
Module Contents#

class phoenix6.canbus.CANBusStatus#

Contains status information about a CAN bus.

status: phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode#

Status code response of getting the data

bus_utilization: float = 0#

CAN bus utilization, from 0.0 to 1.0

bus_off_count: int = 0#

Bus off count

tx_full_count: int = 0#

Transmit buffer full count

rec: int = 0#

Receive Error Counter (REC)

tec: int = 0#

Transmit Error Counter (TEC)

class phoenix6.canbus.CANBus(canbus: str = '', hoot_filepath: str | None = None)#

Class for getting information about an available CAN bus.

A CANBus can optionally be constructed with an associated hoot file, which loads it for replay (equivalent to calling HootReplay.load_file).

Only one hoot log may be replayed at a time, so only one CAN bus should be constructed with a hoot file.

When using relative paths, the file path is typically relative to the top-level folder of the robot project.

  • canbus (str, optional) –

    Name of the CAN bus. Possible CAN bus strings are:

    • ”rio” for the native roboRIO CAN bus

    • CANivore name or serial number

    • SocketCAN interface (non-FRC Linux only)

    • ”*” for any CANivore seen by the program

    • empty string (default) to select the default for the system:

      • ”rio” on roboRIO

      • ”can0” on Linux

      • ”*” on Windows

  • hoot_filepath (str | None, optional) – Path and name of the hoot file to load

property name: str#

Get the name used to construct this CAN bus.


Name of the CAN bus

Return type:


is_network_fd() bool#

Gets whether the CAN bus is a CAN FD network.


True if the CAN bus is CAN FD

Return type:


get_status() CANBusStatus#

Gets the status of the CAN bus, including the bus utilization and the error counters.

This can block for up to 0.001 seconds (1 ms).


Status of the CAN bus

Return type:
