CTRE Phoenix 6 C++ 24.3.0
ctre::phoenix::unmanaged Namespace Reference


CTREXPORT void FeedEnable (int timeoutMs)
 Feed the robot enable. More...
CTREXPORT bool GetEnableState ()
CTREXPORT void SetTransmitEnable (bool en)
 Sets whether to enable transmitting This function does nothing on a roborio during FRC use. More...
CTREXPORT bool GetTransmitEnable ()
CTREXPORT int GetPhoenixVersion ()
CTREXPORT void LoadPhoenix ()
CTREXPORT int GetApiCompliancy ()

Function Documentation

◆ FeedEnable()

CTREXPORT void ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::FeedEnable ( int  timeoutMs)

Feed the robot enable.

This function does nothing on a roborio during FRC use.

timeoutMsTimeout before disabling

◆ GetApiCompliancy()

CTREXPORT int ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::GetApiCompliancy ( )

◆ GetEnableState()

CTREXPORT bool ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::GetEnableState ( )
true if enabled

◆ GetPhoenixVersion()

CTREXPORT int ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::GetPhoenixVersion ( )
Phoenix version

◆ GetTransmitEnable()

CTREXPORT bool ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::GetTransmitEnable ( )
true if transmitting is enabled

◆ LoadPhoenix()

CTREXPORT void ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::LoadPhoenix ( )

◆ SetTransmitEnable()

CTREXPORT void ctre::phoenix::unmanaged::SetTransmitEnable ( bool  en)

Sets whether to enable transmitting This function does nothing on a roborio during FRC use.

enTrue enables transmitting