All Classes
Class | Description |
AbsoluteSensorRange | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
Animation |
The base class for all animations that CANdle supports.
AutocacheState |
Keeps track of cache state
BaseMotorController |
Base motor controller features for all CTRE CAN motor controllers.
BaseMotorControllerConfiguration |
Configurables available to base motor controllers
BasePIDSetConfiguration |
Base set of configurables related to PID
BasePigeon |
Pigeon IMU Class.
BasePigeonSimCollection | |
BaseTalon |
CTRE Talon SRX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
BaseTalonConfiguration |
Configurables available to TalonSRX
BaseTalonPIDSetConfiguration |
Configurables available to TalonSRX's PID
BaseTalonPIDSetConfigUtil |
Util class to help with TalonSRX's PID configs
BufferedTrajectoryPointStream |
Stream of trajectory points for Talon/Victor motion profiling.
BuffTrajPointStreamJNI | |
ButtonMonitor |
Class to handle button events
ButtonMonitor.IButtonPressEventHandler |
Interface for classes that handle button events
CANCoder | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
CANCoderConfiguration | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
CANCoderFaults | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
CANCoderJNI | |
CANCoderSimCollection | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
CANCoderStatusFrame | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
CANCoderStickyFaults | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
CANdle |
Device for controlling LEDs from the CAN bus.
CANdle.LEDStripType |
The various LED types that the CANdle can support
CANdle.VBatOutputMode |
The various methods of managing the VBat output behavior
CANdleConfiguration |
Configurables available to CANdle
CANdleControlFrame |
CANdle control frame
CANdleFaults |
Faults the CANdle can have
CANdleStatusFrame |
The various status frames from CANdle
CANdleStickyFaults |
Sticky Faults the CANdle can have
CANifier |
Device for interfacing common devices to the CAN bus.
CANifier.GeneralPin |
General IO Pins on the CANifier
CANifier.LEDChannel |
Enum for the LED Output Channels
CANifier.PinValues |
Class to hold the pin values.
CANifier.PWMChannel |
Enum for the PWM Input Channels
CANifierConfiguration |
Configurables available to CANifier
CANifierControlFrame |
Control Frames for CANifier
CANifierFaults |
Faults available to CANifier (Currently has none)
CANifierJNI | |
CANifierJNI.GeneralPin | |
CANifierStatusFrame |
Status frames for CANifier
CANifierStickyFaults |
Sticky Faults for CANifier (Currently has none)
ColorFlowAnimation |
Animation that gradually lights the entire LED strip one LED at a time.
ColorFlowAnimation.Direction |
What direction does the color go
ConcurrentScheduler |
Scheduler that wil run its ILoopables in concurrency
ControlFrame |
Control Frames for motor controllers
ControlFrameEnhanced |
Control Frames for enhanced motor controllers
ControlMode |
Choose the control mode for a motor controller.
CTREJNIWrapper | |
CustomParamConfiguration |
Configurables for any custom param configs
CustomParamConfigUtil |
Util class to help custom configs
DemandType |
Choose the demand type for the 4 param set
DeviceType |
Devices available to Sim
ErrorCode |
All the codes available to CTRE products
ErrorCollection |
Class to handle multiple error codes
Faults |
All the faults available to motor controllers
FeedbackDevice |
Choose the feedback device for a selected sensor.
FilterConfiguration |
Configurations for filters
FireAnimation |
Animation that looks similarly to a flame flickering
FollowerType |
Choose the type of follower
GadgeteerUartClient |
Interface for uart gadgeteer devices
GadgeteerUartClient.GadgeteerConnection |
Method of connection to gadgeteer
GadgeteerUartClient.GadgeteerProxyType |
Device connected to gadgeteer
GadgeteerUartClient.GadgeteerUartStatus |
The status of the gadgeteer device
GroupMotorControllers |
Group of motor controllers
IFollower |
Interface for followers
IInvertable |
Interface for invertable objects
ILoopable |
Interface for loopable objects
IMotorController |
Interface for motor controllers
IMotorControllerEnhanced |
Interface for enhanced motor controllers
InvertType |
Choose the invert type of the motor controller.
IOutputSignal |
Interface for output signals
LarsonAnimation |
Animation that sends a pocket of light across the LED strip.
LarsonAnimation.BounceMode |
How the pocket of light behaves when it reaches the end of the strip
LimitSwitchNormal |
Choose whether the limit switch is normally
open or normally closed
LimitSwitchSource |
Choose the limit switch source for a motor controller
Logger |
Object to handle error logging
MagnetFieldStrength | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
MotControllerJNI | |
MotionProfileStatus |
Motion Profile Status This is simply a data transer object.
MotorCommutation | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
NeutralMode |
Choose the neutral mode for a motor controller
Orchestra |
An Orchestra is used to play music through Talon FX motor controllers.
ParamEnum |
All the params available to Phoenix
Pigeon2 | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
Pigeon2_Faults | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
Pigeon2_StickyFaults | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
Pigeon2.AxisDirection |
Enumerations for what primary axis to talk about
Positive indicates in the direction, negative indicates in the opposite direction
Pigeon2Configuration | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
PigeonIMU |
Pigeon IMU Class.
PigeonIMU_ControlFrame |
Enumerated type for control frame types.
PigeonIMU_Faults |
Faults available to Pigeon (Currently has none)
PigeonIMU_StatusFrame |
Enumerated types for frame rate ms.
PigeonIMU_StickyFaults |
Sticky faults available to Pigeon (Currently has none)
PigeonIMU.CalibrationMode |
Various calibration modes supported by Pigeon.
PigeonIMU.FusionStatus |
Data object for holding fusion information.
PigeonIMU.GeneralStatus |
Data object for status on current calibration and general status.
PigeonIMU.PigeonState |
Overall state of the Pigeon.
PigeonIMUConfiguration |
Configurables available to Pigeon
PigeonImuJNI | |
PlatformCAN |
Configures the can interface for API
PlatformCANJNI | |
PlatformJNI | |
RainbowAnimation |
Animation that creates a rainbow throughout all the LEDs
RemoteFeedbackDevice |
Choose the remote feedback device for a motor controller
RemoteLimitSwitchSource |
Choose the remote limit switch source for a motor controller
RemoteSensorSource |
Choose the remote sensor source for a motor controller
RgbFadeAnimation |
Animation that fades all the LEDs of a strip simultaneously between Red, Green, and Blue
SensorCollection |
Collection of sensors available to a motor controller.
SensorInitializationStrategy | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
SensorTerm |
Choose the sensor term for a motor controller
SensorTimeBase | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
SensorVelocityMeasPeriod |
Enum for velocity periods used for CANifier
SequentialScheduler |
Scheduler that will run its ILoopables in sequence
SetValueMotionProfile |
Choose what value to set to the motion profile
SingleFadeAnimation |
Animation that fades into and out of a specified color
SlotConfiguration |
Configurables available to a slot
StatorCurrentLimitConfiguration | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
StatusFrame |
The different status frames available to motor controllers
StatusFrameEnhanced |
The different status frames available to enhanced motor controllers
StickyFaults |
All the sticky faults available to motor controllers
StopWatch |
Stopwatch to track time in milliseconds
StrobeAnimation |
Animation that strobes the LEDs a specified color
SupplyCurrentLimitConfiguration |
Supply-side current limiting.
TalonFX | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXConfiguration | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXControlMode | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXFeedbackDevice | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXInvertType | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXPIDSetConfiguration | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXSensorCollection | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonFXSimCollection | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
TalonSRX |
CTRE Talon SRX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
TalonSRXConfiguration |
Configurables available to TalonSRX
TalonSRXControlMode |
Choose the control mode for a TalonSRX.
TalonSRXFeedbackDevice |
Choose the feedback device for a selected sensor
TalonSRXPIDSetConfiguration |
Configurables available to TalonSRX's PID
TalonSRXSimCollection |
Collection of simulation commands available to a TalonSRX motor controller.
TrajectoryPoint |
Motion Profile Trajectory Point This is simply a data transfer object.
TwinkleAnimation |
Animation that randomly turns LEDs on and off to a certain color
TwinkleAnimation.TwinklePercent |
The percentage of LEDs that are allowed to be on at any one point
TwinkleOffAnimation |
Animation that randomly turns on LEDs, until it reaches the maximum count and turns them all off
TwinkleOffAnimation.TwinkleOffPercent |
The maximum percentage of LEDs that are allowed to turn on
Unmanaged |
Handles enabling when used in a non-FRC manner
UnmanagedJNI | |
Util |
Class with basic utility methods
VelocityMeasPeriod | Deprecated. |
VelocityPeriod | Deprecated. |
VictorSPX |
VEX Victor SPX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
VictorSPXConfiguration |
Configurables available to VictorSPX
VictorSPXControlMode |
Choose the control mode for a VictorSPX.
VictorSPXPIDSetConfiguration |
Configs available to VictorSPX's PID
VictorSPXPIDSetConfigUtil |
Util class to help with VictorSPX's PID configs
VictorSPXSimCollection |
Collection of simulation commands available to a VictorSPX motor controller.
WPI_AutoFeedEnable | |
WPI_CallbackHelper | |
WPI_CANCoder | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
WPI_MotorSafetyImplem |
implem of MotorSafety interface in WPI.
WPI_Pigeon2 | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
WPI_PigeonIMU | |
WPI_TalonFX | Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This device's Phoenix 5 API is deprecated for removal in the
2025 season.
WPI_TalonSRX |
CTRE Talon SRX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
WPI_VictorSPX |
VEX Victor SPX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.