(MotorArrangementValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CommutationConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MotorArrangement parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotorOutput(MotorOutputConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's MotorOutput parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMotorOutput(MotorOutputConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's MotorOutput parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPose(MountPoseConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Modifies this configuration's MountPose parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPosePitch(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MountPosePitch parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPosePitch(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MountPosePitch parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPoseRoll(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MountPoseRoll parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPoseRoll(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MountPoseRoll parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPoseYaw(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MountPoseYaw parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withMountPoseYaw(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MountPoseConfigs
Modifies this configuration's MountPoseYaw parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withNeutralMode(NeutralModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's NeutralMode parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withOpenLoopRamps(OpenLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's OpenLoopRamps parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withOpenLoopRamps(OpenLoopRampsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's OpenLoopRamps parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withOpposeMasterDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Modifies this Control Request's OpposeMasterDirection parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOpposeMasterDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Modifies this Control Request's OpposeMasterDirection parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOutput(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's Output parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOutput(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Output parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOutput(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's Output parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOutput(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Output parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOutput(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's Output parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideBrakeDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideBrakeDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withOverrideCoastDurNeutral(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's OverrideCoastDurNeutral parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPeakDifferentialDutyCycle(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakDifferentialDutyCycle parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakDifferentialTorqueCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakDifferentialTorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakDifferentialTorqueCurrent(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakDifferentialTorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakDifferentialVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakDifferentialVoltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakDifferentialVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DifferentialConstantsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakDifferentialVoltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakForwardDutyCycle(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakForwardDutyCycle parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakForwardTorqueCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakForwardTorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakForwardTorqueCurrent(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakForwardTorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakForwardVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakForwardVoltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakForwardVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakForwardVoltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakReverseDutyCycle(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MotorOutputConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakReverseDutyCycle parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakReverseTorqueCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakReverseTorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakReverseTorqueCurrent(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakReverseTorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakReverseVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakReverseVoltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPeakReverseVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Modifies this configuration's PeakReverseVoltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPigeon2Configs(Pigeon2Configuration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
The Pigeon2 configuration object to apply to the Pigeon2.
withPigeon2Configs(Pigeon2Configuration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
Modifies the Pigeon2Configs parameter and returns itself.
withPigeon2Features(Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Pigeon2Configuration
Modifies this configuration's Pigeon2Features parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPigeon2Id(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveDrivetrainConstants
Sets the CAN ID of the Pigeon2 on the drivetrain.
withPigeon2Id(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveDrivetrainConstants
Modifies the Pigeon2Id parameter and returns itself.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Position parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withProximityHysteresis(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ProximityHysteresis parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withProximityHysteresis(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ProximityHysteresis parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withProximityParams(ProximityParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ProximityParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withProximityThreshold(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ProximityThreshold parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withProximityThreshold(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ProximityParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ProximityThreshold parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPWM1(PWM1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's PWM1 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withPWM2(PWM2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's PWM2 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withQuadrature(QuadratureConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANdiConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Quadrature parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withQuadratureEdgesPerRotation(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's QuadratureEdgesPerRotation parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withQuadratureEdgesPerRotation(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
Modifies this configuration's QuadratureEdgesPerRotation parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withRemoteCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANcoder by passing in the CANcoder object.
withRemoteCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANcoder by passing in the CANcoder object.
withRemoteCANdiPwm1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Remote CANdi PWM 1 by passing in the CANdi object.
withRemoteCANdiPwm1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Remote CANdi PWM 1 by passing in the CANdi object.
withRemoteCANdiPwm2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Remote CANdi PWM 2 by passing in the CANdi object.
withRemoteCANdiPwm2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Remote CANdi PWM 2 by passing in the CANdi object.
withRemoteCANdiQuadrature(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Remote CANdi Quadrature by passing in the CANdi object.
withRemoteCANdiQuadrature(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Remote CANdi Quadrature by passing in the CANdi object.
withReverseLimitAutosetPositionEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitAutosetPositionEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitAutosetPositionValue parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseLimitEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseLimitRemoteCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANcoder reverse limit switch by passing in the CANcoder object.
withReverseLimitRemoteCANdiS1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANdi reverse limit switch on Signal 1 Input (S1IN) by passing in the CANdi object.
withReverseLimitRemoteCANdiS2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteCANdi reverse limit switch on Signal 2 Input (S2IN) by passing in the CANdi object.
withReverseLimitRemoteCANrange(CoreCANrange) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use the RemoteCANrange by passing in the CANrange object.
withReverseLimitRemoteSensorID(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitRemoteSensorID parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseLimitRemoteTalonFX(CoreTalonFX) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use RemoteTalonFX reverse limit switch by passing in the TalonFX object.
withReverseLimitSource(ReverseLimitSourceValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitSource parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseLimitType(ReverseLimitTypeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseLimitType parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseSoftLimitEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseSoftLimitEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseSoftLimitThreshold(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseSoftLimitThreshold parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withReverseSoftLimitThreshold(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
Modifies this configuration's ReverseSoftLimitThreshold parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the rotational deadband of the request.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the rotational deadband of the request.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the rotational deadband of the request.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalDeadband(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the RotationalDeadband parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
withRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
The angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
withRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the RotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the RotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalRate(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
Update the angular rate to rotate at, in radians per second.
withRotationalRate(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the RotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalRate(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the RotationalRate parameter and returns itself.
withRotationalRate(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
Update the angular rate to rotate at.
withRotorToSensorRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's RotorToSensorRatio parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withRotorToSensorRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's RotorToSensorRatio parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withS1CloseState(S1CloseStateValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's S1CloseState parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withS1FloatState(S1FloatStateValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's S1FloatState parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withS2CloseState(S2CloseStateValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's S2CloseState parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withS2FloatState(S2FloatStateValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.DigitalInputsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's S2FloatState parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM1Configs
Modifies this configuration's SensorDirection parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.PWM2Configs
Modifies this configuration's SensorDirection parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorDirection(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.QuadratureConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SensorDirection parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorDirection(SensorDirectionValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.MagnetSensorConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SensorDirection parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorPhase(SensorPhaseValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SensorPhase parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorToMechanismRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SensorToMechanismRatio parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSensorToMechanismRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SensorToMechanismRatio parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSlipCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the maximum amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage.
withSlipCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the maximum amount of stator current the drive motors can apply without slippage.
withSlipCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SlipCurrent parameter and returns itself.
withSlipCurrent(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SlipCurrent parameter and returns itself.
withSlipCurrent(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SlipCurrent parameter and returns itself.
withSlipCurrent(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SlipCurrent parameter and returns itself.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Slot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withSlot0(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Slot0 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSlot0(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Slot0 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSlot1(Slot1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Slot1 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSlot1(Slot1Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Slot1 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSlot2(Slot2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Slot2 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSlot2(Slot2Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Slot2 parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSoftwareLimitSwitch(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's SoftwareLimitSwitch parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSoftwareLimitSwitch(SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's SoftwareLimitSwitch parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSpeedAt12Volts(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SpeedAt12Volts parameter and returns itself.
withSpeedAt12Volts(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SpeedAt12Volts parameter and returns itself.
withSpeedAt12Volts(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SpeedAt12Volts parameter and returns itself.
withSpeedAt12Volts(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SpeedAt12Volts parameter and returns itself.
withSpeedAt12VoltsMps(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
When using open-loop drive control, this specifies the speed at which the robot travels when driven with 12 volts, in meters per second.
withSpeedAt12VoltsMps(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
When using open-loop drive control, this specifies the speed at which the robot travels when driven with 12 volts, in meters per second.
withSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
Sets the chassis speeds to apply to the drivetrain.
withSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the Speeds parameter and returns itself.
withSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the Speeds parameter and returns itself.
withState(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the State parameter and returns itself.
