CTRE Phoenix Pro C++ 23.0.12
ctre::phoenixpro::controls Namespace Reference


class  CoastOut
 Request coast neutral output of actuator. More...
class  ControlInfo
 Information about a control request. More...
class  ControlRequest
 Abstract Control Request class that other control requests extend for use. More...
class  DutyCycleOut
 Request a specified motor duty cycle. More...
class  EmptyControl
 Generic Empty Control class used to do nothing. More...
class  Follower
 Follow the motor output of another Talon. More...
class  MotionMagicDutyCycle
 Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile. More...
class  MotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC
 Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile. More...
class  MotionMagicVoltage
 Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile. More...
class  NeutralOut
 Request neutral output of actuator. More...
class  PositionDutyCycle
 Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward. More...
class  PositionTorqueCurrentFOC
 Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward. More...
class  PositionVoltage
 Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward. More...
class  StaticBrake
 Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together. More...
class  StrictFollower
 Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting. More...
class  TorqueCurrentFOC
 Request a specified motor current (field oriented control). More...
class  VelocityDutyCycle
 Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward. More...
class  VelocityTorqueCurrentFOC
 Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward. More...
class  VelocityVoltage
 Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward. More...
class  VoltageOut
 Request a specified voltage. More...