CTRE Phoenix 6 C++ 25.3.0
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Deprecated List
Member ctre::phoenix6::CANBus::GetStatus (std::string const &canbus)
The CANBus static methods are deprecated for removal in 2026. Construct a new CANBus instance and call GetStatus() instead.
Member ctre::phoenix6::CANBus::IsNetworkFD (std::string const &canbus)
The CANBus static methods are deprecated for removal in 2026. Construct a new CANBus instance and call IsNetworkFD() instead.
Member ctre::phoenix6::hardware::Pigeon2::GetAngle () const
This API is deprecated for removal in the 2026 season. Users should use GetYaw instead. Note that Yaw is CCW+, whereas this API is CW+.
Member ctre::phoenix6::hardware::Pigeon2::GetRate () const
This API is deprecated for removal in the 2026 season. Users should use GetAngularVelocityZWorld instead. Note that AngularVelocityZWorld is CCW+, whereas this API is CW+.
Member ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::GetInverted () const
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, read the invert setting as part of a full configs::TalonFXConfiguration object or using a configs::MotorOutputConfigs object. Applied invert, which may not match the invert config for followers, can also be fetched using GetAppliedRotorPolarity.
Member ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetInverted (bool isInverted)
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, apply the invert setting as part of a full configs::TalonFXConfiguration object. Invert can be found in the MotorOutput config group.
Member ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFXS::GetInverted () const
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, read the invert setting as part of a full configs::TalonFXSConfiguration object or using a configs::MotorOutputConfigs object. Applied invert, which may not match the invert config for followers, can also be fetched using GetAppliedRotorPolarity.
Member ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFXS::SetInverted (bool isInverted)
This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, apply the invert setting as part of a full configs::TalonFXSConfiguration object. Invert can be found in the MotorOutput config group.