9 namespace motorcontrol {
19 namespace motorcontrol {
Collection of simulation commands available to a TalonSRX motor controller.
Definition TalonSRXSimCollection.h:26
ErrorCode SetPulseWidthVelocity(int newVel)
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetAnalogVelocity(int newVel)
Sets the simulated analog velocity of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetPulseWidthPosition(int newPos)
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode AddAnalogPosition(int dPos)
Adds to the simulated analog position of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetPulseWidthConnected(bool isConnected)
Sets if the simulated pulse width sensor is connected to the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode GetLastError()
Gets the last error generated by this object.
TalonSRXSimCollection(ctre::phoenix::motorcontrol::can::BaseTalon &motorController)
Constructor for TalonSRXSimCollection.
ErrorCode SetBusVoltage(double vbat)
Sets the simulated bus voltage of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode AddQuadraturePosition(int dPos)
Adds to the simulated quadrature position of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetQuadratureRawPosition(int newPos)
Sets the simulated raw quadrature position of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetPulseWidthRiseToRiseUs(double periodUs)
Sets the simulated pulse width rise to rise time of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetQuadratureVelocity(int newVel)
Sets the simulated quadrature velocity of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode AddPulseWidthPosition(int dPos)
Adds to the simulated pulse width position of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetLimitFwd(bool isClosed)
Sets the simulated forward limit switch of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetSupplyCurrent(double currA)
Sets the simulated supply current of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetStatorCurrent(double currA)
Sets the simulated stator current of the TalonSRX.
double GetMotorOutputLeadVoltage()
Gets the simulated output voltage across M+ and M- for the motor.
ErrorCode SetAnalogPosition(int newPos)
Sets the simulated analog position of the TalonSRX.
ErrorCode SetLimitRev(bool isClosed)
Sets the simulated reverse limit switch of the TalonSRX.
CTRE Talon SRX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
Definition BaseTalon.h:260
Definition ErrorCode.h:13
WPI Compliant CANcoder class.
Definition CANCoderStatusFrame.h:4