95 ctre::phoenix::platform::DeviceType _type;
Definition CANCoder.h:233
Collection of simulation functions available to a CANCoder.
Definition CANCoderSimCollection.h:33
ErrorCode SetVelocity(int newVel)
Sets the simulated velocity of the CANCoder.
ErrorCode SetBusVoltage(double vbat)
Sets the simulated bus voltage of the CANCoder.
ErrorCode AddPosition(int dPos)
Adds to the simulated position of the CANCoder.
ErrorCode SetRawPosition(int newPos)
Sets the simulated raw position of the CANCoder.
CANCoderSimCollection(ctre::phoenix::sensors::CANCoder &canCoder)
Constructor for CANCoderSimCollection.
Definition ErrorCode.h:13
WPI Compliant CANcoder class.
Definition CANCoderStatusFrame.h:4