withStaticFeedforwardSign(StaticFeedforwardSignValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot0Configs
Modifies this configuration's StaticFeedforwardSign parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withStaticFeedforwardSign(StaticFeedforwardSignValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot1Configs
Modifies this configuration's StaticFeedforwardSign parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withStaticFeedforwardSign(StaticFeedforwardSignValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.Slot2Configs
Modifies this configuration's StaticFeedforwardSign parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withStaticFeedforwardSign(StaticFeedforwardSignValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.SlotConfigs
Modifies this configuration's StaticFeedforwardSign parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withStatorCurrentLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's StatorCurrentLimit parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withStatorCurrentLimit(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's StatorCurrentLimit parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withStatorCurrentLimitEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's StatorCurrentLimitEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSteerFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the simulated steer voltage required to overcome friction.
withSteerFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the simulated steer voltage required to overcome friction.
withSteerFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withSteerFrictionVoltage(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withSteerFrictionVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withSteerFrictionVoltage(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerFrictionVoltage parameter and returns itself.
withSteerInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the simulated azimuthal inertia in kilogram meters squared.
withSteerInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the simulated azimuthal inertia in kilogram meters squared.
withSteerInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerInertia parameter and returns itself.
withSteerInertia(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerInertia parameter and returns itself.
withSteerInertia(MomentOfInertia) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerInertia parameter and returns itself.
withSteerInertia(MomentOfInertia) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerInertia parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorClosedLoopOutput(LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors.
withSteerMotorClosedLoopOutput(LegacySwerveModule.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets closed-loop output type to use for the steer motors.
withSteerMotorClosedLoopOutput(SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorClosedLoopOutput(SwerveModuleConstants.ClosedLoopOutputType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the steer motor closed-loop gains.
withSteerMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the steer motor closed-loop gains.
withSteerMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorGains parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorGains(Slot0Configs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerMotorGains parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the gear ratio between the steer motor and the CANcoder.
withSteerMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the gear ratio between the steer motor and the CANcoder.
withSteerMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorGearRatio parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorGearRatio(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerMotorGearRatio parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorId(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the CAN ID of the steer motor.
withSteerMotorId(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorId parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorInitialConfigs(TalonFXConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
The initial configs used to configure the steer motor of the swerve module.
withSteerMotorInitialConfigs(TalonFXConfiguration) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
The initial configs used to configure the steer motor of the swerve module.
withSteerMotorInitialConfigs(SteerMotorConfigsT) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorInitialConfigs parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorInitialConfigs(SteerMotorConfigsT) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerMotorInitialConfigs parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets whether the steering motor is reversed from the CANcoder.
withSteerMotorInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets whether the steering motor is reversed from the CANcoder.
withSteerMotorInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorInverted parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorType(SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the SteerMotorType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerMotorType(SwerveModuleConstants.SteerMotorArrangement) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the SteerMotorType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequest(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the SteerRequest parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.ApplyChassisSpeeds
Sets the type of control request to use for the steer motor.
withSteerRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the type of control request to use for the steer motor.
withSteerRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the type of control request to use for the steer motor.
withSteerRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
Sets the type of control request to use for the steer motor.
withSteerRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the type of control request to use for the steer motor.
withSteerRequestType(LegacySwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
Sets the type of control request to use for the steer motor.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.PointWheelsAt
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSteerRequestType(SwerveModule.SteerRequestType) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SwerveDriveBrake
Modifies the SteerRequestType parameter and returns itself.
withSupplyCurrentLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLimit parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyCurrentLimit(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLimit parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyCurrentLimitEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLimitEnable parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyCurrentLowerLimit(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLowerLimit parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyCurrentLowerLimit(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLowerLimit parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyCurrentLowerTime(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLowerTime parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyCurrentLowerTime(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CurrentLimitsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyCurrentLowerTime parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyVoltageTimeConstant(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyVoltageTimeConstant parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSupplyVoltageTimeConstant(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.VoltageConfigs
Modifies this configuration's SupplyVoltageTimeConstant parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withSyncCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use SyncCANcoder by passing in the CANcoder object.
withSyncCANcoder(CoreCANcoder) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use SyncCANcoder by passing in the CANcoder object.
withSyncCANdiPwm1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Sync CANdi PWM 1 by passing in the CANdi object.
withSyncCANdiPwm1(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Sync CANdi PWM 1 by passing in the CANdi object.
withSyncCANdiPwm2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Sync CANdi PWM 2 by passing in the CANdi object.
withSyncCANdiPwm2(CoreCANdi) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Helper method to configure this feedback group to use Sync CANdi PWM 2 by passing in the CANdi object.
withTargetDirection(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the desired direction to face.
withTargetDirection(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the TargetDirection parameter and returns itself.
withTargetDirection(Rotation2d) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the TargetDirection parameter and returns itself.
withTargetOutput(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetOutput parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetOutput(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetOutput parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetOutput(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetOutput parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetPosition(Angle) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetPosition parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetRateFeedforward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the TargetRateFeedforward parameter and returns itself.
withTargetRateFeedforward(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the TargetRateFeedforward parameter and returns itself.
withTargetRateFeedforward(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the TargetRateFeedforward parameter and returns itself.
withTargetRateFeedforward(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the TargetRateFeedforward parameter and returns itself.
withTargetSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetSlot(int) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetSlot parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetVelocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetVelocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's TargetVelocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withTargetVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's TargetVelocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withToFParams(ToFParamsConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.CANrangeConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's ToFParams parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueClosedLoopRampPeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's TorqueClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueClosedLoopRampPeriod(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's TorqueClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueCurrent(TorqueCurrentConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's TorqueCurrent parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueNeutralDeadband(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Modifies this configuration's TorqueNeutralDeadband parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueNeutralDeadband(Current) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TorqueCurrentConfigs
Modifies this configuration's TorqueNeutralDeadband parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueOpenLoopRampPeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's TorqueOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withTorqueOpenLoopRampPeriod(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's TorqueOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.ControlRequest
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.EmptyControl
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialFollower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialStrictFollower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.Follower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MusicTone
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StrictFollower
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFreqHz(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Sets the period at which this control will update at.
withUpdateFrequency(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's UpdateFrequency parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withUpdateFrequency(Frequency) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's UpdateFrequency parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withUpdateMode(UpdateModeValue) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ToFParamsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's UpdateMode parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withUpdatePeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the UpdatePeriod parameter and returns itself.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.CoastOut
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialPositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DifferentialVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DutyCycleOut
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicExpoVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.NeutralOut
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.StaticBrake
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.TorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withUseTimesync(boolean) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VoltageOut
Modifies this Control Request's UseTimesync parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.DynamicMotionMagicVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.MotionMagicVelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.PositionVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityDutyCycle
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocity(AngularVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.controls.VelocityVoltage
Modifies this Control Request's Velocity parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use request API.
withVelocityFilterTimeConstant(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VelocityFilterTimeConstant parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVelocityFilterTimeConstant(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VelocityFilterTimeConstant parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVelocityFilterTimeConstant(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ExternalFeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VelocityFilterTimeConstant parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVelocityFilterTimeConstant(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.FeedbackConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VelocityFilterTimeConstant parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the velocity in the X direction, in m/s.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityX(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityX parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Sets the velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Sets the velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Sets the velocity in the Y direction, in m/s.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentric
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.FieldCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentric
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVelocityY(LinearVelocity) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.RobotCentricFacingAngle
Modifies the VelocityY parameter and returns itself.
