Module Contents#
- class phoenix6.canbus.CANBusStatus#
Contains status information about a CAN bus.
- status: phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode#
Status code response of getting the data
- bus_utilization: float = 0#
CAN bus utilization, from 0.0 to 1.0
- bus_off_count: int = 0#
Bus off count
- tx_full_count: int = 0#
Transmit buffer full count
- rec: int = 0#
Receive Error Counter (REC)
- tec: int = 0#
Transmit Error Counter (TEC)
- class phoenix6.canbus.CANBus(canbus: str = '', hoot_filepath: str | None = None)#
Class for getting information about an available CAN bus.
A CANBus can optionally be constructed with an associated hoot file, which loads it for replay (equivalent to calling HootReplay.load_file).
Only one hoot log may be replayed at a time, so only one CAN bus should be constructed with a hoot file.
When using relative paths, the file path is typically relative to the top-level folder of the robot project.
- Parameters:
canbus (str, optional) –
Name of the CAN bus. Possible CAN bus strings are:
”rio” for the native roboRIO CAN bus
CANivore name or serial number
SocketCAN interface (non-FRC Linux only)
”*” for any CANivore seen by the program
empty string (default) to select the default for the system:
”rio” on roboRIO
”can0” on Linux
”*” on Windows
hoot_filepath (str | None, optional) – Path and name of the hoot file to load
- property name: str#
Get the name used to construct this CAN bus.
- Returns:
Name of the CAN bus
- Return type:
- is_network_fd() bool #
Gets whether the CAN bus is a CAN FD network.
- Returns:
True if the CAN bus is CAN FD
- Return type:
- get_status() CANBusStatus #
Gets the status of the CAN bus, including the bus utilization and the error counters.
This can block for up to 0.001 seconds (1 ms).
- Returns:
Status of the CAN bus
- Return type: