CTRE Phoenix 6 C++ 25.0.0-beta-4
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ctre::phoenix6::swerve::impl Namespace Reference


class  SwerveDriveKinematics
 Class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual module states (speed and angle). More...
class  SwerveDriveOdometry
 Class for swerve drive odometry. More...
class  SwerveDrivePoseEstimator
 This class wraps Swerve Drive Odometry to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with swerve drive encoder distance measurements. More...
class  SwerveDrivetrainImpl
 Swerve Drive class utilizing CTR Electronics Phoenix 6 API. More...
class  SwerveModuleImpl
 Swerve Module class that encapsulates a swerve module powered by CTR Electronics devices. More...