9 namespace motorcontrol {
19 namespace motorcontrol {
Collection of sensors available to a motor controller.
Definition SensorCollection.h:31
int GetPulseWidthRiseToFallUs()
Gets pulse width rise to fall time.
int GetPinStateQuadIdx()
Gets pin state quad index.
int GetQuadratureVelocity()
Get the quadrature velocity, regardless of whether it is actually being used for feedback.
int GetPinStateQuadB()
Gets pin state quad b.
SensorCollection(ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::can::BaseTalon &motorController)
Constructor for SensorCollection.
int IsFwdLimitSwitchClosed()
Is forward limit switch closed.
int GetPulseWidthRiseToRiseUs()
Gets pulse width rise to rise time.
int GetAnalogInVel()
Get the velocity of whatever is in the analog pin of the Talon, regardless of whether it is actually ...
int GetQuadraturePosition()
Get the quadrature position of the Talon, regardless of whether it is actually being used for feedbac...
int IsRevLimitSwitchClosed()
Is reverse limit switch closed.
ErrorCode SetQuadraturePosition(int newPosition, int timeoutMs=0)
Change the quadrature reported position.
ErrorCode SetPulseWidthPosition(int newPosition, int timeoutMs=0)
Sets pulse width position.
int GetPulseWidthPosition()
Gets pulse width position, regardless of whether it is actually being used for feedback.
int GetPinStateQuadA()
Gets pin state quad a.
int GetPulseWidthVelocity()
Gets pulse width velocity, regardless of whether it is actually being used for feedback.
int GetAnalogIn()
Get the position of whatever is in the analog pin of the Talon, regardless of whether it is actually ...
ErrorCode SyncQuadratureWithPulseWidth(int bookend0, int bookend1, bool bCrossZeroOnInterval, int offset=0, int timeoutMs=0)
Change the quadrature reported position based on pulse width.
int GetAnalogInRaw()
Get the position of whatever is in the analog pin of the Talon, regardless of whether it is actually ...
ErrorCode SetAnalogPosition(int newPosition, int timeoutMs=0)
Sets analog position.
CTRE Talon SRX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
Definition BaseTalon.h:260
Definition ErrorCode.h:13
WPI Compliant CANcoder class.
Definition CANCoderStatusFrame.h:4