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enum class | ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::ControlMode {
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::PercentOutput = 0
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Position = 1
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Velocity = 2
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Current = 3
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Follower = 5
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionProfile = 6
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionMagic = 7
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionProfileArc = 10
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MusicTone = 13
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Disabled = 15
} |
| Choose the control mode for a motor controller. More...
enum class | ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::TalonSRXControlMode {
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::PercentOutput = 0
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Position = 1
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Velocity = 2
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Current = 3
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Follower = 5
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionProfile = 6
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionMagic = 7
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionProfileArc = 10
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Disabled = 15
} |
| Choose the control mode for a Talon SRX. More...
enum class | ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::VictorSPXControlMode {
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::PercentOutput = 0
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Position = 1
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Velocity = 2
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Follower = 5
ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionProfile = 6
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionMagic = 7
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::MotionProfileArc = 10
, ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::Disabled = 15
} |
| Choose the control mode for a Victor SPX. More...