11#include <units/angle.h>
12#include <units/angular_velocity.h>
13#include <units/voltage.h>
Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation.
Definition CorePigeon2.hpp:1116
Class to control the state of a simulated hardware::Pigeon2.
Definition Pigeon2SimState.hpp:31
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetRoll(units::angle::degree_t deg)
Sets the simulated roll of the Pigeon2.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetAngularVelocityZ(units::angular_velocity::degrees_per_second_t dps)
Sets the simulated angular velocity Z component of the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2SimState(Pigeon2SimState &&)=default
Pigeon2SimState & operator=(Pigeon2SimState const &)=delete
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetSupplyVoltage(units::voltage::volt_t volts)
Sets the simulated supply voltage of the Pigeon2.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetAngularVelocityY(units::angular_velocity::degrees_per_second_t dps)
Sets the simulated angular velocity Y component of the Pigeon2.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode AddYaw(units::angle::degree_t dDeg)
Adds to the simulated yaw of the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2SimState(hardware::core::CorePigeon2 const &device)
Creates an object to control the state of the given hardware::Pigeon2.
Pigeon2SimState & operator=(Pigeon2SimState &&)=default
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetPitch(units::angle::degree_t deg)
Sets the simulated pitch of the Pigeon2.
Pigeon2SimState(Pigeon2SimState const &)=delete
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetAngularVelocityX(units::angular_velocity::degrees_per_second_t dps)
Sets the simulated angular velocity X component of the Pigeon2.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetRawYaw(units::angle::degree_t deg)
Sets the simulated raw yaw of the Pigeon2.
Status codes reported by APIs, including OK, warnings, and errors.
Definition StatusCodes.h:27
Definition MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC.hpp:18