CTRE Phoenix 6 C++ 25.3.0
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ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX Class Reference

Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller. More...

#include <ctre/phoenix6/TalonFX.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX:
ctre::phoenix6::hardware::core::CoreTalonFX ctre::phoenix6::hardware::ParentDevice ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::CommonTalonWithFOC ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::CommonTalon ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::SupportsFOC ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::SupportsMusic ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::HasTalonControls ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::HasTalonSignals

Public Member Functions

 TalonFX (int deviceId, std::string canbus="")
 Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
 TalonFX (int deviceId, CANBus canbus)
 Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
 ~TalonFX ()
void Set (double speed)
 Common interface for setting the speed of a motor controller.
void SetVoltage (units::volt_t volts)
 Common interface for seting the direct voltage output of a motor controller.
double Get () const
 Common interface for getting the current set speed of a motor controller.
void Disable ()
 Common interface for disabling a motor controller.
void StopMotor ()
 Common interface to stop motor movement until Set is called again.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetInverted (bool isInverted)
 Common interface for inverting direction of a motor controller.
bool GetInverted () const
 Common interface for returning the inversion state of a motor controller.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetNeutralMode (signals::NeutralModeValue neutralMode, units::second_t timeoutSeconds=100_ms)
 Sets the mode of operation when output is neutral or disabled.
std::string GetDescription () const
void InitSendable (wpi::SendableBuilder &builder) override
void Feed ()
 Feed the motor safety object.
void SetExpiration (units::second_t expirationTime)
 Set the expiration time for the corresponding motor safety object.
units::second_t GetExpiration () const
 Retrieve the timeout value for the corresponding motor safety object.
bool IsAlive () const
 Determine of the motor is still operating or has timed out.
void SetSafetyEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enable/disable motor safety for this device.
bool IsSafetyEnabled () const
 Return the state of the motor safety enabled flag.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::core::CoreTalonFX
 CoreTalonFX (int deviceId, std::string canbus="")
 Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
 CoreTalonFX (int deviceId, CANBus canbus)
 Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.
configs::TalonFXConfiguratorGetConfigurator ()
 Gets the configurator for this TalonFX.
configs::TalonFXConfigurator const & GetConfigurator () const
 Gets the configurator for this TalonFX.
sim::TalonFXSimStateGetSimState ()
 Get the simulation state for this device.
StatusSignal< int > & GetVersionMajor (bool refresh=true) override
 App Major Version number.
StatusSignal< int > & GetVersionMinor (bool refresh=true) override
 App Minor Version number.
StatusSignal< int > & GetVersionBugfix (bool refresh=true) override
 App Bugfix Version number.
StatusSignal< int > & GetVersionBuild (bool refresh=true) override
 App Build Version number.
StatusSignal< int > & GetVersion (bool refresh=true) override
 Full Version of firmware in device.
StatusSignal< int > & GetFaultField (bool refresh=true) override
 Integer representing all fault flags reported by the device.
StatusSignal< int > & GetStickyFaultField (bool refresh=true) override
 Integer representing all (persistent) sticky fault flags reported by the device.
StatusSignal< units::voltage::volt_t > & GetMotorVoltage (bool refresh=true) override
 The applied (output) motor voltage.
StatusSignal< signals::ForwardLimitValue > & GetForwardLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Forward Limit Pin.
StatusSignal< signals::ReverseLimitValue > & GetReverseLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Reverse Limit Pin.
StatusSignal< signals::AppliedRotorPolarityValue > & GetAppliedRotorPolarity (bool refresh=true) override
 The applied rotor polarity as seen from the front of the motor.
StatusSignal< units::dimensionless::scalar_t > & GetDutyCycle (bool refresh=true) override
 The applied motor duty cycle.
StatusSignal< units::current::ampere_t > & GetTorqueCurrent (bool refresh=true) override
 Current corresponding to the torque output by the motor.
StatusSignal< units::current::ampere_t > & GetStatorCurrent (bool refresh=true) override
 Current corresponding to the stator windings.
StatusSignal< units::current::ampere_t > & GetSupplyCurrent (bool refresh=true) override
 Measured supply side current.
StatusSignal< units::voltage::volt_t > & GetSupplyVoltage (bool refresh=true) override
 Measured supply voltage to the device.
StatusSignal< units::temperature::celsius_t > & GetDeviceTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Temperature of device.
StatusSignal< units::temperature::celsius_t > & GetProcessorTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Temperature of the processor.
StatusSignal< units::angular_velocity::turns_per_second_t > & GetRotorVelocity (bool refresh=true) override
 Velocity of the motor rotor.
StatusSignal< units::angle::turn_t > & GetRotorPosition (bool refresh=true) override
 Position of the motor rotor.
StatusSignal< units::angular_velocity::turns_per_second_t > & GetVelocity (bool refresh=true) override
 Velocity of the device in mechanism rotations per second.
StatusSignal< units::angle::turn_t > & GetPosition (bool refresh=true) override
 Position of the device in mechanism rotations.
StatusSignal< units::angular_acceleration::turns_per_second_squared_t > & GetAcceleration (bool refresh=true) override
 Acceleration of the device in mechanism rotations per secondĀ².
StatusSignal< signals::ControlModeValue > & GetControlMode (bool refresh=true) override
 The active control mode of the motor controller.
StatusSignal< signals::MotionMagicIsRunningValue > & GetMotionMagicIsRunning (bool refresh=true) override
 Check if Motion MagicĀ® is running.
StatusSignal< signals::DeviceEnableValue > & GetDeviceEnable (bool refresh=true) override
 Indicates if device is actuator enabled.
StatusSignal< int > & GetClosedLoopSlot (bool refresh=true) override
 The slot that the closed-loop PID is using.
StatusSignal< signals::MotorOutputStatusValue > & GetMotorOutputStatus (bool refresh=true) override
 Assess the status of the motor output with respect to load and supply.
StatusSignal< signals::DifferentialControlModeValue > & GetDifferentialControlMode (bool refresh=true) override
 The active control mode of the differential controller.
StatusSignal< units::angular_velocity::turns_per_second_t > & GetDifferentialAverageVelocity (bool refresh=true) override
 Average component of the differential velocity of device.
StatusSignal< units::angle::turn_t > & GetDifferentialAveragePosition (bool refresh=true) override
 Average component of the differential position of device.
StatusSignal< units::angular_velocity::turns_per_second_t > & GetDifferentialDifferenceVelocity (bool refresh=true) override
