Stream of trajectory points for Talon/Victor motion profiling.
Definition BufferedTrajectoryPointStream.h:13
BufferedTrajectoryPointStream & operator=(const BufferedTrajectoryPointStream &)=delete
ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode Write(const TrajectoryPoint *trajPts, uint32_t trajPtCount)
Writes an array of trajectory point into the buffer.
void * GetHandle()
Definition BufferedTrajectoryPointStream.h:37
ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode Clear()
Clear all trajectory points.
BufferedTrajectoryPointStream(const BufferedTrajectoryPointStream &)=delete
ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode Write(const TrajectoryPoint &trajPt)
Write a single trajectory point into the buffer.
Definition ErrorCode.h:13
WPI Compliant CANcoder class.
Definition CANCoderStatusFrame.h:4
Motion Profile Trajectory Point This is simply a data transfer object.
Definition TrajectoryPoint.h:11