CTRE Phoenix Pro C++ 23.0.12
▼Nctre | |
▼Nphoenix | |
►Nplatform | |
►Ncan | |
Ccanframe_t | "plain old data" container for holding a CAN Frame Event |
Nstring_util | |
►Nthreading | |
CCopyMoveMutex | An extension of mutex that defines empty copy and move constructors and assignment operators |
CManualEvent | Manual Event object, useful for signaling other threads about an event |
CRcManualEvent | Reference-counted Manual Event |
Nunmanaged | |
▼Nphoenixpro | |
►Nconfigs | |
CAudioConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CCANcoderConfiguration | Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity |
CCANcoderConfigurator | Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity |
CClosedLoopGeneralConfigs | Configs that affect general behavior during closed-looping |
CClosedLoopRampsConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CCurrentLimitsConfigs | Configs that directly affect current limiting features |
CCustomParamsConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CFeedbackConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CGyroTrimConfigs | Configs to trim the Pigeon2's gyroscope |
CHardwareLimitSwitchConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CMagnetSensorConfigs | Configs that affect the magnet sensor and how to interpret it |
CMotionMagicConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CMotorOutputConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CMountPoseConfigs | Configs for Pigeon 2's Mount Pose configuration |
COpenLoopRampsConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CParentConfiguration | |
CParentConfigurator | |
CPigeon2Configuration | Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation |
CPigeon2Configurator | Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation |
CPigeon2FeaturesConfigs | Configs to enable/disable various features of the Pigeon2 |
CSlot0Configs | What the gains for slot 0 are |
CSlot1Configs | What the gains for slot 1 are |
CSlot2Configs | What the gains for slot 2 are |
CSoftwareLimitSwitchConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CTalonFXConfiguration | Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller that runs on associated Falcon motors |
CTalonFXConfigurator | Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller that runs on associated Falcon motors |
CTorqueCurrentConfigs | Configs that directly affect motor-output |
CVoltageConfigs | Voltage-specific configs |
►Ncontrols | |
CCoastOut | Request coast neutral output of actuator |
CControlInfo | Information about a control request |
CControlRequest | Abstract Control Request class that other control requests extend for use |
CDutyCycleOut | Request a specified motor duty cycle |
CEmptyControl | Generic Empty Control class used to do nothing |
CFollower | Follow the motor output of another Talon |
CMotionMagicDutyCycle | Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile |
CMotionMagicTorqueCurrentFOC | Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile |
CMotionMagicVoltage | Requests Motion Magic® to target a final position using a motion profile |
CNeutralOut | Request neutral output of actuator |
CPositionDutyCycle | Request PID to target position with duty cycle feedforward |
CPositionTorqueCurrentFOC | Request PID to target position with torque current feedforward |
CPositionVoltage | Request PID to target position with voltage feedforward |
CStaticBrake | Applies full neutral-brake by shorting motor leads together |
CStrictFollower | Follow the motor output of another Talon while ignoring the master's invert setting |
CTorqueCurrentFOC | Request a specified motor current (field oriented control) |
CVelocityDutyCycle | Request PID to target velocity with duty cycle feedforward |
CVelocityTorqueCurrentFOC | Request PID to target velocity with torque current feedforward |
CVelocityVoltage | Request PID to target velocity with voltage feedforward |
CVoltageOut | Request a specified voltage |
►Nhardware | |
►Ncore | |
CCoreCANcoder | Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity |
CCorePigeon2 | Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation |
CCoreTalonFX | Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller that runs on associated Falcon motors |
CCANcoder | Class for CANcoder, a CAN based magnetic encoder that provides absolute and relative position along with filtered velocity |
CDeviceIdentifier | |
CParentDevice | Parent class for all devices |
CPigeon2 | Class description for the Pigeon 2 IMU sensor that measures orientation |
CTalonFX | Class description for the Talon FX integrated motor controller that runs on associated Falcon motors |
►Nnetworking | |
CWrappers | |
►Nsignals | |
CAbsoluteSensorRangeValue | The range of the absolute sensor, either [0, 1) or [-0.5, 0.5) |
CAppliedRotorPolarityValue | The applied rotor polarity |
CBridgeOuputValue | The applied output of the bridge |
CControlModeValue | The active control mode of the motor controller |
CDeviceEnableValue | True if the device is enabled |
CFeedbackSensorSourceValue | Choose what sensor source is reported via API and used by closed-loop and limit features |
CForwardLimitSourceValue | Determines where to poll the forward limit switch |
CForwardLimitTypeValue | Determines if limit is normally-open (default) or normally-closed |
CForwardLimitValue | Forward Limit Pin |
CFrcLockValue | True if device is locked by FRC |
CInvertedValue | Invert state of the device |
CIsPROLicensedValue | Whether the device is pro licensed or not |
CLed1OffColorValue | The Color of LED1 when it's "Off" |
CLed1OnColorValue | The Color of LED1 when it's "On" |
CLed2OffColorValue | The Color of LED2 when it's "Off" |
CLed2OnColorValue | The Color of LED2 when it's "On" |
CMagnetHealthValue | Magnet health as measured by CANcoder |
CMotionMagicIsRunningValue | Check if Motion Magic® is running |
CNeutralModeValue | The state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or disabled |
CReverseLimitSourceValue | Determines where to poll the reverse limit switch |
CReverseLimitTypeValue | Determines if limit is normally-open (default) or normally-closed |
CReverseLimitValue | Reverse Limit Pin |
CRobotEnableValue | True if the robot is enabled |
CSensorDirectionValue | Direction of the sensor to determine positive facing the LED side of the CANcoder |
CSystem_StateValue | System state of the device |
►Nsim | |
CCANcoderSimState | Class to control the state of a simulated hardware::CANcoder |
CPigeon2SimState | Class to control the state of a simulated hardware::Pigeon2 |
CTalonFXSimState | Class to control the state of a simulated hardware::TalonFX |
►Nspns | |
CSpnValue | Class that holds all the SPN values used in Phoenix Pro devices |
►Nwpiutils | |
CAutoFeedEnable | |
CCallbackHelper | |
CAllTimestamps | A collection of timestamps for a received signal |
CBaseStatusSignalValue | |
CISerializable | |
CSignalMeasurement | |
CStatusSignalValue | |
CTimestamp | Information about the timestamp of a signal |