
Module Contents

class phoenix6.sim.talon_fxs_sim_state.TalonFXSSimState(device: phoenix6.hardware.core.core_talon_fxs.CoreTalonFXS, motor_orientation: phoenix6.sim.chassis_reference.ChassisReference = ChassisReference.CounterClockwise_Positive, ext_sensor_orientation: phoenix6.sim.chassis_reference.ChassisReference = ChassisReference.CounterClockwise_Positive)

Creates an object to control the state of a simulated TalonFXS.

Note the recommended method of accessing simulation features is to use TalonFXS.sim_state.

  • device (CoreTalonFXS) – Device to which this simulation state is attached

  • motor_orientation – Orientation of the motor (and commutation sensor) relative to the robot chassis

  • ext_sensor_orientation (ChassisReference) – Orientation of the external sensor relative to the robot chassis

property last_status_code: phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode

Gets the last status code generated by a simulation function.

Not all functions return a status code but can potentially report errors. This function can be used to retrieve those status codes.


Last status code generated by a simulation function

Return type:


property motor_voltage: phoenix6.units.volt

Gets the simulated output voltage of the motor.


Voltage applied to the motor in Volts

Return type:


property torque_current: phoenix6.units.ampere

Gets the simulated output torque current of the motor.

Phoenix 6 simulation automatically calculates current.


Torque current applied to the motor in Amperes

Return type:


property supply_current: phoenix6.units.ampere

Gets the simulated supply current of the TalonFXS.

Phoenix 6 simulation automatically calculates current.


Supply current of the TalonFXS in Amperes

Return type:


The orientation of the motor attached to the TalonFXS relative

to the robot chassis. This include the Commutation sensor source.

This value should not be changed based on the TalonFXS invert. Rather, this value should be changed when the mechanical linkage between the motor and the robot changes.


The orientation of an external sensor attached to the TalonFXS relative to the robot chassis. This does NOT include the Commutation sensor source.

This value should not be changed based on the TalonFXS invert. Rather, this value should be changed when the mechanical linkage between the external sensor and the robot changes.

quadrature_edges_per_rotation: int = 4096

The number of quadrature edges per sensor rotation for an external quadrature sensor attached to the TalonFXS.

set_supply_voltage(volts: phoenix6.units.volt) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode

Sets the simulated supply voltage of the TalonFXS.

The minimum allowed supply voltage is 4 V - values below this will be promoted to 4 V.


volts (volt) – The supply voltage in Volts


Status code

Return type:


set_forward_limit(closed: bool) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode

Sets the simulated forward limit switch of the TalonFXS.


closed (bool) – Whether the limit switch is closed


Status code

Return type:


set_reverse_limit(closed: bool) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode

Sets the simulated reverse limit switch of the TalonFXS.


closed (bool) – Whether the limit switch is closed


Status code

Return type:


set_raw_rotor_position(rotations: phoenix6.units.rotation) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated raw rotor position of the TalonFXS. This is the position

of the rotor (before gear ratio) used for the Commutation feedback source.

Inputs to this function over time should be continuous, as user calls of TalonFXS.set_position will be accounted for in the callee.

The TalonFXS integrates this to calculate the true reported rotor position.

When using the WPI Sim GUI, you will notice a readonly position and settable rawPositionInput. The readonly signal is the emulated position which will match self-test in Tuner and the hardware API. Changes to rawPositionInput will be integrated into the emulated position. This way a simulator can modify the position without overriding hardware API calls for home-ing the sensor.


rotations (rotation) – The raw position in rotations


Status code

Return type:


add_rotor_position(drotations: phoenix6.units.rotation) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Adds to the simulated rotor position of the TalonFXS. This adds to the position

of the rotor (before gear ratio) used for the Commutation feedback source.


drotations (rotation) – The change in position in rotations


Status code

Return type:


set_rotor_velocity(rps: phoenix6.units.rotations_per_second) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated rotor velocity of the TalonFXS. This is the velocity

of the rotor (before gear ratio) used for the Commutation feedback source.


rps (rotations_per_second) – The new velocity in rotations per second


Status code

Return type:


set_rotor_acceleration(rpss: phoenix6.units.rotations_per_second_squared) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated rotor acceleration of the TalonFXS. This is the acceleration

of the rotor (before gear ratio) used for the Commutation feedback source.


rpss (rotations_per_second_squared) – The new acceleration in rotations per second²


Status code

Return type:


set_raw_quadrature_position(rotations: phoenix6.units.rotation) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated raw quadrature position of the TalonFXS. This is the position

of an external quadrature encoder after any gear ratio between the rotor and the sensor.

Inputs to this function over time should be continuous, as user calls of TalonFXS.set_position will be accounted for in the callee.

The TalonFXS integrates this to calculate the true reported quadrature position.

When using the WPI Sim GUI, you will notice a readonly position and settable rawPositionInput. The readonly signal is the emulated position which will match self-test in Tuner and the hardware API. Changes to rawPositionInput will be integrated into the emulated position. This way a simulator can modify the position without overriding hardware API calls for home-ing the sensor.


rotations (rotation) – The raw position in rotations


Status code

Return type:


add_quadrature_position(drotations: phoenix6.units.rotation) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Adds to the simulated quadrature position of the TalonFXS. This adds to the position

of an external quadrature encoder after any gear ratio between the rotor and the sensor.


drotations (rotation) – The change in position in rotations


Status code

Return type:


set_quadrature_velocity(rps: phoenix6.units.rotations_per_second) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated quadrature velocity of the TalonFXS. This is the velocity

of an external quadrature encoder after any gear ratio between the rotor and the sensor.


rps (rotations_per_second) – The new velocity in rotations per second


Status code

Return type:


set_quadrature_acceleration(rpss: phoenix6.units.rotations_per_second_squared) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated quadrature acceleration of the TalonFXS. This is the acceleration

of an external quadrature encoder after any gear ratio between the rotor and the sensor.


rpss (rotations_per_second_squared) – The new acceleration in rotations per second²


Status code

Return type:


set_pulse_width_position(rotations: phoenix6.units.rotation) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated pulse width position of the TalonFXS. This is the position

of an external PWM encoder after any gear ratio between the rotor and the sensor.


rotations (rotation) – The new position in rotations


Status code

Return type:


set_pulse_width_velocity(rps: phoenix6.units.rotations_per_second) phoenix6.status_code.StatusCode
Sets the simulated pulse width velocity of the TalonFXS. This is the position

of an external PWM encoder after any gear ratio between the rotor and the sensor.


rps (rotations_per_second) – The new velocity in rotations per second


Status code

Return type:
