Class ParentDevice

Direct Known Subclasses:
CoreCANcoder, CoreCANdi, CoreCANrange, CorePigeon2, CoreTalonFX, CoreTalonFXS

public abstract class ParentDevice extends CtreJniWrapper
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDeviceID

      public int getDeviceID()
      The device ID of this device [0,62].
    • getNetwork

      public String getNetwork()
      Name of the network this device is on.
    • getDeviceHash

      public long getDeviceHash()
      Gets a number unique for this device's hardware type and ID. This number is not unique across networks.

      This can be used to easily reference hardware devices on the same network in collections such as maps.

      Hash of this device.
    • getAppliedControl

      Get the latest applied control. Caller can cast this to the derived class if they know its type. Otherwise, use ControlRequest.getControlInfo() to get info out of it.
      Latest applied control
    • hasResetOccurred

      public boolean hasResetOccurred()
      true if device has reset since the previous call of this routine.
    • getResetOccurredChecker

      a BooleanSupplier that checks for device resets.
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected()
      Returns whether the device is still connected to the robot. This is equivalent to refreshing and checking the latency of the Version status signal.

      This defaults to reporting a device as disconnected if it has not been seen for over 0.5 seconds.

      true if the device is connected
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected(double maxLatencySeconds)
      Returns whether the device is still connected to the robot. This is equivalent to refreshing and checking the latency of the Version status signal.
      maxLatencySeconds - The maximum latency of the Version status signal before the device is reported as disconnected
      true if the device is connected
    • optimizeBusUtilization

      Optimizes the device's bus utilization by reducing the update frequencies of its status signals.

      All status signals that have not been explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) will be disabled. Note that if other status signals in the same status frame have been given an update frequency, the update frequency will be honored for the entire frame.

      This function only needs to be called once in the robot program. Additionally, this method does not necessarily need to be called after setting the update frequencies of other signals.

      To restore the default status update frequencies, call resetSignalFrequencies(). Alternatively, remove this method call, redeploy the robot application, and power-cycle the device on the bus. The user can also override individual status update frequencies using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double).

      This will wait up to 0.100 seconds (100ms) for each signal by default.

      Status code of the first failed update frequency set call, or OK if all succeeded
    • optimizeBusUtilization

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public StatusCode optimizeBusUtilization(double timeoutSeconds)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This overload is deprecated for removal in 2025. Use optimizeBusUtilization(double optimizedFreqHz, double timeoutSeconds) with an optimizedFreqHz of 0 Hz instead.
      Optimizes the device's bus utilization by reducing the update frequencies of its status signals.

      All status signals that have not been explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) will be disabled. Note that if other status signals in the same status frame have been given an update frequency, the update frequency will be honored for the entire frame.

      This function only needs to be called once on this device in the robot program. Additionally, this method does not necessarily need to be called after setting the update frequencies of other signals.

      To restore the default status update frequencies, call resetSignalFrequencies(). Alternatively, remove this method call, redeploy the robot application, and power-cycle the device on the bus. The user can also override individual status update frequencies using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double).

      timeoutSeconds - Maximum amount of time to wait for each status frame when performing the action
      Status code of the first failed update frequency set call, or OK if all succeeded
    • optimizeBusUtilization

      public StatusCode optimizeBusUtilization(double optimizedFreqHz, double timeoutSeconds)
      Optimizes the device's bus utilization by reducing the update frequencies of its status signals.

      All status signals that have not been explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) will be disabled. Note that if other status signals in the same status frame have been given an update frequency, the update frequency will be honored for the entire frame.

      This function only needs to be called once on this device in the robot program. Additionally, this method does not necessarily need to be called after setting the update frequencies of other signals.

      To restore the default status update frequencies, call resetSignalFrequencies(). Alternatively, remove this method call, redeploy the robot application, and power-cycle the device on the bus. The user can also override individual status update frequencies using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double).

      optimizedFreqHz - The update frequency to apply to the optimized status signals. A frequency of 0 Hz (default) will turn off the signals. Otherwise, the minimum supported signal frequency is 4 Hz.
      timeoutSeconds - Maximum amount of time to wait for each status frame when performing the action
      Status code of the first failed update frequency set call, or OK if all succeeded
    • optimizeBusUtilizationForAll

      Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.

      All status signals that have not been explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) will be disabled. Note that if other status signals in the same status frame have been given an update frequency, the update frequency will be honored for the entire frame.

      This function only needs to be called once in the robot program for the provided devices. Additionally, this method does not necessarily need to be called after setting the update frequencies of other signals.

      To restore the default status update frequencies, call resetSignalFrequenciesForAll(com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice...). Alternatively, remove this method call, redeploy the robot application, and power-cycle the devices on the bus. The user can also override individual status update frequencies using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double).

      This will wait up to 0.100 seconds (100ms) for each status frame.

      devices - Devices for which to opimize bus utilization
      Status code of the first failed optimize call, or OK if all succeeded
    • optimizeBusUtilizationForAll

      public static StatusCode optimizeBusUtilizationForAll(double optimizedFreqHz, ParentDevice... devices)
      Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.

      All status signals that have not been explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) will be disabled. Note that if other status signals in the same status frame have been given an update frequency, the update frequency will be honored for the entire frame.

      This function only needs to be called once in the robot program for the provided devices. Additionally, this method does not necessarily need to be called after setting the update frequencies of other signals.

      To restore the default status update frequencies, call resetSignalFrequenciesForAll(com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice...). Alternatively, remove this method call, redeploy the robot application, and power-cycle the devices on the bus. The user can also override individual status update frequencies using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double).

      This will wait up to 0.100 seconds (100ms) for each status frame.

      optimizedFreqHz - The update frequency to apply to the optimized status signals. A frequency of 0 Hz (default) will turn off the signals. Otherwise, the minimum supported signal frequency is 4 Hz.
      devices - Devices for which to opimize bus utilization
      Status code of the first failed optimize call, or OK if all succeeded
    • resetSignalFrequencies

      Resets the update frequencies of all the device's status signals to the defaults.

      This restores the default update frequency of all status signals, including status signals explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) and status signals optimized out using optimizeBusUtilization().

      This will wait up to 0.100 seconds (100ms) for each signal by default.

      Status code of the first failed update frequency set call, or OK if all succeeded
    • resetSignalFrequencies

      public StatusCode resetSignalFrequencies(double timeoutSeconds)
      Resets the update frequencies of all the device's status signals to the defaults.

      This restores the default update frequency of all status signals, including status signals explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) and status signals optimized out using optimizeBusUtilization().

      timeoutSeconds - Maximum amount of time to wait for each status frame when performing the action
      Status code of the first failed update frequency set call, or OK if all succeeded
    • resetSignalFrequenciesForAll

      Resets the update frequencies of all the devices' status signals to the defaults.

      This restores the default update frequency of all status signals, including status signals explicitly given an update frequency using BaseStatusSignal.setUpdateFrequency(double) and status signals optimized out using optimizeBusUtilizationForAll(com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice...).

      This will wait up to 0.100 seconds (100ms) for each status frame.

      devices - Devices for which to restore default update frequencies
      Status code of the first failed restore call, or OK if all succeeded
    • setControlPrivate

    • lookupStatusSignal

      protected <T> StatusSignal<T> lookupStatusSignal(int spn, Class<T> classOfSignal, DoubleFunction<T> toValue, String signalName, boolean reportOnConstruction, boolean refresh)
    • lookupStatusSignal

      protected <T> StatusSignal<T> lookupStatusSignal(int spn, Class<T> classOfSignal, DoubleFunction<T> toValue, ParentDevice.MapGenerator<T> generator, String signalName, boolean reportOnConstruction, boolean refresh)