 Difference component of the differential velocity of device.
StatusSignal< units::angle::turn_t > & GetDifferentialDifferencePosition (bool refresh=true) override
 Difference component of the differential position of device.
StatusSignal< int > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopSlot (bool refresh=true) override
 The slot that the closed-loop differential PID is using.
StatusSignal< ctre::unit::newton_meters_per_ampere_t > & GetMotorKT (bool refresh=true) override
 The torque constant (K_T) of the motor.
StatusSignal< ctre::unit::rpm_per_volt_t > & GetMotorKV (bool refresh=true) override
 The velocity constant (K_V) of the motor.
StatusSignal< units::current::ampere_t > & GetMotorStallCurrent (bool refresh=true) override
 The stall current of the motor at 12 V output.
StatusSignal< signals::BridgeOutputValue > & GetBridgeOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 The applied output of the bridge.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetIsProLicensed (bool refresh=true) override
 Whether the device is Phoenix Pro licensed.
StatusSignal< units::temperature::celsius_t > & GetAncillaryDeviceTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Temperature of device from second sensor.
StatusSignal< signals::ConnectedMotorValue > & GetConnectedMotor (bool refresh=true) override
 The type of motor attached to the Talon.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_Hardware (bool refresh=true) override
 Hardware fault occurred.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_Hardware (bool refresh=true) override
 Hardware fault occurred.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_ProcTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Processor temperature exceeded limit.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_ProcTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Processor temperature exceeded limit.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_DeviceTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Device temperature exceeded limit.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_DeviceTemp (bool refresh=true) override
 Device temperature exceeded limit.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_Undervoltage (bool refresh=true) override
 Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_Undervoltage (bool refresh=true) override
 Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_BootDuringEnable (bool refresh=true) override
 Device boot while detecting the enable signal.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_BootDuringEnable (bool refresh=true) override
 Device boot while detecting the enable signal.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse (bool refresh=true) override
 An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse (bool refresh=true) override
 An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_BridgeBrownout (bool refresh=true) override
 Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_BridgeBrownout (bool refresh=true) override
 Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_RemoteSensorReset (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor has reset.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor has reset.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_MissingDifferentialFX (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor position has overflowed.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor position has overflowed.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_OverSupplyV (bool refresh=true) override
 Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_OverSupplyV (bool refresh=true) override
 Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_UnstableSupplyV (bool refresh=true) override
 Supply Voltage is unstable.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV (bool refresh=true) override
 Supply Voltage is unstable.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_ReverseHardLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_ForwardHardLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Forward limit switch has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Forward limit switch has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_ReverseSoftLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_ForwardSoftLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Forward soft limit has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Forward soft limit has been asserted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_MissingHardLimitRemote (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync (bool refresh=true) override
 The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_StatorCurrLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Stator current limit occured.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Stator current limit occured.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_SupplyCurrLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Supply current limit occured.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit (bool refresh=true) override
 Supply current limit occured.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed (bool refresh=true) override
 Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed (bool refresh=true) override
 Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetFault_StaticBrakeDisabled (bool refresh=true) override
 Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
StatusSignal< bool > & GetStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled (bool refresh=true) override
 Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopProportionalOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Closed loop proportional component.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopIntegratedOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Closed loop integrated component.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopFeedForward (bool refresh=true) override
 Feedforward passed by the user.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopDerivativeOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Closed loop derivative component.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Closed loop total output.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopReference (bool refresh=true) override
 Value that the closed loop is targeting.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopReferenceSlope (bool refresh=true) override
 Derivative of the target that the closed loop is targeting.
StatusSignal< double > & GetClosedLoopError (bool refresh=true) override
 The difference between target reference and current measurement.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 The calculated motor output for differential followers.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopProportionalOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Differential closed loop proportional component.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopIntegratedOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Differential closed loop integrated component.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopFeedForward (bool refresh=true) override
 Differential Feedforward passed by the user.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopDerivativeOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Differential closed loop derivative component.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopOutput (bool refresh=true) override
 Differential closed loop total output.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopReference (bool refresh=true) override
 Value that the differential closed loop is targeting.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopReferenceSlope (bool refresh=true) override
 Derivative of the target that the differential closed loop is targeting.
StatusSignal< double > & GetDifferentialClosedLoopError (bool refresh=true) override
 The difference between target differential reference and current measurement.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DutyCycleOut &request) override
 Request a specified motor duty cycle.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::TorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::VoltageOut &request) override
 Request a specified voltage.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::PositionDutyCycle &request) override
 Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::PositionVoltage &request) override
 Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::PositionTorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::VelocityDutyCycle &request) override
 Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::VelocityVoltage &request) override
 Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicDutyCycle &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicVoltage &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialDutyCycle &request) override
 Request a specified motor duty cycle with a differential position closed-loop.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialVoltage &request) override
 Request a specified voltage with a differential position closed-loop.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialPositionDutyCycle &request) override
 Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialPositionVoltage &request) override
 Request PID to target position with a differential position setpoint.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialVelocityDutyCycle &request) override
 Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialVelocityVoltage &request) override
 Request PID to target velocity with a differential position setpoint.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialMotionMagicDutyCycle &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialMotionMagicVoltage &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile, and PID to a differential position setpoint.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::Follower &request) override
 Follow the motor output of another Talon.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::StrictFollower &request) override
 Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialFollower &request) override
 Follow the differential motor output of another Talon.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DifferentialStrictFollower &request) override
 Follow the differential motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::NeutralOut &request) override
 Request neutral output of actuator.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::CoastOut &request) override
 Request coast neutral output of actuator.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::StaticBrake &request) override
 Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MusicTone &request) override
 Plays a single tone at the user specified frequency.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicVelocityDutyCycle &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicVelocityVoltage &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final velocity using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicExpoDutyCycle &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicExpoVoltage &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using an exponential motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DynamicMotionMagicDutyCycle &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DynamicMotionMagicVoltage &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::DynamicMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC &request) override
 Requests Motion MagicĀ® to target a final position using a motion profile.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_DutyCycleOut_Position &request) override
 Differential control with duty cycle average target and position difference target.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Position &request) override
 Differential control with position average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Position &request) override
 Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Position &request) override
 Differential control with Motion MagicĀ® average target and position difference target using dutycycle control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_DutyCycleOut_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with duty cycle average target and velocity difference target.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_PositionDutyCycle_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VelocityDutyCycle_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_MotionMagicDutyCycle_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with Motion MagicĀ® average target and velocity difference target using dutycycle control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VoltageOut_Position &request) override
 Differential control with voltage average target and position difference target.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_PositionVoltage_Position &request) override
 Differential control with position average target and position difference target using voltage control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VelocityVoltage_Position &request) override
 Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using voltage control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Position &request) override
 Differential control with Motion MagicĀ® average target and position difference target using voltage control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VoltageOut_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with voltage average target and velocity difference target.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_PositionVoltage_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VelocityVoltage_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_MotionMagicVoltage_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with Motion MagicĀ® average target and velocity difference target using voltage control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Position &request) override
 Differential control with torque current average target and position difference target.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Position &request) override
 Differential control with position average target and position difference target using torque current control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Position &request) override
 Differential control with velocity average target and position difference target using torque current control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Position &request) override
 Differential control with Motion MagicĀ® average target and position difference target using torque current control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_TorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with torque current average target and velocity difference target.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_PositionTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with position average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with velocity average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::compound::Diff_MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC_Velocity &request) override
 Differential control with Motion MagicĀ® average target and velocity difference target using torque current control.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl (const controls::ControlRequest &request) override
 Control device with generic control request object.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetPosition (units::angle::turn_t newValue, units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetPosition (units::angle::turn_t newValue) override
 Sets the mechanism position of the device in mechanism rotations.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFaults (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear the sticky faults in the device.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFaults () override
 Clear the sticky faults in the device.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_Hardware (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_Hardware () override
 Clear sticky fault: Hardware fault occurred.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ProcTemp (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ProcTemp () override
 Clear sticky fault: Processor temperature exceeded limit.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_DeviceTemp (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_DeviceTemp () override
 Clear sticky fault: Device temperature exceeded limit.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_Undervoltage (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_Undervoltage () override
 Clear sticky fault: Device supply voltage dropped to near brownout levels.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_BootDuringEnable () override
 Clear sticky fault: Device boot while detecting the enable signal.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_UnlicensedFeatureInUse () override
 Clear sticky fault: An unlicensed feature is in use, device may not behave as expected.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_BridgeBrownout () override
 Clear sticky fault: Bridge was disabled most likely due to supply voltage dropping too low.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_RemoteSensorReset () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor has reset.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_MissingDifferentialFX () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote Talon used for differential control is not present on CAN Bus.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_RemoteSensorPosOverflow () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor position has overflowed.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_OverSupplyV (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_OverSupplyV () override
 Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage has exceeded the maximum voltage rating of device.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_UnstableSupplyV () override
 Clear sticky fault: Supply Voltage is unstable.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ReverseHardLimit () override
 Clear sticky fault: Reverse limit switch has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ForwardHardLimit () override
 Clear sticky fault: Forward limit switch has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ReverseSoftLimit () override
 Clear sticky fault: Reverse soft limit has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_ForwardSoftLimit () override
 Clear sticky fault: Forward soft limit has been asserted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_MissingSoftLimitRemote () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote soft limit device is not present on CAN Bus.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_MissingHardLimitRemote () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote limit switch device is not present on CAN Bus.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_RemoteSensorDataInvalid () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor's data is no longer trusted.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_FusedSensorOutOfSync () override
 Clear sticky fault: The remote sensor used for fusion has fallen out of sync to the local sensor.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_StatorCurrLimit () override
 Clear sticky fault: Stator current limit occured.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_SupplyCurrLimit () override
 Clear sticky fault: Supply current limit occured.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_UsingFusedCANcoderWhileUnlicensed () override
 Clear sticky fault: Using Fused CANcoder feature while unlicensed.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds) override
 Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ClearStickyFault_StaticBrakeDisabled () override
 Clear sticky fault: Static brake was momentarily disabled due to excessive braking current while disabled.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::ParentDevice
 ParentDevice (int deviceID, std::string model, std::string canbus)
virtual ~ParentDevice ()=default
 ParentDevice (ParentDevice const &)=delete
ParentDeviceoperator= (ParentDevice const &)=delete
int GetDeviceID () const
const std::string & GetNetwork () const
uint64_t GetDeviceHash () const
 Gets a number unique for this device's hardware type and ID.
std::shared_ptr< const controls::ControlRequestGetAppliedControl () const
 Get the latest applied control.
std::shared_ptr< controls::ControlRequestGetAppliedControl ()
 Get the latest applied control.
bool HasResetOccurred ()
std::function< bool()> GetResetOccurredChecker () const
bool IsConnected (units::second_t maxLatencySeconds=500_ms)
 Returns whether the device is still connected to the robot.
StatusSignal< double > & GetGenericSignal (uint32_t signal, bool refresh=true)
 This is a reserved routine for internal testing.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilization (units::frequency::hertz_t optimizedFreqHz=0_Hz, units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds=100_ms)
 Optimizes the device's bus utilization by reducing the update frequencies of its status signals.
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ResetSignalFrequencies (units::time::second_t timeoutSeconds=100_ms)
 Resets the update frequencies of all the device's status signals to the defaults.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::CommonTalonWithFOC
virtual ~CommonTalonWithFOC ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::CommonTalon
virtual ~CommonTalon ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::HasTalonControls
virtual ~HasTalonControls ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::HasTalonSignals
virtual ~HasTalonSignals ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::SupportsFOC
virtual ~SupportsFOC ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::traits::SupportsMusic
virtual ~SupportsMusic ()=default