withVoltage(VoltageConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Voltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVoltage(VoltageConfigs) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.TalonFXSConfiguration
Modifies this configuration's Voltage parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVoltageClosedLoopRampPeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VoltageClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVoltageClosedLoopRampPeriod(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VoltageClosedLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVoltageOpenLoopRampPeriod(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VoltageOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVoltageOpenLoopRampPeriod(Time) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.configs.OpenLoopRampsConfigs
Modifies this configuration's VoltageOpenLoopRampPeriod parameter and returns itself for method-chaining and easier to use config API.
withVolts(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
Sets the voltage to apply to the steer motors.
withVolts(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
Sets the voltage to apply to the drive wheels.
withVolts(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveRotation
Update the voltage to apply to the drive wheels.
withVolts(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
Sets the voltage to apply to the steer motors.
withVolts(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
Sets the voltage to apply to the drive wheels.
withVolts(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveSteerGains
Sets the voltage to apply to the steer motors.
withVolts(Voltage) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.SysIdSwerveTranslation
Sets the voltage to apply to the drive wheels.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsX(double[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsX parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsX(double[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsX parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsX(Force[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsX parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsX(Force[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsX parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsY(double[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsY parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsY(double[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsY parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsY(Force[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyFieldSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsY parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardsY(Force[]) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveRequest.ApplyRobotSpeeds
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardsY parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardX(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardX parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardX(Force) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardX parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardY(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardY parameter and returns itself.
withWheelForceFeedforwardY(Force) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModule.ModuleRequest
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardY parameter and returns itself.
withWheelRadius(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstants
Sets the radius of the driving wheel in inches.
withWheelRadius(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.swerve.LegacySwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Sets the radius of the driving wheel in inches.
withWheelRadius(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the WheelRadius parameter and returns itself.
withWheelRadius(double) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the WheelRadius parameter and returns itself.
withWheelRadius(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstants
Modifies the WheelRadius parameter and returns itself.
withWheelRadius(Distance) - Method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.swerve.SwerveModuleConstantsFactory
Modifies the WheelRadius parameter and returns itself.
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the boolean to the log file.
writeBoolean(String, boolean, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the boolean to the log file.
writeBooleanArray(String, boolean[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of booleans to the log file.
writeBooleanArray(String, boolean[], double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of booleans to the log file.
writeDouble(String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the double to the log file.
writeDouble(String, double, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the double to the log file.
writeDouble(String, double, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the double to the log file.
writeDoubleArray(String, double[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of doubles to the log file.
writeDoubleArray(String, double[], String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of doubles to the log file.
writeDoubleArray(String, double[], String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of doubles to the log file.
writeFloat(String, float) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the float to the log file.
writeFloat(String, float, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the float to the log file.
writeFloat(String, float, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the float to the log file.
writeFloatArray(String, float[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of floats to the log file.
writeFloatArray(String, float[], String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of floats to the log file.
writeFloatArray(String, float[], String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of floats to the log file.
writeInteger(String, long) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the integer to the log file.
writeInteger(String, long, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the integer to the log file.
writeInteger(String, long, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the integer to the log file.
writeIntegerArray(String, long[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of integers to the log file.
writeIntegerArray(String, long[], String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of integers to the log file.
writeIntegerArray(String, long[], String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the array of integers to the log file.
writeRaw(String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the raw data bytes to the log file.
writeRaw(String, byte[], double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the raw data bytes to the log file.
writeString(String, String) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the string to the log file.
writeString(String, String, double) - Static method in class com.ctre.phoenix6.SignalLogger
Writes the string to the log file.
WrongMotorOrShorted - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.signals.ExternalMotorTempStatusValue
Temperature sensor appears to be for the wrong motor arrangement, or signals are shorted.
WrongRemoteLimitSwitchSource - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.StatusCode
Use RemoteLimitSwitchSource instead of LimitSwitchSource.


Yaw - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.DifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source
Yaw - Enum constant in enum class com.ctre.phoenix6.mechanisms.SimpleDifferentialMechanism.DifferentialPigeon2Source


_emptyControl - Static variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice
_reportIfOldFunc - Variable in class com.ctre.phoenix6.BaseStatusSignal
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y _ 
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