CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
No Matches
ErrorCode.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>

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class  ctre::phoenix::ErrorCollection


namespace  ctre
 WPI Compliant CANcoder class.
namespace  ctre::phoenix
 namespace phoenix


enum  ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode : int32_t {
  ctre::phoenix::OK = 0 , ctre::phoenix::OKAY = 0 , ctre::phoenix::CAN_MSG_STALE = 1 , ctre::phoenix::CAN_TX_FULL = -1 ,
  ctre::phoenix::TxFailed = -1 , ctre::phoenix::InvalidParamValue = -2 , ctre::phoenix::CAN_INVALID_PARAM = -2 , ctre::phoenix::RxTimeout = -3 ,
  ctre::phoenix::CAN_MSG_NOT_FOUND = -3 , ctre::phoenix::TxTimeout = -4 , ctre::phoenix::CAN_NO_MORE_TX_JOBS = -4 , ctre::phoenix::UnexpectedArbId = -5 ,
  ctre::phoenix::CAN_NO_SESSIONS_AVAIL = -5 , ctre::phoenix::BufferFull = +6 , ctre::phoenix::CAN_OVERFLOW = -6 , ctre::phoenix::SensorNotPresent = -7 ,
  ctre::phoenix::FirmwareTooOld = -8 , ctre::phoenix::CouldNotChangePeriod = -9 , ctre::phoenix::BufferFailure = -10 , ctre::phoenix::FirwmwareNonFRC = -11 ,
  ctre::phoenix::GeneralError = -100 , ctre::phoenix::GENERAL_ERROR = -100 , ctre::phoenix::SIG_NOT_UPDATED = -200 , ctre::phoenix::SigNotUpdated = -200 ,
  ctre::phoenix::NotAllPIDValuesUpdated = -201 , ctre::phoenix::GEN_PORT_ERROR = -300 , ctre::phoenix::PORT_MODULE_TYPE_MISMATCH = -301 , ctre::phoenix::GEN_MODULE_ERROR = -400 ,
  ctre::phoenix::MODULE_NOT_INIT_SET_ERROR = -401 , ctre::phoenix::MODULE_NOT_INIT_GET_ERROR = -402 , ctre::phoenix::WheelRadiusTooSmall = -500 , ctre::phoenix::TicksPerRevZero = -501 ,
  ctre::phoenix::DistanceBetweenWheelsTooSmall = -502 , ctre::phoenix::GainsAreNotSet = -503 , ctre::phoenix::WrongRemoteLimitSwitchSource = -504 , ctre::phoenix::DoubleVoltageCompensatingWPI = -505 ,
  ctre::phoenix::CANdleAnimSlotOutOfBounds = -506 , ctre::phoenix::IncompatibleMode = -600 , ctre::phoenix::InvalidHandle = -601 , ctre::phoenix::FeatureRequiresHigherFirm = -700 ,
  ctre::phoenix::MotorControllerFeatureRequiresHigherFirm = -701 , ctre::phoenix::TalonFeatureRequiresHigherFirm = MotorControllerFeatureRequiresHigherFirm , ctre::phoenix::ConfigFactoryDefaultRequiresHigherFirm = -702 , ctre::phoenix::ConfigMotionSCurveRequiresHigherFirm = -703 ,
  ctre::phoenix::TalonFXFirmwarePreVBatDetect = -704 , ctre::phoenix::CANdleAnimationsRequireHigherFirm = -705 , ctre::phoenix::LibraryCouldNotBeLoaded = -800 , ctre::phoenix::MissingRoutineInLibrary = -801 ,
  ctre::phoenix::ResourceNotAvailable = -802 , ctre::phoenix::MusicFileNotFound = -900 , ctre::phoenix::MusicFileWrongSize = -901 , ctre::phoenix::MusicFileTooNew = -902 ,
  ctre::phoenix::MusicFileInvalid = -903 , ctre::phoenix::InvalidOrchestraAction = -904 , ctre::phoenix::MusicFileTooOld = -905 , ctre::phoenix::MusicInterrupted = -906 ,
  ctre::phoenix::MusicNotSupported = -907 , ctre::phoenix::kInvalidInterface = -1000 , ctre::phoenix::kInvalidGuid = -1001 , ctre::phoenix::kInvalidClass = -1002 ,
  ctre::phoenix::kInvalidProtocol = -1003 , ctre::phoenix::kInvalidPath = -1004 , ctre::phoenix::kGeneralWinUsbError = -1005 , ctre::phoenix::kFailedSetup = -1006 ,
  ctre::phoenix::kListenFailed = -1007 , ctre::phoenix::kSendFailed = -1008 , ctre::phoenix::kReceiveFailed = -1009 , ctre::phoenix::kInvalidRespFormat = -1010 ,
  ctre::phoenix::kWinUsbInitFailed = -1011 , ctre::phoenix::kWinUsbQueryFailed = -1012 , ctre::phoenix::kWinUsbGeneralError = -1013 , ctre::phoenix::kAccessDenied = -1014 ,
  ctre::phoenix::kFirmwareInvalidResponse = -1015 , ctre::phoenix::PulseWidthSensorNotPresent = +10 , ctre::phoenix::GeneralWarning = 100 , ctre::phoenix::FeatureNotSupported = 101 ,
  ctre::phoenix::NotImplemented = 102 , ctre::phoenix::FirmVersionCouldNotBeRetrieved = 103 , ctre::phoenix::FeaturesNotAvailableYet = 104 , ctre::phoenix::ControlModeNotValid = 105 ,
  ctre::phoenix::ControlModeNotSupportedYet = 106 , ctre::phoenix::CascadedPIDNotSupporteYet = 107 , ctre::phoenix::AuxiliaryPIDNotSupportedYet = 107 , ctre::phoenix::RemoteSensorsNotSupportedYet = 108 ,
  ctre::phoenix::MotProfFirmThreshold = 109 , ctre::phoenix::MotProfFirmThreshold2 = 110 , ctre::phoenix::SimDeviceNotFound = 200 , ctre::phoenix::SimPhysicsTypeNotSupported = 201 ,
  ctre::phoenix::SimDeviceAlreadyExists = 202