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr auto kDefaultSafetyExpiration = 100_ms
 The default motor safety timeout IF calling application enables the feature.

Protected Member Functions

ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControlPrivate (const controls::ControlRequest &request) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::ParentDevice
template<typename T >
StatusSignal< T > & LookupStatusSignal (uint16_t spn, std::string signalName, bool reportOnConstruction, bool refresh)
template<typename T >
StatusSignal< T > & LookupStatusSignal (uint16_t spn, std::function< std::map< uint16_t, std::string >()> mapFiller, std::string signalName, bool reportOnConstruction, bool refresh)
template<typename T , typename U >
StatusSignal< T > LookupDimensionlessStatusSignal (uint16_t spn, std::string signalName, bool refresh)
 Returns a unitless version of the StatusSignal by value.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::core::CoreTalonFX
using Configuration = configs::TalonFXConfiguration
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::ParentDevice
template<typename... Devices, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_all_device_v<Devices...>>>
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilizationForAll (Devices &... devices)
 Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilizationForAll (const std::vector< ParentDevice * > &devices)
 Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
template<size_t N>
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilizationForAll (const std::array< ParentDevice *, N > &devices)
 Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
template<typename... Devices, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_all_device_v<Devices...>>>
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilizationForAll (units::frequency::hertz_t optimizedFreqHz, Devices &... devices)
 Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilizationForAll (units::frequency::hertz_t optimizedFreqHz, const std::vector< ParentDevice * > &devices)
 Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
template<size_t N>
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode OptimizeBusUtilizationForAll (units::frequency::hertz_t optimizedFreqHz, const std::array< ParentDevice *, N > &devices)
 Optimizes the bus utilization of the provided devices by reducing the update frequencies of their status signals.
template<typename... Devices, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_all_device_v<Devices...>>>
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ResetSignalFrequenciesForAll (Devices &... devices)
 Resets the update frequencies of all the devices' status signals to the defaults.
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ResetSignalFrequenciesForAll (const std::vector< ParentDevice * > &devices)
 Resets the update frequencies of all the devices' status signals to the defaults.
template<size_t N>
static ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ResetSignalFrequenciesForAll (const std::array< ParentDevice *, N > &devices)
 Resets the update frequencies of all the devices' status signals to the defaults.
- Protected Attributes inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::ParentDevice
DeviceIdentifier deviceIdentifier
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ctre::phoenix6::hardware::ParentDevice
static controls::EmptyControl _emptyControl {}
template<typename... Devices>
static constexpr bool is_all_device_v = is_all_device<Devices...>::value
 Whether all types passed in are subclasses of ParentDevice.

