CTRE Phoenix C++ 5.35.1
No Matches
PigeonIMU_CCI.h File Reference
#include "ctre/phoenix/cci/CCI.h"
#include "ctre/phoenix/ErrorCode.h"
#include <map>
#include <cstddef>

Go to the source code of this file.


CCIEXPORT void * c_PigeonIMU_Create2 (int talonDeviceID, const char *version)
CCIEXPORT void * c_PigeonIMU_Create1 (int deviceNumber, const char *version, const char *canbus)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_Destroy (void *handle)
CCIEXPORT void c_PigeonIMU_DestroyAll ()
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetDescription (void *handle, char *toFill, int toFillByteSz, size_t *numBytesFilled)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigSetParameter (void *handle, int param, double value, uint8_t subValue, int ordinal, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetParameter (void *handle, int param, double *value, int ordinal, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetParameter_6 (void *handle, int32_t param, int32_t valueToSend, int32_t *valueRecieved, uint8_t *subValue, int32_t ordinal, int32_t timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigSetCustomParam (void *handle, int newValue, int paramIndex, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetCustomParam (void *handle, int *readValue, int paramIndex, int timoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigFactoryDefault (void *handle, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetYaw (void *handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_AddYaw (void *handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetYawToCompass (void *handle, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetFusedHeading (void *handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_AddFusedHeading (void *handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetFusedHeadingToCompass (void *handle, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetAccumZAngle (void *handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetTemperatureCompensationDisable (void *handle, int bTempCompDisable, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetCompassDeclination (void *handle, double angleDegOffset, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetCompassAngle (void *handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_EnterCalibrationMode (void *handle, int calMode, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetGeneralStatus (void *handle, int *state, int *currentMode, int *calibrationError, int *bCalIsBooting, double *tempC, int *upTimeSec, int *noMotionBiasCount, int *tempCompensationCount, int *lastError)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetLastError (void *handle)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetLastTimestamp (void *handle, double *timestamp)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_Get6dQuaternion (void *handle, double wxyz[4])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetYawPitchRoll (void *handle, double ypr[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetYawPitchRoll2 (void *handle, double ypr[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetYaw (void *handle, double *yaw)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetPitch (void *handle, double *pitch)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetRoll (void *handle, double *roll)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetGravityVector (void *handle, double ypr[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetAccumGyro (void *handle, double xyz_deg[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetAbsoluteCompassHeading (void *handle, double *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetCompassHeading (void *handle, double *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetCompassFieldStrength (void *handle, double *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetTemp (void *handle, double *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetState (void *handle, int *state)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetUpTime (void *handle, int *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetRawMagnetometer (void *handle, short rm_xyz[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetBiasedMagnetometer (void *handle, short bm_xyz[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetBiasedAccelerometer (void *handle, short ba_xyz[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetRawGyro (void *handle, double xyz_dps[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetAccelerometerAngles (void *handle, double tiltAngles[3])
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFusedHeading2 (void *handle, int *bIsFusing, int *bIsValid, double *value, int *lastError)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFusedHeading1 (void *handle, double *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetResetCount (void *handle, int *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetResetFlags (void *handle, int *value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFirmwareVersion (void *handle, int *firmwareVers)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_HasResetOccurred (void *handle, bool *hasReset)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetLastError (void *handle, int value)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFaults (void *handle, int *param)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetStickyFaults (void *handle, int *param)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ClearStickyFaults (void *handle, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetStatusFramePeriod (void *handle, int frame, uint8_t periodMs, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetStatusFramePeriod (void *handle, int frame, int *periodMs, int timeoutMs)
CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetControlFramePeriod (void *handle, int frame, int periodMs)


static std::map< void *, bool > pigeonPresent

Function Documentation

◆ c_PigeonIMU_AddFusedHeading()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_AddFusedHeading ( void * handle,
double angleDeg,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_AddYaw()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_AddYaw ( void * handle,
double angleDeg,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ClearStickyFaults()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ClearStickyFaults ( void * handle,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ConfigFactoryDefault()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigFactoryDefault ( void * handle,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetCustomParam()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetCustomParam ( void * handle,
int * readValue,
int paramIndex,
int timoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetParameter()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetParameter ( void * handle,
int param,
double * value,
int ordinal,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetParameter_6()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigGetParameter_6 ( void * handle,
int32_t param,
int32_t valueToSend,
int32_t * valueRecieved,
uint8_t * subValue,
int32_t ordinal,
int32_t timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ConfigSetCustomParam()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigSetCustomParam ( void * handle,
int newValue,
int paramIndex,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_ConfigSetParameter()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_ConfigSetParameter ( void * handle,
int param,
double value,
uint8_t subValue,
int ordinal,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_Create1()

