CTRE Phoenix 6 C++ 25.3.0
No Matches
Configs.hpp File Reference
#include "ctre/phoenix/StatusCodes.h"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/Serializable.hpp"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/networking/interfaces/ConfigSerializer.h"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/signals/SpnEnums.hpp"
#include "ctre/phoenix6/spns/SpnValue.hpp"
#include "ctre/unit/pid_ff.h"
#include <units/angle.h>
#include <units/angular_acceleration.h>
#include <units/angular_jerk.h>
#include <units/angular_velocity.h>
#include <units/current.h>
#include <units/dimensionless.h>
#include <units/frequency.h>
#include <units/length.h>
#include <units/voltage.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::ParentConfiguration
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::MagnetSensorConfigs
 Configs that affect the magnet sensor and how to interpret it. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::MountPoseConfigs
 Configs for Pigeon 2's Mount Pose configuration. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::GyroTrimConfigs
 Configs to trim the Pigeon2's gyroscope. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::Pigeon2FeaturesConfigs
 Configs to enable/disable various features of the Pigeon2. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::MotorOutputConfigs
 Configs that directly affect motor output. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::CurrentLimitsConfigs
 Configs that directly affect current limiting features. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::VoltageConfigs
 Configs that affect Voltage control types. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::TorqueCurrentConfigs
 Configs that affect Torque Current control types. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::FeedbackConfigs
 Configs that affect the feedback of this motor controller. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::ExternalFeedbackConfigs
 Configs that affect the external feedback sensor of this motor controller. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::DifferentialSensorsConfigs
 Configs related to sensors used for differential control of a mechanism. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::DifferentialConstantsConfigs
 Configs related to constants used for differential control of a mechanism. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::OpenLoopRampsConfigs
 Configs that affect the open-loop control of this motor controller. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::ClosedLoopRampsConfigs
 Configs that affect the closed-loop control of this motor controller. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::HardwareLimitSwitchConfigs
 Configs that change how the motor controller behaves under different limit switch states. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::AudioConfigs
 Configs that affect audible components of the device. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::SoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs
 Configs that affect how software-limit switches behave. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::MotionMagicConfigs
 Configs for Motion MagicĀ®. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::CustomParamsConfigs
 Custom Params. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::ClosedLoopGeneralConfigs
 Configs that affect general behavior during closed-looping. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::ToFParamsConfigs
 Configs that affect the ToF sensor. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::ProximityParamsConfigs
 Configs that affect the ToF Proximity detection. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::FovParamsConfigs
 Configs that affect the ToF Field of View. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::CommutationConfigs
 Configs that determine motor selection and commutation. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::DigitalInputsConfigs
 Configs related to CANdi digital I/O settings. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::QuadratureConfigs
 Configs related to CANdi's quadrature interface using both the S1IN and S2IN inputs. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::PWM1Configs
 Configs related to CANdi's PWM interface on the Signal 1 input (S1IN) More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::PWM2Configs
 Configs related to CANdi's PWM interface on the Signal 2 input (S2IN) More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::Slot0Configs
 Gains for the specified slot. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::Slot1Configs
 Gains for the specified slot. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::Slot2Configs
 Gains for the specified slot. More...
class  ctre::phoenix6::configs::SlotConfigs
 Gains for the specified slot. More...


namespace  ctre
namespace  ctre::phoenix6
namespace  ctre::phoenix6::hardware
namespace  ctre::phoenix6::hardware::core
namespace  ctre::phoenix6::configs