Detailed Description

Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TalonFX() [1/2]

ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::TalonFX ( int deviceId,
std::string canbus = "" )

Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.

deviceIdID of the device, as configured in Phoenix Tuner.
canbusName of the CAN bus this device is on. Possible CAN bus strings are:
  • "rio" for the native roboRIO CAN bus
  • CANivore name or serial number
  • SocketCAN interface (non-FRC Linux only)
  • "*" for any CANivore seen by the program
  • empty string (default) to select the default for the system:
    • "rio" on roboRIO
    • "can0" on Linux
    • "*" on Windows

◆ TalonFX() [2/2]

ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::TalonFX ( int deviceId,
CANBus canbus )

Constructs a new Talon FX motor controller object.

deviceIdID of the device, as configured in Phoenix Tuner.
canbusThe CAN bus this device is on.

◆ ~TalonFX()

ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::~TalonFX ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Disable()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::Disable ( )

Common interface for disabling a motor controller.

◆ Feed()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::Feed ( )

Feed the motor safety object.

Resets the timer on this object that is used to do the timeouts.

◆ Get()

double ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::Get ( ) const

Common interface for getting the current set speed of a motor controller.

The current set speed. Value is between -1.0 and 1.0.

◆ GetDescription()

std::string ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::GetDescription ( ) const
Description of motor controller

◆ GetExpiration()

units::second_t ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::GetExpiration ( ) const

Retrieve the timeout value for the corresponding motor safety object.

the timeout value.

◆ GetInverted()

bool ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::GetInverted ( ) const

Common interface for returning the inversion state of a motor controller.

Since invert is a config, this API is blocking. We recommend that users avoid calling this API periodically.

This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, read the invert setting as part of a full configs::TalonFXConfiguration object or using a configs::MotorOutputConfigs object. Applied invert, which may not match the invert config for followers, can also be fetched using GetAppliedRotorPolarity.
The state of the inversion, true is inverted.

◆ InitSendable()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::InitSendable ( wpi::SendableBuilder & builder)

◆ IsAlive()

bool ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::IsAlive ( ) const

Determine of the motor is still operating or has timed out.

true if the motor is still operating normally and hasn't timed out.

◆ IsSafetyEnabled()

bool ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::IsSafetyEnabled ( ) const

Return the state of the motor safety enabled flag.

Return if the motor safety is currently enabled for this device.

True if motor safety is enforced for this device

◆ Set()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::Set ( double speed)

Common interface for setting the speed of a motor controller.

speedThe speed to set. Value should be between -1.0 and 1.0.

◆ SetControlPrivate()

ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetControlPrivate ( const controls::ControlRequest & request)

◆ SetExpiration()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetExpiration ( units::second_t expirationTime)

Set the expiration time for the corresponding motor safety object.

expirationTimeThe timeout value.

◆ SetInverted()

ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetInverted ( bool isInverted)

Common interface for inverting direction of a motor controller.

Since invert is a config, this API is blocking. We recommend that users avoid calling this API periodically.

Since invert affects the reported motor position, this API should be called before any calls to SetPosition.

This API is deprecated for removal in 2026. Since invert is a config, apply the invert setting as part of a full configs::TalonFXConfiguration object. Invert can be found in the MotorOutput config group.
isInvertedThe state of inversion, true is inverted.
Status of refreshing and applying the invert config

◆ SetNeutralMode()

ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetNeutralMode ( signals::NeutralModeValue neutralMode,
units::second_t timeoutSeconds = 100_ms )

Sets the mode of operation when output is neutral or disabled.

Since neutral mode is a config, this API is blocking. We recommend that users avoid calling this API periodically.

neutralModeThe state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or disabled
timeoutSecondsMaximum amount of time to wait when performing configuration
Status of refreshing and applying the neutral mode config

◆ SetSafetyEnabled()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetSafetyEnabled ( bool enabled)

Enable/disable motor safety for this device.

Turn on and off the motor safety option for this object.

enabledTrue if motor safety is enforced for this object.

◆ SetVoltage()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::SetVoltage ( units::volt_t volts)

Common interface for seting the direct voltage output of a motor controller.

voltsThe voltage to output.

◆ StopMotor()

void ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::StopMotor ( )

Common interface to stop motor movement until Set is called again.

Member Data Documentation

◆ kDefaultSafetyExpiration

auto ctre::phoenix6::hardware::TalonFX::kDefaultSafetyExpiration = 100_ms

The default motor safety timeout IF calling application enables the feature.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: