CTRE Phoenix 6 C++ 25.3.0
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Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (C) Cross The Road Electronics.  All rights reserved.
3 * License information can be found in CTRE_LICENSE.txt
4 * For support and suggestions contact support@ctr-electronics.com or file
5 * an issue tracker at https://github.com/CrossTheRoadElec/Phoenix-Releases
6 */
7#pragma once
12#include "units/force.h"
13#include "units/torque.h"
14#include <array>
16namespace ctre {
17namespace phoenix6 {
18namespace swerve {
19namespace impl {
22 * \brief All possible control requests for the module steer motor.
23 */
24enum class SteerRequestType {
25 /**
26 * \brief Control the drive motor using a Motion Magic® Expo request.
27 * The control output type is determined by SwerveModuleConstants#SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput.
28 */
30 /**
31 * \brief Control the drive motor using an unprofiled position request.
32 * The control output type is determined by SwerveModuleConstants#SteerMotorClosedLoopOutput.
33 */
34 Position = 1,
38 * \brief All possible control requests for the module drive motor.
39 */
40enum class DriveRequestType {
41 /**
42 * \brief Control the drive motor using an open-loop voltage request.
43 */
45 /**
46 * \brief Control the drive motor using a velocity closed-loop request.
47 * The control output type is determined by SwerveModuleConstants#DriveMotorClosedLoopOutput.
48 */
49 Velocity = 1,
53 * \brief Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by
54 * CTR Electronics devices.
55 *
56 * This class handles the hardware devices but does not configure them for
57 * swerve module operation using the Phoenix 6 API. Users should create a
58 * high-level SwerveModule instead of using this directly.
59 */
62 /**
63 * \brief Contains everything the swerve module needs to apply a request.
64 */
66 /**
67 * \brief Unoptimized speed and direction the module should target.
68 */
69 SwerveModuleState State{};
71 /**
72 * \brief Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the
73 * X direction. X is defined as forward according to WPILib
74 * convention, so this determines the forward force to apply.
75 *
76 * This force should include friction applied to the ground.
77 */
78 units::newton_t WheelForceFeedforwardX = 0_N;
79 /**
80 * \brief Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the
81 * Y direction. Y is defined as to the left according to WPILib
82 * convention, so this determines the force to apply to the left.
83 *
84 * This force should include friction applied to the ground.
85 */
86 units::newton_t WheelForceFeedforwardY = 0_N;
88 /**
89 * \brief The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
90 */
92 /**
93 * \brief The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
94 */
97 /**
98 * \brief The update period of the module request. Setting this to
99 * a non-zero value adds a velocity feedforward to the steer motor.
100 */
101 units::second_t UpdatePeriod = 0_s;
103 /**
104 * \brief When using Voltage-based control, set to true (default) to use FOC
105 * commutation (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%. Set to
106 * false to use trapezoidal commutation. This is ignored when using Torque-based
107 * control, which always uses FOC.
108 *
109 * FOC improves motor performance by leveraging torque (current) control.
110 * However, this may be inconvenient for applications that require specifying
111 * duty cycle or voltage. CTR-Electronics has developed a hybrid method that
112 * combines the performances gains of FOC while still allowing applications to
113 * provide duty cycle or voltage demand. This not to be confused with simple
114 * sinusoidal control or phase voltage control which lacks the performance
115 * gains.
116 */
117 bool EnableFOC = true;
119 /**
120 * \brief Modifies the State parameter and returns itself.
121 *
122 * Unoptimized speed and direction the module should target.
123 *
124 * \param newState Parameter to modify
125 * \returns Itself
126 */
127 ModuleRequest &WithState(SwerveModuleState newState)
128 {
129 this->State = std::move(newState);
130 return *this;
131 }
133 /**
134 * \brief Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardX parameter and returns itself.
135 *
136 * Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the
137 * X direction. X is defined as forward according to WPILib
138 * convention, so this determines the forward force to apply.
139 *
140 * This force should include friction.
141 *
142 * \param newWheelForceFeedforwardX Parameter to modify
143 * \returns Itself
144 */
145 ModuleRequest &WithWheelForceFeedforwardX(units::newton_t newWheelForceFeedforwardX)
146 {
147 this->WheelForceFeedforwardX = newWheelForceFeedforwardX;
148 return *this;
149 }
150 /**
151 * \brief Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardY parameter and returns itself.
152 *
153 * Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the
154 * Y direction. Y is defined as to the left according to WPILib
155 * convention, so this determines the force to apply to the left.
156 *
157 * This force should include friction.
158 *
159 * \param newWheelForceFeedforwardY Parameter to modify
160 * \returns Itself
161 */
162 ModuleRequest &WithWheelForceFeedforwardY(units::newton_t newWheelForceFeedforwardY)
163 {
164 this->WheelForceFeedforwardY = newWheelForceFeedforwardY;
165 return *this;
166 }
168 /**
169 * \brief Modifies the DriveRequest parameter and returns itself.
170 *
171 * The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
172 *
173 * \param newDriveRequest Parameter to modify
174 * \returns Itself
175 */
177 {
178 this->DriveRequest = newDriveRequest;
179 return *this;
180 }
181 /**
182 * \brief Modifies the SteerRequest parameter and returns itself.
183 *
184 * The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
185 *
186 * \param newSteerRequest Parameter to modify
187 * \returns Itself
188 */
190 {
191 this->SteerRequest = newSteerRequest;
192 return *this;
193 }
195 /**
196 * \brief Modifies the UpdatePeriod parameter and returns itself.
197 *
198 * The update period of the module request. Setting this to a
199 * non-zero value adds a velocity feedforward to the steer motor.
200 *
201 * \param newUpdatePeriod Parameter to modify
202 * \returns Itself
203 */
204 ModuleRequest &WithUpdatePeriod(units::second_t newUpdatePeriod)
205 {
206 this->UpdatePeriod = newUpdatePeriod;
207 return *this;
208 }
210 /**
211 * \brief Modifies the EnableFOC parameter and returns itself.
212 *
213 * When using Voltage-based control, set to true (default) to use FOC commutation
214 * (requires Phoenix Pro), which increases peak power by ~15%. Set to false to
215 * use trapezoidal commutation. This is ignored when using Torque-based control,
216 * which always uses FOC.
217 *
218 * FOC improves motor performance by leveraging torque (current) control.
219 * However, this may be inconvenient for applications that require specifying
220 * duty cycle or voltage. CTR-Electronics has developed a hybrid method that
221 * combines the performances gains of FOC while still allowing applications to
222 * provide duty cycle or voltage demand. This not to be confused with simple
223 * sinusoidal control or phase voltage control which lacks the performance
224 * gains.
225 *
226 * \param newEnableFOC Parameter to modify
227 * \returns Itself
228 */
229 ModuleRequest &WithEnableFOC(bool newEnableFOC)
230 {
231 this->EnableFOC = newEnableFOC;
232 return *this;
233 }
234 };
237 std::unique_ptr<hardware::traits::CommonTalon> _driveMotor;
238 std::unique_ptr<hardware::traits::CommonTalon> _steerMotor;
239 hardware::traits::CommonTalonWithFOC *_driveMotorFOC{};
240 hardware::traits::CommonTalonWithFOC *_steerMotorFOC{};
242 StatusSignal<units::turn_t> _drivePosition;
244 StatusSignal<units::turn_t> _steerPosition;
248 mutable StatusSignal<units::ampere_t> _driveMotorStallCurrent;
250 struct ModuleSupplem;
251 mutable std::unique_ptr<ModuleSupplem> _moduleSupplem;
253 ClosedLoopOutputType kDriveClosedLoopOutput;
254 ClosedLoopOutputType kSteerClosedLoopOutput;
256 using turns_per_meter = units::compound_unit<units::turns, units::inverse<units::meters>>;
257 using turns_per_meter_t = units::unit_t<turns_per_meter>;
259 turns_per_meter_t kDriveRotationsPerMeter;
260 units::meter_t kDriveNmPerWheelN;
261 units::scalar_t kCouplingRatioDriveRotorToEncoder;
262 units::meters_per_second_t kSpeedAt12Volts;
264 bool kIsOnCANFD;
266 SwerveModulePosition _currentPosition;
267 SwerveModuleState _targetState;
270 /**
271 * \brief Construct a SwerveModuleImpl with the specified constants.
272 *
273 * \param constants Constants used to construct the module
274 * \param canbus The CAN bus this module is on
275 */
276 template <typename DriveMotorConfigsT, typename SteerMotorConfigsT, typename EncoderConfigsT>
279 CANBus canbus
280 );
284 /**
285 * \brief Applies the desired ModuleRequest to this module.
286 *
287 * \param moduleRequest The request to apply to this module
288 */
289 void Apply(ModuleRequest const &moduleRequest);
291 /**
292 * \brief Controls this module using the specified drive and steer control requests.
293 *
294 * This is intended only to be used for characterization of the robot; do not use this for normal use.
295 *
296 * \param driveRequest The control request to apply to the drive motor
297 * \param steerRequest The control request to apply to the steer motor
298 */
299 template <typename DriveReq, typename SteerReq>
300 void Apply(DriveReq &&driveRequest, SteerReq &&steerRequest)
301 {
302 if (_driveMotorFOC) {
303 _driveMotorFOC->SetControl(driveRequest.WithUpdateFreqHz(0_Hz));
304 } else {
305 _driveMotor->SetControl(driveRequest.WithUpdateFreqHz(0_Hz));
306 }
308 if (_steerMotorFOC) {
309 _steerMotorFOC->SetControl(steerRequest.WithUpdateFreqHz(0_Hz));
310 } else {
311 _steerMotor->SetControl(steerRequest.WithUpdateFreqHz(0_Hz));
312 }
313 }
315 /**
316 * \brief Configures the neutral mode to use for the module's drive motor.
317 *
318 * \param neutralMode The drive motor neutral mode
319 * \param timeoutSeconds Maximum amount of time to wait when performing configuration
320 * \returns Status code response of the request
321 */
322 ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ConfigNeutralMode(signals::NeutralModeValue neutralMode, units::second_t timeoutSeconds = 0.100_s);
324 /**
325 * \brief Gets the state of this module and passes it back as a
326 * SwerveModulePosition object with latency compensated values.
327 *
328 * This function is blocking when it performs a refresh.
329 *
330 * \param refresh True if the signals should be refreshed
331 * \returns SwerveModulePosition containing this module's state.
332 */
333 SwerveModulePosition GetPosition(bool refresh);
335 /**
336 * \brief Gets the last cached swerve module position.
337 * This differs from #GetPosition in that it will not
338 * perform any latency compensation or refresh the signals.
339 *
340 * \returns Last cached SwerveModulePosition
341 */
342 SwerveModulePosition GetCachedPosition() const { return _currentPosition; }
344 /**
345 * \brief Get the current state of the module.
346 *
347 * This is typically used for telemetry, as the SwerveModulePosition
348 * is used for odometry.
349 *
350 * \returns Current state of the module
351 */
352 SwerveModuleState GetCurrentState() const
353 {
354 return SwerveModuleState{_driveVelocity.GetValue() / kDriveRotationsPerMeter, {_steerPosition.GetValue()}};
355 }
357 /**
358 * \brief Get the target state of the module.
359 *
360 * This is typically used for telemetry.
361 *
362 * \returns Target state of the module
363 */
364 SwerveModuleState GetTargetState() const { return _targetState; }
366 /**
367 * \brief Resets this module's drive motor position to 0 rotations.
368 */
370 {
371 /* Only touch drive pos, not steer */
372 _driveMotor->SetPosition(0_tr);
373 }
375 /**
376 * \brief Gets the closed-loop output type to use for the drive motor.
377 *
378 * \returns Drive motor closed-loop output type
379 */
381 {
382 return kDriveClosedLoopOutput;
383 }
385 /**
386 * \brief Gets the closed-loop output type to use for the steer motor.
387 *
388 * \returns Steer motor closed-loop output type
389 */
391 {
392 return kSteerClosedLoopOutput;
393 }
396 /**
397 * \brief Collection of all possible torque feedforward outputs that
398 * can be applied to the motor for a given wheel force feedforward.
399 */
400 struct MotorTorqueFeedforwards {
401 units::newton_meter_t torque;
402 units::ampere_t torqueCurrent;
403 units::volt_t voltage;
404 };
406 units::turns_per_second_t ApplyVelocityCorrections(units::turns_per_second_t velocity, units::turn_t targetAngle) const;
407 MotorTorqueFeedforwards CalculateMotorTorqueFeedforwards(
408 units::newton_t wheelForceFeedforwardX,
409 units::newton_t wheelForceFeedforwardY
410 ) const;
414 std::array<BaseStatusSignal *, 4> GetSignals()
415 {
416 return std::array<BaseStatusSignal *, 4>{&_drivePosition, &_driveVelocity, &_steerPosition, &_steerVelocity};
417 }
Class for getting information about an available CAN bus.
Definition CANBus.hpp:19
Represents a status signal with data of type T, and operations available to retrieve information abou...
Definition StatusSignal.hpp:656
T GetValue() const
Gets the cached value from this status signal.
Definition StatusSignal.hpp:758
Contains everything common between Talon motor controllers that support FOC (requires Phoenix Pro).
Definition CommonTalonWithFOC.hpp:27
virtual ctre::phoenix::StatusCode SetControl(const controls::TorqueCurrentFOC &request)=0
Request a specified motor current (field oriented control).
The state of the motor controller bridge when output is neutral or disabled.
Definition SpnEnums.hpp:2303
Swerve Drive class utilizing CTR Electronics Phoenix 6 API.
Definition SwerveDrivetrainImpl.hpp:30
Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by CTR Electronics devices.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:60
SwerveModuleState GetCurrentState() const
Get the current state of the module.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:352
SwerveModuleImpl(SwerveModuleConstants< DriveMotorConfigsT, SteerMotorConfigsT, EncoderConfigsT > const &constants, CANBus canbus)
Construct a SwerveModuleImpl with the specified constants.
ClosedLoopOutputType GetSteerClosedLoopOutputType() const
Gets the closed-loop output type to use for the steer motor.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:390
SwerveModuleState GetTargetState() const
Get the target state of the module.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:364
void Apply(ModuleRequest const &moduleRequest)
Applies the desired ModuleRequest to this module.
void Apply(DriveReq &&driveRequest, SteerReq &&steerRequest)
Controls this module using the specified drive and steer control requests.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:300
ClosedLoopOutputType GetDriveClosedLoopOutputType() const
Gets the closed-loop output type to use for the drive motor.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:380
SwerveModulePosition GetPosition(bool refresh)
Gets the state of this module and passes it back as a SwerveModulePosition object with latency compen...
ctre::phoenix::StatusCode ConfigNeutralMode(signals::NeutralModeValue neutralMode, units::second_t timeoutSeconds=0.100_s)
Configures the neutral mode to use for the module's drive motor.
void ResetPosition()
Resets this module's drive motor position to 0 rotations.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:369
SwerveModulePosition GetCachedPosition() const
Gets the last cached swerve module position.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:342
Status codes reported by APIs, including OK, warnings, and errors.
Definition StatusCodes.h:27
All possible control requests for the module steer motor.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:24
@ MotionMagicExpo
Control the drive motor using a Motion Magic® Expo request.
@ Position
Control the drive motor using an unprofiled position request.
All possible control requests for the module drive motor.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:40
@ Velocity
Control the drive motor using a velocity closed-loop request.
@ OpenLoopVoltage
Control the drive motor using an open-loop voltage request.
Supported closed-loop output types.
Definition SwerveModuleConstants.hpp:25
Definition MotionMagicExpoTorqueCurrentFOC.hpp:18
All constants for a swerve module.
Definition SwerveModuleConstants.hpp:154
Contains everything the swerve module needs to apply a request.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:65
ModuleRequest & WithSteerRequest(SteerRequestType newSteerRequest)
Modifies the SteerRequest parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:189
DriveRequestType DriveRequest
The type of control request to use for the drive motor.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:91
units::newton_t WheelForceFeedforwardY
Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the Y direction.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:86
units::second_t UpdatePeriod
The update period of the module request.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:101
ModuleRequest & WithEnableFOC(bool newEnableFOC)
Modifies the EnableFOC parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:229
ModuleRequest & WithWheelForceFeedforwardY(units::newton_t newWheelForceFeedforwardY)
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardY parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:162
SteerRequestType SteerRequest
The type of control request to use for the steer motor.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:95
ModuleRequest & WithDriveRequest(DriveRequestType newDriveRequest)
Modifies the DriveRequest parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:176
bool EnableFOC
When using Voltage-based control, set to true (default) to use FOC commutation (requires Phoenix Pro)...
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:117
ModuleRequest & WithState(SwerveModuleState newState)
Modifies the State parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:127
ModuleRequest & WithWheelForceFeedforwardX(units::newton_t newWheelForceFeedforwardX)
Modifies the WheelForceFeedforwardX parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:145
units::newton_t WheelForceFeedforwardX
Robot-centric wheel force feedforward to apply in the X direction.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:78
SwerveModuleState State
Unoptimized speed and direction the module should target.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:69
ModuleRequest & WithUpdatePeriod(units::second_t newUpdatePeriod)
Modifies the UpdatePeriod parameter and returns itself.
Definition SwerveModuleImpl.hpp:204