CCIEXPORT void * c_PigeonIMU_Create1 ( int deviceNumber,
const char * version,
const char * canbus )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_Create2()

CCIEXPORT void * c_PigeonIMU_Create2 ( int talonDeviceID,
const char * version )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_Destroy()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_Destroy ( void * handle)

◆ c_PigeonIMU_DestroyAll()

CCIEXPORT void c_PigeonIMU_DestroyAll ( )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_EnterCalibrationMode()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_EnterCalibrationMode ( void * handle,
int calMode,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_Get6dQuaternion()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_Get6dQuaternion ( void * handle,
double wxyz[4] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetAbsoluteCompassHeading()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetAbsoluteCompassHeading ( void * handle,
double * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetAccelerometerAngles()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetAccelerometerAngles ( void * handle,
double tiltAngles[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetAccumGyro()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetAccumGyro ( void * handle,
double xyz_deg[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetBiasedAccelerometer()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetBiasedAccelerometer ( void * handle,
short ba_xyz[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetBiasedMagnetometer()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetBiasedMagnetometer ( void * handle,
short bm_xyz[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetCompassFieldStrength()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetCompassFieldStrength ( void * handle,
double * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetCompassHeading()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetCompassHeading ( void * handle,
double * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetDescription()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetDescription ( void * handle,
char * toFill,
int toFillByteSz,
size_t * numBytesFilled )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetFaults()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFaults ( void * handle,
int * param )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetFirmwareVersion()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFirmwareVersion ( void * handle,
int * firmwareVers )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetFusedHeading1()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFusedHeading1 ( void * handle,
double * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetFusedHeading2()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetFusedHeading2 ( void * handle,
int * bIsFusing,
int * bIsValid,
double * value,
int * lastError )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetGeneralStatus()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetGeneralStatus ( void * handle,
int * state,
int * currentMode,
int * calibrationError,
int * bCalIsBooting,
double * tempC,
int * upTimeSec,
int * noMotionBiasCount,
int * tempCompensationCount,
int * lastError )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetGravityVector()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetGravityVector ( void * handle,
double ypr[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetLastError()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetLastError ( void * handle)

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetLastTimestamp()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetLastTimestamp ( void * handle,
double * timestamp )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetPitch()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetPitch ( void * handle,
double * pitch )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetRawGyro()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetRawGyro ( void * handle,
double xyz_dps[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetRawMagnetometer()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetRawMagnetometer ( void * handle,
short rm_xyz[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetResetCount()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetResetCount ( void * handle,
int * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetResetFlags()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetResetFlags ( void * handle,
int * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetRoll()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetRoll ( void * handle,
double * roll )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetState()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetState ( void * handle,
int * state )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetStatusFramePeriod()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetStatusFramePeriod ( void * handle,
int frame,
int * periodMs,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetStickyFaults()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetStickyFaults ( void * handle,
int * param )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetTemp()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetTemp ( void * handle,
double * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetUpTime()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetUpTime ( void * handle,
int * value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetYaw()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetYaw ( void * handle,
double * yaw )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetYawPitchRoll()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetYawPitchRoll ( void * handle,
double ypr[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_GetYawPitchRoll2()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_GetYawPitchRoll2 ( void * handle,
double ypr[3] )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_HasResetOccurred()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_HasResetOccurred ( void * handle,
bool * hasReset )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetAccumZAngle()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetAccumZAngle ( void * handle,
double angleDeg,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetCompassAngle()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetCompassAngle ( void * handle,
double angleDeg,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetCompassDeclination()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetCompassDeclination ( void * handle,
double angleDegOffset,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetControlFramePeriod()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetControlFramePeriod ( void * handle,
int frame,
int periodMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetFusedHeading()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetFusedHeading ( void * handle,
double angleDeg,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetFusedHeadingToCompass()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetFusedHeadingToCompass ( void * handle,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetLastError()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetLastError ( void * handle,
int value )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetStatusFramePeriod()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetStatusFramePeriod ( void * handle,
int frame,
uint8_t periodMs,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetTemperatureCompensationDisable()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetTemperatureCompensationDisable ( void * handle,
int bTempCompDisable,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetYaw()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetYaw ( void * handle,
double angleDeg,
int timeoutMs )

◆ c_PigeonIMU_SetYawToCompass()

CCIEXPORT ctre::phoenix::ErrorCode c_PigeonIMU_SetYawToCompass ( void * handle,
int timeoutMs )

Variable Documentation

◆ pigeonPresent

std::map<void *, bool> pigeonPresent