#include "ctre/phoenix6/core/CoreCANcoder.hpp"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/core/CoreCANdi.hpp"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/core/CoreTalonFX.hpp"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/core/CoreTalonFXS.hpp"
#include <units/length.h>
#include <units/moment_of_inertia.h>
#include <units/velocity.h>
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struct | ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SwerveModuleConstants< DriveMotorConfigsT, SteerMotorConfigsT, EncoderConfigsT, typename, typename, typename > |
| All constants for a swerve module. More...
struct | ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SwerveModuleConstantsFactory< DriveMotorConfigsT, SteerMotorConfigsT, EncoderConfigsT, typename, typename, typename > |
| Constants that are common across the swerve modules, used for creating instances of module-specific SwerveModuleConstants. More...
enum class | ctre::phoenix6::swerve::ClosedLoopOutputType { ctre::phoenix6::swerve::Voltage = 0
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TorqueCurrentFOC = 1
} |
| Supported closed-loop output types. More...
enum class | ctre::phoenix6::swerve::DriveMotorArrangement { ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFX_Integrated = 0
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_NEO_JST = 1
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_VORTEX_JST = 2
} |
| Supported motor arrangements for the drive motors. More...
enum class | ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SteerMotorArrangement {
ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFX_Integrated = 0
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_Minion_JST = 1
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_NEO_JST = 2
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_VORTEX_JST = 3
ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_NEO550_JST = 4
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_Brushed_AB = 5
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_Brushed_AC = 6
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_Brushed_BC = 7
} |
| Supported motor arrangements for the steer motors. More...
enum class | ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SteerFeedbackType {
ctre::phoenix6::swerve::FusedCANcoder = 0
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SyncCANcoder = 1
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::RemoteCANcoder = 2
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::FusedCANdiPWM1 = 3
ctre::phoenix6::swerve::FusedCANdiPWM2 = 4
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SyncCANdiPWM1 = 5
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::SyncCANdiPWM2 = 6
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::RemoteCANdiPWM1 = 7
ctre::phoenix6::swerve::RemoteCANdiPWM2 = 8
, ctre::phoenix6::swerve::TalonFXS_PulseWidth = 9
} |
| Supported feedback sensors for the steer motors. More...